
Unrequited Love


Unrequited Love; love that is not reciprocated or returned. 

Such a simple definition, one that has only seven words. So why is the pain behind this said feeling so immensely great? 

They say that in this world, there are only two types of girls; the pretty ones and the ugly ones. What happens if you're stuck in the middle? The answer is easy; you're nothing. Whatever it boils down to, you're never good enough and will never ever be. In terms of looks, capabilities, friendships and even love; you'll neither be a winner or a loser - cause you'll be in the middle; a player not knowing the belonging team. 

IU has always been like that. 

One word to describe her? Plain, shall be it. 

Going with the norm was all that she had done in her young years. So when everybody fell in love, she did too. But of course, nothing came out of it. Again, what did she expect? 



Smart and cute, what's not to like? But when you're crush is popular; those with a trillion gifts on Valentines', a billion girls who are willing to throw themselves at him, and a zillion hearts that are on the waiting list to be rejected - the chances of him noticing the Plain Jane would be difficult indeed. 

That was exactly him; Taeyang. 


What did being in love feel like? 

IU always hated girls who complained about how their boyfriends texted too little, called too less or were a drag when it came to accompanying them to shop.

What was with all that fuss? Where did contentment go? 

He never smiled at her, less talk to her. 

But still, she found herself hoping to catch a glimpse of him during lunch break, passing him during change of periods or just peeking him at times when he smiled; which she so dearly wished it was for her. 

It was silly, retarded even. Still, was there a cure? Was there an exit? Was there a 'STOP' button? 

The medicine was perhaps the thought of the chances of running into him again the next day, with the thought etched for a long time on her mind, and brushed away lightly from his. 


She swore that she'll escape from being plain one day. She'll go through an entire makeover, and make him turn weak at his knees when he sees the beauty, her beauty. Something along the lines of falling in love with her. 

She willed it to be true, she so desperately did. For him to turn around  and notice her presence, the presence which never came nor left. 


Time flew. Times changed. And so did people. Is it the same for feelings then? 

That feelings can age with the seconds of the clock, travel as people leave on voyages? Can they just go and never return? 

It'll be easier that way won't it? 


IU lays awake on some cold nights, the cold pillow dead hard against her head. Thoughts of Taeyang are what keeps her awake, away from the world of dreams or nightmares and into the silence of the dark. She wonders why is it that he has came across her mind so many times, but she has yet to make an appearance in his. 


No, she ain't going to cry over this. She's stronger than that. 

A tear, one single drop; not enough to drown but enough to make a mark. That tear, which fell, and landed on the pillow sheets. May it be what she has to give for this unrequited love, may it be the end of what she is feeling. 

She quits. 






Dear Readers, 

Hi guys! Thanks for taking time to read my fanfic. :-) 

For those who have read or subscribed to my previous Taeyang and IU fanfics, this is both a sorry and a thank you.. THANK YOU for being patient with me and not posting any hate comments to tell me to get my off and start writing again, SORRY for not updating my current fic and making you guys wait. Grrr, I know I so this short one shot is dedicated for ya'll!! I'll update the unfinished Taeyang and IU (hopefully real soon), so keep your fingers cross babies! 

A comment would be deeply appreciated, and I really hope this was a good read!


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Feiruru #1
Chapter 1: OMG I can feel how desperate IU was. I can relate to her. Nooo IU don't quittttt ;A;

Well...Great job, dear :)