Being Kai's Sister

Being Kai's Sister [EDITED]

Some would say that I'm lucky to be related to an idol but, I'll say that it's both a blessing and a curse. Not everyday is a walk in the park and often times it's a pain in the . Let me tell you why.


Situation #1

Fan letters.....again. Sigh.

Ever since my younger brother became famous and found out about me being his sister, they started following (more like stalking) my SNS accounts and leaving messages here and there asking about my brother and his whereabouts everyday.

Everyday. As in every. Single. Day.

It's starting to get on my nerves but, I know that if I did something wrong it will affect my brother ina negative way so, I just let them flood my sns and decided to secretly create new ones and hopefully, these scary and crazy fans won't be able to find it.


But who am I kidding. 




Situation #2

Have you ever experienced of being hated just because they just feel like it?

Well I have.

My SNS blowing up not only received queries and updates about my brother but, they are also flooded with hates and insults. Like. What the hell did I do to you? -_-" 

They make you feel like being his sister is a sin. A SIN.

They said that I'm using my relationship with Kai to meet and get up close to the other artist inside and outside SM Ent. Like what? 0_0

I only met EXO for effin' sake. AND! I don't even listen to K-pop and I only know of EXO because I am supporting my brother. SMH. Kids these days are scary. I swear!



Situation #3

I have mentioned that I already met EXO personally and they're all very nice! ^^

So very nice that  Baekhyun became my bestfriend. Yes THE BYUN BAEKHYUN is my bestfriend. What? We share passion with eyeliners.

We got to know each other during their trainee days and we clicked. Not like I am not close with the others but, considering that he's one of the last people to join the group we clicked that fast like we've known each other for a long time. 

Aside from Bacon, I became close with Yixing gege, Luhan gege and Minseok oppa. Those three are reaaaaaaaaaally~ nice and caring and protective and they spoil me a lot. They treat me like they're baby sister which is by the way the best feeling ever. 

And the others? We're all friends.


Situation #4

Now that I mentioned  about my relationship with the other EXO members, Kai's 'protective side appears. I did mention that Jongin is my baby brother right? I didn't? Oops. Sorry.

Anyway~ speaking of that baby brother of mine, he never allows anyone to date me! Why must youi do this to me brother? Why?

Just like what happened last week...


"Kai can I-" Kris said


"Kai can we meet-" Jongdae said


"Kai! Is no the only thing you can reply?" Jonnmyeon asked.

"When it comes to my noona? YES!"

"Kai I want to date your noona." Chanyeol teased.


"Kai can you get-" 



"Errr...opps. Sorry Manager hyung."

--Flashback Ends--

See what I mean? Heh serves him right for getting scolded.

Oh and how did I find out about that you ask? Why from Baekhyun who else? 

I love my brother and how protective he is of me but, at least let me date! Sulking


Last Situation

Yesterday I secretly went out with one of .

OK! It's a date! Geez!

We are secretly dating. I feel bad that I'm keeping this from my brother but, we'll tell him soon when we're both ready to face his wrath.

He can be really scary when he wants to. I've seen him once!!

And today we decided to tell him and- oh boy here we go!


I went down and opened the door revealing my brother and one of . I smiled at them and let them in before settling on one of the bean bags on the living room floor.

"So what's up? Chanyeol hyung said you want to tell me something." Kai asked looking. more like glaring at me. "Your noona and I are dating." Chanyeol straighforwardly said. I was shocked and at the same time keeping myself aware on what Kai's reaction will be.

And to my confusion he just smiled (or smirked) and shook his head.

"I already know. I knew the first time I saw you enter the dance room together and when he teasingly asked me if he can date you.." Kai smiled. "And you're ok with it? I thought you'll never let anyone date your noona?" Chanyeol asked, totally confused.

"I trust hyung that you'll take care of my noona. Besides, I don't want her to be an old maid with tons of cats." Kai smirked "Then I guess there's no need to be afraid of right babe?" Chanyeol looked at me and frowned at my reaction.

What?! I was totally surprised that Kai let me date! THE Kai allowed me to date!!

"Babe! Wake up!" Chanyeol lightly shook me taking me back to reality. "Thank you Nini." I smiled and hugged my brother as he did the same. "I know he'll take care of you and I know you can take care of yourself, but if ever he make you cry, hyung or not I'll kill him." Kai tightly hugged me. "Don't worry I'll kill him myself if he did hurt me." I smiled and heard Chanyeol laugh. 

"You two are insane." 

We broke the hug and glared at him.

"Insanely cute." Chanyeol chuckled as he joined the hug.


Well what can I say? Being Kai's sister has its downsides and perks and who am I kidding? I love my brother so much so I'll keep on supporting him in his career path.

"Noona what are you doing?!" Kai whined

"Nothing! I'll be right there!" I replied and closed my laptop.


PS. they still haven't found my SNS accounts mwahahahahahhaha

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Chapter 1: hahahah was so so so so so so so so so so so so cuteeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee Awwwwwwwwww kai is so sweet boy ^^ kyaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa i love you Jonginnie !!!!!!!!!!!! <3
Chapter 1: love it so much
Chapter 1: ^^ thanks~
Chapter 1: awww. This is so nice.. I love it. :)))))
JensuXP #5
Chapter 1: Kekeke.. insanely cute