`◜❋ dynamic institution of art.— rules and how to join.

`◜❋ dynamic institution of art.— new and underco.
(school's rulebook)
before joining, must know that this is an au roleplay ( you are not idols here )
(rule one)
one account per body. everyone has only one body, be smart and have only one account.
(rule two)
and yuri are allowed, but limited. if it gets too over board, it will be banned.
(rule three)
public is not allowed, please this is a school, we don't need to see all those stuff.
(rule four)
this roleplay is for active people only, if people aren't active, we wont be creating events.
(rule five)
keep that mouth of yours censored, people roleplaying might even be younger then you think.
(rule six)
no outsiders allowed. they must be in this roleplay. this also means delete if we tell you to delete.
(rule seven)
inform the admin you're deactivating or going on a hiatus. maximum hiatus is two months.
(rule eight)
brackets are used for ooc, so remember to use them. it causes less confusions to many people.
(rule nine)
remember this line in kindergarten? keep your hands to yourself. little drama is fine. too much, is no.
(rule ten)
you must choose two elective classes, because your main classes are singing, dancing, and acting.
( there are lists of elective classes you can choose from. )
(rule eleven)
yes, students and teachers are allowed to date each other. it doesn't really matter here. Also, students here
are all younger then the teachers. So the students must call the teachers by their name. Just their name, its simple.
(enroll here)
there's a password. you better read all of this.
(part one)
you must subscribe or we wont accept you. press this too.
(part two)
check out the masterlist to find an avaliable character. check the wishlist too.
(part three)
if you want to be a staff/teacher you can check out chapter four.
(part four)
comment below saying : dynamic (idol name) from (group name) wants to be a (student/staff/teacher) at dia.
also, if you apply for the staff/teacher position, remember to state which subject you're teaching in. 
example : "dynamic jonghyun from cnblue wants to be a student at dia."
"dynamic jonghyun from cnblue wants to be a teacher teaching singing at dia."
(part five)
im just kidding, there's no password. wait for admin's approval then create your account.
(part six)
comment your arrival with this form. you must comment this before adding the admins and requesting for the groups.
( for students )
character name + group :
class : ( first, second, third )
profile link :
( for teachers )
character name + group :
teaching in :
profile link :
(part seven)
now you add the admin and request for the groups. base account
remember to add ' student/teacher at dynamic institution of arts roleplay. ' into your about me


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