
Memoяγ Sєcяєтs [CLOSED] Shattered [Rival band - CLOSED]

Ok, I'm geting a little impatient onthis waiting thing xD I will reveal the Memoяγ members now. (I skipped the last teaser xD but I will post it on the new link.)

Name: Baek, Miko Mei
Nickname: Mei Mei
Stage Name: Miko/Double-M
Age: 19
Position: Main Vocalist/Image of Memoяγ & Leader
Persona: Uptight Umma, Ice Aegyo Princess.
Partner: Lee Suhoon/Mika [20]
Personality: Funny, random forgetful girl. She tends to say things without thinking it over. She can't cook but she tries her best. She's violent but not too much. She's competitive and short tempered, she can be a bit of a hot head when she doens't get things her way. She hates it when people annoys her or when she has to repeat herself multiple times. She's a fun and bubbly kind of girl inside but on the outer appreance she tends to keep up the image of a cold and mean girl so people tneds to stay away from her alot. She's waiting for a true friend who can see pass her fake image of a mean and vicious girl and befriend her.

Name: Kim Katsuki
Nickname: Katchan
Stage Name: Tsuki/Moon
Age: 18
Position: Main Dancer/Choreographer  
Persona: Copy Cat, unpredictable child
Partner: Karam [19]
Personality: She has seriously mood swing. She's childish basically She's the type who do immature things according to her age, but behind all of that she is understand and have wide knowledge about many things. She always looks cheerful, but she's really lonely. She hides her feeling inside not wanting for others to know. She doesn't like competitive but she always do her best to reach the top, not to be very self praise but she is smart, she has good memory, and can do things just by looking at it. She's a good copycat. She loves her friends and family very much. Though she look strong, she's fragile.she's a good friend and a worse enemy. She's an AB, she's unpredictable.

Name: Choi ChaRi
Nickname: dwaegi girl
Stage Name: Rina
Age: 18
Position: Main Rapper/Supporting dancer
Persona: The sweet understanding nice guy.
Partner: Hyunmin [19]
Personality: Sort of badass- but a nice up-beat badass. She has a good tendency to help people, and hates listening to other people. She prefers going her own way when it comes to decisions. Although she may spurt the tomboy look - she's very feminine in her own ways.

Name: Nam Cindy
Nickname: Soshii/CookieMooMoo
Stage Name: Soshii
Age: 17
Lead Vocalist/ Image of Memoяγ
Persona: Lovey-dovey, cute & bubbly
In Joon [18]
Personality:  She loves to take pictures. Her camera's name is MoMo. She likes to name things. Did I metion she is VERY random? She's really nice, but can easily defend *hit/punch/kick/kill* if mad. She has a short temper, but she is patient. She is still waiting for the "one" so she is a bit cranky at times.. Considering her school friends are all dating. ( She falls in love. She has no ideal type. She falls in love if it's the "one".

Name: Kim ChaeRi
Nickname: Eka
Stage Name:
Age: 15
Lead Dancer/Supporting Vocals
Persona: Poping Princess/Outgoing Maknae
Jay [16]
She is a very funny, crazy, hyper, bubbly, outgoing girl that is very likable, approachable, and easy to get along with. Although she is so friendly and nice, it's very easy to become close with her but hard to get very deep emotions out of her. She puts up a shield from others because she believes that all good things come to an end, so she just shouldn't let too good of things happen because she's scared of the loss of the good thing or event or whatever. She pretends to be strong and like nothing's wrong all the time when she's actually an emotional girl that overanalyzes just about everything. She is a very humorous, sarcastic person that can have anyone cracking up in seconds. She's also a very witty person that is good at talking. She doesn't expect much from guys at all because she only cares about how much effort and time they put into trying to make her happy. She is very hard on herself and often criticizes herself a lot. She uses dance as an escape from the real world. She is very competitive when it comes to dancing. She may be an angel off stage but once she starts dancing on stage, she'll step on you like crap, so get ready to BRING IT ON! She doesn't like being looked down on just because she's young. She intimidates people to get things her way with minor things. It's her secret weapon. She mostly uses it to get the things she want, so don't give up easily. Her wink is her special talent and everyone asks her to do it all the time, it can lure you in her devious trap. She listens to her elders very well and is a girl with very well developed manners. She has a very big heart even if it doesn't show much. She is a hard person to figure out and doesn’t like to be predictable. She'll speak her mind whenever, but knows when to draw the line. She's a talker so it's very fun to be around her and she has her "moments" when she makes no sense. She's a mood-maker when she wants to be and tends to be intimidating at times despite her young age. She likes being around guys better because she doesn't like girls and their drama. She likes playing sports or video games or just plain messing around. She pretends like she knows everything, but she's just actually totally silly and oblivious.

Okay so here are the results~ Congratz to the choosen ones~

Heres the new link, continue to apply for Shattered team!!!

Hope all my reader s continue to read!

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Kyaaa! YeaaH! I made it!! >< I'm sooo happy! <33<br />
Name: Hwa Mina<br />
Age: 20<br />
Position: Lead Dancer/Supporting Vocalist <br />
Partner to Steal: Karam<br />
Appearance: &<br /><br />
Persona: The childish/crazy Umma/ Party animal
xute_angel97 #3
Name: Jung Sujin<br />
<br />
Nickname: Crystal (american name), pikachu<br />
<br />
Stage Name: Cyrstal<br />
<br />
Age: 15<br />
<br />
Nationality: korean american<br />
<br />
Personality: shy, sensitive, funny, cute tomboy. She gets into shy mode when she meets someone new, but when she knows someone or is on stage, she is very fun and hyper. She'll always stand up for her friends and won't mind throwing some punches.<br />
<br />
Family Background: F(x) Krystal's twin sister. She stayed in america the longest. She was the one in SHINee's juliette mv cause krystal was sick. The only people who know are her family and lee soo man. she is the youngest in the family. <br />
<br />
Likes: singing, dancing, rapping, composing, sports<br />
<br />
Dislikes: mean people, snobs, s, spoiled brats, every bad person, cats (allergic)<br />
<br />
Hobbies: same as likes<br />
<br />
Habbits: puffing cheeks, biting lip
PeaceNiq #4
Aww, too bad I didn't make it. LOL you can add me in whenever you want in the story. HAHA. Minor doesn't necessarily means it is a bad thing. XD
xute_angel97 #5
Appearnce: (i hope you don't mind that they aren't ulzzangs, but i ALWAYS do this person or Sohyun from 4minute)<br /> (go down til u see krystal)<br /><br /><br /> <br />
<br />
Position: lead vocal/ image of Memory<br />
Main Rapper/ Supporting Dancer<br />
<br />
Partner: JAY*<br />
Karam<br />
<br />
Persona: shy girl around new people or in public, charismatic fun and active on stage and with people she knows.<br />
<br />
Trainee history: was featured in STARZ, korean reality show that looks for the next big thing. She won first place and was offered a contract. She was featured in Shinee's juliette music video. She did it for Krystal who was sick and only lee soo man, Krystal, Jessica, and Crystal know it. She was a last minut addition and trained the least but was still talented since her sisters helped her.<br />
<br />
*if i dont make the final cut, than can i be in [RIVAL]<br />
Good Luck on your fanfic~<br />
Ahhh ! 1st cut >< I hope my character makes it. So nerve wraking!!
PeaceNiq #7
Apply:<br />
<br />
Name: Shim Shinae <br />
<br />
Nickname: NiqNiq<br />
<br />
Stage Name: Haniq 하닉<br />
<br />
Age: 18<br />
<br />
Nationality: Singaporean, but her race is Korean<br />
<br />
Personality: <br />
Cold towards strangers. Has a complete different personality once people get to know her as she talks a lot. <br />
When she's sad, she just keeps quiet and do what others tell her to do though normally she would whine about it. <br />
When she's angry, she grabs a paper from her bag and tear it to pieces. <br />
Very caring towards her special ones like family, lover and group members.<br />
Can be annoying at times and always the troublemaker.<br />
<br />
Family Background: Older brother, CHANGMIN(DBSK). Younger brother<br />
<br />
Likes: Candy(lollipops, wrapped candies, marshmallows), Singing, rapping, playing with her long hair, playing with her clarinet<br />
<br />
Dislikes: Sweating too much, Italian food, revealing clothes, smoking, NEVER drinks<br />
<br />
Hobbies: Swimming, Badminton, Rapping, Singing, Exercising<br />
<br />
Habbits: Day-dreaming too much and talk too fast till no one understands<br />
<br />
Appearnce:<br /><br /><br />
<br />
Position: Main Rapper/ Supporting Dancer*<br />
Main Dancer/Choreographer<br />
<br />
Partner: Hyunmin*<br />
Karam<br />
<br />
Persona: Quiet and Mysterious(Public) / Sweet and Caring yet Loud(Private)<br />
<br />
Trainee history: Got in through family relations. <br />
Thus, she works harder so she can show that she does not get in only because of family relations but because of her talents