Something? Anything?

Why would you?


Jr's POV
Minhyun, Baekho, Aron, and I all walked into the quiet, white, hospital room. Only hearing the beeping of the heart moniter that was connected to out Rennie.
Subconciously I walked over to the Small, paler than usual, boy that lay motionless on the bed.
He won't remember anything Jr, it is for the best he that he won't remember the past two days. My hand made its way to Ren's cheek, caressing it. The soft skin against my hand.
"Jr, our manager wanted Aron, Minhyun and I to meet with him. Is it okay if we leave you here with Ren?" Baekho asked.
i just nodded. I didn't even look at them. My eyes were starting to tear up. This was all my fault, Ren is in the hospital because of me and my loud mouth. It seemed like I had no voice telling me what to say or not.
I pulled a chair up next to the hospital. I was not going to leave the room until Ren was awake and well. I leaned my head against the bed.
I'm such an idiot. Think before you talk. I face palmed.
Lifting my head from the metal. I looked up at Ren's peaceful sleeping face. His golden blonde locks of hair was smoothed out resting on his chest. My gaze slowly made its way down to his hand. With out a second thought I grabbed his smaller hand into mine. 
Im sorry Ren. I would hope that you would forgive me if you remembered.
i kissed his hand. Resting my head on it taking a deep breathe. 
Not moving my head it slipped my hand into my pocket, grabbing my phone.
I flinched at the bright light coming off the screen, I had to squint to rea the big numbers.
10:34 pm.
Already? Last I remembered it was 8:20 pm. Time is trying to kill me, I don't enjoy waiting as much as most people would.
Slipping my phone back into my wet jeans. Having second thought I pulled my phone back out and set it on a bedside table.
it has been a week and he still hasn't woke up.
Great Jr! Look at what you did now! Putting poor Ren through all that misery, torture. 
When he wakes I will do everything in my power to make sure he sees that I have feelings for him. This is a promise. So if he remembers, he would hopefully shrug it off.
End Of POV.
As Jr was lost in his own thoughts. Minhyun watched the sleeping Ren, noticing the maknae's hand move.
Chapter 5: Accomplished!
Thank you to everyone who reads this!
Love you all!
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Nattie-- #1
Chapter 9: Please update!
sanjana3 #2
This is adorable can't wait to read the rest of the great story :D
Chapter 9: cute story! Rennie!!! I feel so bad for him. It's okay. Take your time!
pigurou #4
Chapter 9: new reader here it's a cute story please update soon
Chapter 9: continue! please? i love the story you can't just leave the plot hanging like that
Chapter 9: Please continue or at least give it a wrap up chapter.
neon_fighter #7
Chapter 9: Please continue!! It's really good so far. :D