Chapter 2




What becomes of us is what we decide, and what we discover together is what will divide us.






"You’re late," Won Shik taps his chopsticks at the breakfast table, chewing thoughtfully on a side of kimchi.  It is with much regret that you wandered downstairs without a proper greeting, attempting to sneak away from this morning's meal.  Dr. Ravi, as his patients would liked to call him, was a scientist, a researcher of the deeper elements that were embedded in the human race and other life forms. This was the knowledge that many of his patients however, did not know. By day, he spent his hours busying himself in the hospital setting, pulling apart curtains to check-up on those with minor physical intrusions to their body systems. It was nothing, compared to what he had to take care of at home.  He never visited home that much anyway.

"I was a kept back-" you declare politely, sliding onto one of the European-styled chairs, large and unnecessary curved wooden carvings embracing your back.  Whenever Dr. Ravi paid a visit home, it meant sitting in the dining room all together, every child in their respective seats.


"By me," Leo's presence makes you shudder, his hand coming around your shoulder. Leo presses his lips to your temple, an electrifying ministration that shoots through your very core, the center of your heart that aches to have his fingers brush slightly upon your own.  He becomes quite reserved, folding in his uniform jacket and taking the seat beside you, nodding his head to encourage a response.  You're a little shaken from last night aren’t you? That isn't like you.


"I've been having nightmares father," you comment, Hye Jin quickly nodding and almost choking on her soy milk, sputtering the liquid across her plate. I was scared.

I needed Leo.

You could have woken me up before you left!

Either way you knew already. I'm sorry I couldn't come into your dream like I used to.

"Why? Is something in school bothering you?"

Like a responsible father, as if the family was normal in itself, he would ask such questions. Dr. Ravi wasn't dim-witted, he was not the type to beat around the bush and twist the words of his so -called children. There was only so much he could do to cover up the facts. He gives you a pleasant smile, as if nightmares were the most average thing a teenage girl could experience.  Whatever those were, like imagining a first kiss or receiving a failing grade on an exam,  it was miniscule compared to the vividness and grasping reality of what occurred in yours.  Hye Jin didn't want to reveal anything on her own behalf, the latter scooping up tofu in her stew and bubbly chattering to N, who laughs.


"It's not that simple," you steadily place your chopsticks down on the napkin.  I can't explain in words.

"Noona must be exhausted then," Hyuk speaks up. Hyung say something.

"I'm sorry I haven't been able to come back home, " Dr. Ravi wipes his lips.

"Can I be excused?" N abruptly changes the subject, his eyes flickering at Hye Jin.

You better not leave right now N, whenever he comes home Won Shik has things to discuss.

It's the weekend, I want to spend time in outside with our sister.

Our sister. As if you and your brothers were actual siblings. Changes in the atmosphere drift around the dining room as N quickly bows and drags your sister out to the garden.  You finish the meal yourself, and scurry away to the library in the confides of the large house, away from the younger brothers .  Hyuk knew nothing,  sheltered since birth, whenever that time period was.  Flickering drops of sunlight fall upon the clean wooden shelves, towering over your small stature who walks barefoot on the carpet.  How many thoughts would you recollect on before coming to the conclusion that would settle every single worry plotted in your mind? Your brother's laughter followed by a jump in your chest indicated that N was chasing your sister around the back, perhaps spraying her with the hose instead of the wilted lilacs that desperately craved nourishment.


Hye Jin would jump, over the cobblestone path and dance her feet across the Japanese bridge, sliding underneath if N's arms reached out far enough.  She'd giggle, a more common characteristic to her personality rather than your own.  You surmised that- no, you were absolute sure, being her twin- that her relationship with N was much like that of your own with Leo.  N constantly emphasized his closeness between Hye Jin and himself. He would be the brother to tightly hold her in front of the fireplace on winter nights, not because she was cold but for the sole reason he wanted to. N's flexibility, strength, and perseverance shone in your twin sister's image of her brother. Though she lacked in some aspects, her clumsiness for example, she remained wise and polite, and innocent fairy-like creature in your eyes.  Her face mirrored your own, sharp and angled cheekbones with wide, doe eyes and supple lips.  


"You're spending too much time here," a voice interrupts.  Come outside where the sun will help melt away your worries.

"I like it here, I can read and think. I can learn." I'm sorry I've been like this.

Leo jumps up in between a nook of shelves, plucking a book gracefully with his agile hands as if it were nothing but a plant.

"Read this," he requests, a little on the softer side of his voice.

"It's just a photo album," you incline your head to question Leo's intentions.

Read it, Hye Jung-ah.

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Chapter 2: ohmygosh i really really really love it so far!!!! <3 <3 <3 <3 <3
Chapter 2: oooohhh i really like it and i'm curious omg?!?
keep writing <3
I really like this its different please continue!!!
Chapter 1: ooooh this is really interesting so far! can't wait for the update~! *^^*