??: “Hello?

Taeyeon: “Mushroom, it’s me..

Tiffany: “Tae-tae?

Taeyeon: “Yes.. I want to ask you..something..

Tiffany: “What about? Let me guess.. Is it about Jessie?

Taeyeon: “You’re too smart to know that. Yes, it’s about her. Are you have a news about her, mushroom?

Tiffany: “I’m sorry, Tae-tae~ I don’t have a news about Jessie.. I can’t contact her

Taeyeon: *sigh* “Okay, It’s okay, mushroom.. I just worried with Yuri’s condition..

Tiffany: “Uhm yeah, I worried about that too. I promise that I’ll get a news about Jessie as soon as possible

Taeyeon: “Thank you, mushroom~ I’ll back to work now. I love you, Mushroom~~

Tiffany: “I love you too, Tae-tae~~ Take care!


Taeyeon closes her eyes after she hung up the phone conversation with Tiffany. She tries to get another idea to help her best buddy.









Seobang-ah~~” called Jessica while ruffled her seobang’s hair who was lying on her thigh.

Hmm?” answered Yuri without opened her eyes.

I’m thinking about our wedding party design.. What will you choose the colour for our wedding?

White! I love white~” said Yuri as she opened her eyes and looked at her Sica baby.

Hmm.. I’m agree with that. How about we blend it with pink?

Yeah, it would be sweet... like us...” said Yuri as she winked to Jessica and it success for makes Jessica blushed.

My seobang is always cheesy~” said Jessica, pinched Yuri’s nose.

I’m cheesy only for you, Sica baby~


Jessica was blushing again. Yuri is the only one who could make Jessica blushed.

Yuri, who was smiled at her girlfriend’s blushed cheeks, lifted up her face made the distance became thinner. A second later, her lips was on Jessica’s lips. It was a chaste kiss. After couple of minutes, Yuri broke the kiss and turned back to her original position.


I love you, Seobang..” said Jessica while kissed her seobang’s forehead.

I love you more, Sica baby..” answered Yuri, showed her charming smile to Jessica.












You really awesome on that outfit, Oppa..” said the brunette-petite girl whilst give two thumbs up for the taller-handsome man.

Thank you, Jessie.. Thanks for choosing this one~” said the man whilst give his handsome smile.

Your welcome, Oppa..” said Jessica.


The other man walks out from another fitting room. The man with beautiful face walks toward the taller-handsome man.


Jae oppa.. You’re so pretty and handsome. I know then why my oppa falling in love with you.. hahahaha” said Jessica.

Thank you, my soon-to-be-sister-in-law~” said Jaejoong while pinched Jessica’s nose.


After fitting some outfit for the wedding party, the three of them go back to their home. Yunho and Jessica go back to Yunho’s house after Jaejoong to his house.


Appa, Eomma and Krystal will come back from US tomorrow..” said Yunho while he drives the car.

Jinjja oppa?! Yaaay, I really miss them...” said Jessica.


Yunho can’t help but smiling at his sister. The atmosphere between them turns to silent.


Jessie..” called Yunho, breaks the silence between them.

Yes, oppa?” answered Jessica whilst turned to sees her oppa.

You still lost contact with Yuri?” asked Yunho, makes Jessica’s smile fade.


Oppa knows that you still love her, Jessie.. Why you keep lost contact with her?

I- I don’t know oppa.. I just thinking that a woman is created for a man, not for another woman. I- I just want to accept that fate..


Yunho stops the car all of a sudden on the side of the street. He turns his head, sees his sister who sits on the passenger seat.


Looks at oppa and Jaejoong..” said Yunho with a serious but soft tone.

You knows that oppa and him are love each other. We keep our love eventough the other people outside might mock at us, but we ignore it. We ignore that fate, which ruled that man is created for woman. As we love each other, you should only ignore that and proof the peoples of your love” continued Yunho.

Yuri is good girl for you, Jessie. She’s the only one who can makes you happy. Oppa knows that.

Jessie, oppa only want you to catch your own happiness. Oppa’ll support all of your decision. But, if you still loves Yuri, just go back to her..” said Yunho.


Tears flew down from Jessica’s beautiful eyes as Yunho finish his sentences.


I- I don’t know, oppa.. Yuri might be angry to me, we lost contact for almost 2 years” said Jessica.

From when my lovely sister giving up this early? My sister is a girl who never give up. Try it, Jessie. You don’t know if you don’t try it. Positive thinking, okay?” said Yunho whilst wipes Jessica's tears and answered by nods from Jessica.


Yunho smiles and continues his driving to his house.

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Chapter 2: wth? almost two year, well it's gonna be tough if you expect her not to be mad at you sica. why would she leave without saying anything ..aigoo screwed up so bad.
langsircoklat #2
Chapter 2: Just leave and forget her,,yuri..

Its already 2 years..u should move on..

No need waiting this girl..

Hehe..evil me