Together Let’s…Build A Fort. Niel: Teen Top



You giggled as you stacked the last pillow on top of your master piece.
“Niel, you were right. This is fun.” You said.
Niel smiled and kissed your cheek.
“I know.” He said happily.
You rolled your eyes and crawled into the fort. Reaching over to the ‘Comfy Center’ (which took a dozen pillows, one fleece blanket, and twenty-five minuets to make) you grabbed your favorite blanket and a pillow. You hummed to yourself as you set a little cozy spot up, occasionally glancing around to see where Niel was.
Just as you started to snuggle into the warmth, you where shocked by the cry of
And a cold, wet tee shirt.
A white tee shirt.
“Ha, ha! You should’ve seen your face when that water balloon hit you! Priceless!”Niel yelled happily.
“Yeah, real priceless.” You said sarcastically.
Niel stared at you with a big grin on.
“Hey, what’s with the glare? Did I make you mad or something?” He asked.
You looked at him with a raised eyebrow and pointed to your soaked shirt. After a couple minuets, he finally caught on.
“Oh, I get it now. I soaked your shirt and now you’re mad about it. But hey, look on the bright side.”
“And what’s that?” You said.
“You’re bra’s really cute. So, do the match or not? Just wondering.”
Niel inched closer to you and you leaned back in return.
“Stay away from me.”
Niel leaned forward with a devilish grin. For a while, all he did was stare at you. It was a little bit weird. Just as you were about to ask if he was okay, he pounced on you while shouting
You blushed and let out a small squeak as he landed on top of you, his lips pressing against yours. Though you were a little bit surprised, you grinned and melted into the kiss.
Sure, he had acted a little childish sometimes, soaked your shirt, and was totally clueless sometimes. But you still loved him a lot.
Besides, he was a great kisser.


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Awwww so cute!!