Proper Introductions

The Road to Something New

~The Next Day

"Ah! Finally done," said Daesung, packing the last box for Minzy. 

"Yay!" cheered Minzy and her boyfriend, Taemin. 

"Thanks so much for helping out, Bro!" Minzy said, kissing him on the cheek. 

"Of course, anything for my little sister who's going off to college," he returned. 

"Ahh! Can you believe it, yeobo?! We're going to college!" Minzy jumped up and down in excitement then landed on the couch next to Taemin who planted a kiss on her forehead. 

"Our lives start tomorrow!" she exclaimed, throwing a 'Fighting' fist in the air. However, the saying brought her back to last night at the Sunset Lounge. Chaerin. Minzy could help, but think about the older girl, trying to live out her dream at that crappy bar. 

"Hey Minzy-ha, why the long face," asked Taemin in his adorable fashion. 

"I'm just thinking about Chaerin," Minzy said. 

"What about her?" asked Daesung. 

"Well, I'm just sad I'm leaving her at that shady bar with that stupid bossman. She has such great potential, and its being wasted at that terrible place. She's just so depresate..."

"Chaerin Noona can sing really well," said Taemin. Both Minzy and Daesung nodded to attest to this. Taemin thought for a moment. 

"Hey, don't you have a cousin who's a talent scout for a big music company?" He asked. 

"Hey! I do!" Minzy exclaimed. "And he's in Incheon for business and my going away party! AAAH!" Minzy jumped off the couch in renewed excitement. 

"I could introduce Chaerin to him and he could make her famous! AAAHH! Boo, you're a genius!" She kissed Taemin, and jumped up and down. 

"Hey Minzy! Calm down! Don't you remember our cousin is a little on the wild side? Maybe he could be a little too much for our timid Chaerin?" Daesung spoke. Minzy just waved this suggestion off. 

"Bro, please! It's nothing my girl can't handle."


The real question was if Kwon JiYong could handle Lee Chaerin.

"Ayo?" Kwon JiYong answered the phone. He was in his hotel room in Incheon over looking the Bupyeong-gu District while wearing his WonderWoman bathrobe. 

"Hey, G-Dragon," replied Teddy, who always called him by his rapper name, on the other end. 

"Hey man. What's up?"

"How did it go last night with that girl?" Teddy was referring to Chaerin, the girl JiYong was suppose to scout. 

"Uh...," JiYong thought back to the Sunset Lounge and how Chaerin's Adele perfomance went. She had an amazing voice and looked like a star. He also remember how she thought he was a fake and politely shoved him out of her small janitor closet dressing room. He also remembered how pretty she was up close and how she made him trip over his words and be akward. Something so strange to JiYong it made him wince just thinking about it. 

"... She didn't seem to interested, man," he said, which wasn't exactly a lie. 

"Really? Did you say something wrong to her?" Teddy asked. "Come on, who doesnr't want to be apart of GYE?"

Yes. "No..." Now that was a lie. 

"Alrighty then. As Jay-Z said: 'On to the Next One.' When are you heading back to Seoul?" 

JiYong was thankful for the conversation turn. "Probably tomorrow morning. You know I got Minzy's going away party tonight."

"Aw, tell that little wild child I'm proud of her, man. Minzy's going to college, who would have guessed?" 

"Haha! I know right! Probably that Goody Two Shoes boyfriend she has now, but he treats her right, so yeah."

"He better. Alright. Remember to tell her 'Hi' from the GY Family! See you later, G!" Teddy said. 

"Bye, Ted," and JiYong hung up the phone. He looked at his white gold Rolex® and saw the time was 18:00(6:00pm), almost time for Minzy's party. He put on his amazing outfit especially set for clubbing. It consisted of his favorite brands, Louboutin® Leopard print, lace-up shoes and matching black Marc Jacobs® shirt and pants. He tied all this together with a black spotted hat that stated "ROCSTAR" under the brim. After throwing on some of his lucky bracelets and rings, JiYong peered at himself in his hotel mirror, perfecting his hair under his hat. Of course, he liked what he saw. 

Kwon JiYong, you are one handsome beast, he smiled at himself. Looking at his reflection in the mirror, he couldn't help but remember Chaerin. The look she gave him when he called her peformance y. Those tiger eyes giving him a look of irriatition and... And... And something JiYong couldn't think of at the moment. He just stood there for a moment thinking about her.

Those eyes could have drawn him in...

He hit himself in the head as if to knock out his thoughts of the girl literally. Why am I even thinking of her? We didn't even make it through proper introductions... Usually he was good with people, but her... nah...

Shaking his head profusely, JiYong gathered himself, Minzy's going away present and stepped out. It was time to party. 



Chaerin awoke to an annoying buzzing noise beside her bed. It sounded like a bumblebee on speed. Afraid that it actually was a bumblebee and that she was about to get her stung, Chaerin wildly waved her arms around her to shoo the bee away. In the midst of her unnesecessary panic, she fell out of her single bed and got tangled in her sheets.

"Aish!" she said, landing on the hard floor. She heard something fall next to her. The "bumblebee", her alarm clock. Laughing at herself, Chaerin picked it up and it read. It said she was about to be late for her best friend's Going to College Party. 

"OhMyGawd!" She jumped off the ground and immediately hopped into the shower. Thoughts ran through her head like the water rushing around her of last night. 

Late nights were usually not so hard on her, but last night was different. She couldn't keep that so called talent scout guy out of her head. 

Who did he think he was, Chaerin thought. He just was going to march into my dressing room, unprofessionally say my performance was y, give me that Peter Pan grin and expect me to fall for that talent scout facade? What kind of girl did he think I was? He must not had paid attention to my performance.

Thinking to herself how smart she was in her desicion to push the guy out was, Chaerin started to really replay the events of last night in her mind. So he didn't exactly barge into her room... He did ask permission from the boss to speak to her after all. And maybe being called y in the cute, shy way the guy had said it was not so bad... And his grin didn't really look like Peter Pan, as cheesy and pedo-like as other guys that had hit on her. Actually, it looked charming, sincere, and even... friendly. Those pearly whites could have have pleasantly blinded her... Lastly, being literally the only clean, non-drinking, appealing guy in the whole bar, Chaerin's eyes couldn't help ,but keep floating toward him during her entire set. His eyes were always on her... Thinking all of this made her feel really bad for kicking the guy out. What if he wasn't a fake? 

Chaerin shook her head profusely. What's done is done, girl... 

She stepped out the shower, dried herself off and ran across her small apartment to get dressed for the party. She didn't really know what to wear since Minzy said her party was going to be held at one of the big clubs. So Minzy helped her pick out an outfit some days ago. Chaerin put on the black fishnet stockings, black leather highwaisted shorts, and matching black leather cropped top Minzy had chosen for her. Chaerin didn't exactly agree with the amount of skin she had showing, but it was for Minzy so she was just gonna deal. However, she did put on a red leather jacket and studded combat boots to even it out. She put on very little make up, put her hair into a high causal ponytail, and jetted out her apartment. 


A/N: HI GUYS! I'm back! Sorry I know it's been so long since I've updated :P But here it is! This chapter is kinda short and that is because it is really the opening of the next chapter, but that one is CRAZY long so I decided to have this whole getting ready part a seperate chapter. So yep, ya'll have alot to look forward in the next chapter! ;)


Chaerin Fact #3: Known as the sleepy head of 2NE1, the longest Chaerin has ever slept is 20 hours. 

Kwon JiYong Fact #99: Christian Louboutin is his favorite sneakers brand and the most bought and worn of Jiyong's shoes by him. As for clothes, G-Dragon perfers Marc Jacobs. 


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I'll be back in 2 weeks.


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oneknight #1
Chapter 6: OH GOD ~T_T~~>_<~~(*+﹏+*)~
(⊙o⊙) (o^^)oo(^^o)↖(^▽^)↗

Thank u for the update authornim, Damn dats really.. OMG terrificly sad, but so glad Jiyong seems want to protect Chaerin... AKHH the feels
Anyway, please update soon ♥♥
Chapter 6: :O!!!! That was so freaking epic!! Go on jiyong!!!!
Chapter 6: Holy Sh*t that WAS intense! I hate you, jk. Keep writing!
Chapter 5: Your Welcome Unnie!
k3gdclskydragon #5
WOAH!! this is really good!!!!!
i am so hooked, thank you author-nim for this amazing skydragon story ^^ keep up the GREAT work! :)
ill be waiting for more.. fighting!!
oneknight #6
Chapter 5: ♥♥♥Fighting♥♥♥
Chapter 4: OMG thank you so much guys! I'm glad ya'll like it :)
Chapter 4: tiz is just sooooo good...cnt wait for the nxt chapter..pls update soon...n we dnt mind wit long chapters actually we love it
Chapter 4: Wow that was wow it just blew me away!!!!!pls update soon I really am eager to fond out what happened after this chapter...:)
EilneraSD #10
Chapter 4: Aigoo, next next next!!