Jang Dongjun? Or Was It Kim Dongwoon?

Water Bottles: A New Way To Get A Girl


“Hey, have you realized that Dongwoon’s not here?” my best friend, Minhee, commented as I looked scanned the crowd today. There were a number of students who were exercising and practicing, but none of them were Dongwoon. I laughed at the ridiculous thought of Dongwoon lifting weights.


“Him? That boy prefers books over sports, Min, don’t get your hopes up,” I answered, shaking my head and smiling. Typical of Dongwoon to not show up in Seoul High’s fourth Sports Fest.


This program started when I, Dongwoon and Minhee entered high school. Sports fests are like other sports fests. However, the prize was totally different for the gold, silver and bronze medalist.


The prize was a week long of having privileges higher than other students. The winners will have a week without assignments, group activity, reports and other school-related things. They can do whatever they want for that week.


But here’s the catch. After the week is over, they have to do everything their classmates did when they had a week-long break from school-related work.


Even if that was the catch, everyone was still eager to win. Did I mention, the class that had the most medals get to have a party later?


I’m talking about live music, food, dancing, and food.


Damn, I’d do anything to win.


“Oh, there’s Dongwoon! YO DONGWOON!” Minhee called out as I glanced towards her direction. She was waving to a boy who was shyly making his way to us.


He had three textbooks under his slender arms as he pushed his glasses further up the bridge of his nose. I grinned widely, my heart skipping a beat or two.


Okay, falling for a nerd wasn’t exactly ‘cool’ to others, but I couldn’t care less.


Dongwoon arrived to us as we grouped together.


“So, what brought you out to greet the sun for the firs time? The Bio exam isn’t until next week Woonie,” I informed him rather jokingly as he cracked a grin, showing off his perfectly white teeth. I couldn’t help but admire him.


If he was a nerd, then he definitely the most good looking one.


His hair was swept to one side, his large glasses taking up the most space in his blemish free face. He had a buttoned up long sleeve on which he rolled up and skinny jeans. He had a cute yellow bowtie on.


“Eh, I wanted to see the two of you compete. Can’t miss this important day, right?” Dongwoon smiled charmingly at me as Minhee snickered at my pink tainted cheeks.


“But you hate sports,” Minhee commented as the three of us took a seat on one of the available chairs. We will have our sports fest in our soccer field that was big enough to provide our needs.


“Yeah, I hate doing sports. But, I love watching them.” Dongwoon shrugged as if it was obvious. I rolled my eyes at his response.


“Well, let me just say, it’s a miracle Dongjun isn’t here right now,” Minhee said as she watched the other players. In the corner of my eye, I saw Dongwoon smirk a bit.


“Yeah, cause if he was, then he’d practically dominate every category here. I think his ego finally got to him, and he thinks he’s too good for this sports fest.” I and Minhee laughed at what I said as Dongwoon stayed quiet.


He took out his phone and jolted upwards in surprise.


“Omo! My mom dropped my textbook in the bathtub!” Dongwoon cried out, making passers-by look at us weirdly. I glanced up at him, bewildered with his sudden outburst.


“Dude.” Minhee raised her eyebrows in question.


“What? Is it illegal to have a bathtub?” Dongwoon defended in a haughty voice. I sniggered, shaking my head.


“No, but why the heck your mom dropped your beloved book in it?” I questioned as Dongwoon shrugged, surprised too.


“I don’t know. Excuse me while I save my Math textbook!” Dongwoon announced to the whole world as he dashed away from us. I blinked at his retreating figure. That boy has gotten weirder and weirder.


“You know, one more event like that from him, I’m shipping to a mental- Oh dear,” Minhee groaned as she put her head between her hands. Screams of fangirls were heard as I turned my head to my right.


And here comes the Sports King.


Kim Dongjun, an excellent sportsman as is popular among the ladies. He had brown messy hair, a cocky grin and lean muscles that told you right away he can do a 70m run without breaking a sweat.


His only rival was Minho from a popular group of SHINee in this school, but Minho was absent today, which caused distress to his fangirls and members.


In the girl’s section, I and Eunji are easily the best one. Unlike others, we give our best. Minhee likes sports, but she doesn’t take it easily. So far, I have won three gold medals in the hurdles, 70m run and high jump. Eunji has won four.


Dongjun…well, let’s just say he had too many medals.


“Alright everyone! We will start our first game! The men’s 70m run!” Our principal’s voice boomed around us as he spoke on top of a platform the staff put up. Almost all the boys stood up as their respective girlfriends and fangirls cheered them on.


Dongjun had the most cheers. Typical.


“We have our first runners! And look what we have here! Infamous Dongjun!” An MC named Himchan commented, turning to Jongup who also was an MC.


“Infamous Dongjun? Why is he infamous?” Jongup smiled uneasily and blinked at Himchan who stared at him.


“Why did you become an MC?”


“Because I like sports,” Jongup answered happily, bouncing up and down. I shook my head at those two up there. How on earth they became MCs, I don’t know.


“And the coach has shot the gun!” Jongup commented as the six boys sprinted on the lane. I stood up in excitement, watching them practically fly over the track.


I was secretly rooting for Daehyun, but in the end, Dongjun won. He looked satisfied and winked at his many fangirls. I groaned as I sat down again with an amused Minhee.


“I wonder if someone can turn the tables,” Minhee said absentmindedly. I chortled.






“Next is the high jump for women! Now I hear that Eunji and Jina are participating it this one, am I right?” Himchan asked Jongup who nodded in affirmation. I stretched as I felt a bunch of people looking at me, making me self-conscious.


I glanced up and saw the seat of Dongjun empty. I frowned. Weird.


I looked at Minhee and to my surprise, Dongwoon was there. I waved at them as they waved back enthusiastically. Dongwoon sent a large heart my way as I made a heart to him too.


“Cha! Let’s start our High Jump!” Jongup announced as the coach whistled. I took a deep breathe as I ran sideways, anticipating the pole. It was just 1.2m high, so it was easy.


I did the scissor kick without much difficulty, as the crowd clapped in approval. It was Eunji’s turn. She did the belly flop move, and the crowd cheered louder. It was always a heated battle between us.


Every round, the bar went higher and higher, until it was already 1.7m. I frowned at the pole, wanting to break it.


Last year, I almost got a silver medal when I challenged the 1.7m. It was too difficult to do a scissor kick, I did rolling. Like what Niel from Teen Top, another popular group in school, does when he does the high jump.


“And Eunji doesn’t make it! That was a first! It’s not time for Jina’s turn!” I heard Himchan say as my heart palpitated. Eunji had won four gold medals, yet she lost in the high jump. I took a deep breathe as I steadied myself.


I broke out into a jog and anticipated my next move. I jumped and straightened my knees the best I could. I felt it hit the pole as I landed on the soft material. I looked at the pole hurriedly to see that it shook, but it stayed in place. I beamed as I heard the crowd’s applause.


“And for the second time in a row, Bang Jina gets a gold medal in the High Jump! Jung Eunji gets a silver medal and Lime gets a bronze! Congratulations to the winners!”


I danced happily as I ran over to Minhee and Dongwoon who were both waiting for me. I hugged them both tightly, proudly showing my first gold medal.


“Wow Ji! First medal! That’s awesome! I want to stay and chat, but it’s already the 70m run for the girls!” Minhee said hurriedly as I wished her luck. She jogged towards her lane.


I sat down excitedly on my chair, Dongwoon chuckling at my energy.


“You know, this isn’t your first gold medal. And look! I and Minhee managed to finish five bottles of water. It was for a contest,” Dongwoon showed me the empty water bottles. There was something odd about it, because there was paper inside. I opened a bottle and tried to reach in when Dongwoon snatched it from me. I pouted.


“Not yet, Nana. Let’s finish this day-“


“A gold medal for Jung Eunji, a silver medal for Kim Minhee and a bronze medal for Hwang Minah! Good job girls!” Jongup had announced as I looked at Minhee who was coming over to us. She looked disheartened, but other than that, she was alright.


“Now it’s time for the semi-finals in the boys 70m!” Himchan’s voice echoed as the runners scrambled towards their lanes.


“Hey, where’s Dongwoon?” Minhee questioned as she took a seat to my right.


“He’s right- Oh? Where’d he go?” I asked myself as my left side was open to everyone. Dongwoon was nowhere in sight. Where the heck is that boy?


“Oh! Dongjun got to the semi-finals!” Minhee stood up in happiness, looking at Dongjun who looked slightly disheveled. I studied Dongjun, and I was surprised to see he was wearing a ring.


It was weird, because Dongwoon had the exact same ring on. Except Dongjun has the right on his right and Dongwoon on his left.


I shrugged and left the matter.


“And off they go! Omo! Simon and Dongjun are neck and neck! Who’s going to win! Dongjun! Dongjun!” I stood up to see what was Himchan screaming about. And apparently, he was right. Dongjun and Simon were neck and neck. They crossed the finish line, and we turned towards the staff to see who won.


They discussed for a few more minutes as I started to bite my nails in worry. I really hoped Dongjun won, because Simon once bullied Dongwoon and Dongjun had actually stood up for him.


“Dongjun wins!” Jongup announced as he and Himchan hugged, happy. I hugged Minhee and twirled her around. Hey! Dongjun’s in my class, so it’s good he’ll win. If only Dongwoon was here to see this.


Dongjun started walking to our direction as I furrowed my eyebrows in confusion. We only had spoken twice.


“Here are two empty water bottles. Give them to Dongwoon, he needs it,” Dongjun advised as he handed me the water bottles with an amused grin. I took it hesitantly, placing it on Dongwoon’s chair. It was empty, yet there was a paper on each cup.


“I think you’re up,” Dongjun commented, and sure enough, they announced the women’s 70m run.


“Hwaiting, Jina,” Dongjun cheered, smiling genuinely. I brushed past him, not saying a word. We’re not friends, and we never will be.


I took my place next to Jisoo, a new student, but I had already seen her run. She runs like the wind.


“Ready! Get set! Go!” And I ran like food was waiting for me in the finish line. What motivated me even more, was the boy behind the white ribbon you have to pass to win the game. It was Dongwoon, cheering me on.


Newfound energy took over me as I ran even faster, not caring if I tripped over air. I was going to get to Dongwoon and win.


I felt my torso rip the white ribbon, but I didn’t stop. Why? Simply because I couldn’t stop the momentum. I slammed into Dongwoon in full force, but I knew he was strong. He was knocked backwards, stumbled but didn’t fall. He held me around the waist as I wrapped my arms around his.


I hugged him, happy he was there to cheer me on. I saw Minhee eyeing Daehyun, so I let her be.


“Wow there Nana, missed me that much?” Dongwoon let out a heartfelt laugh as looped his arm around mind as we strolled back to our seats. I plopped down along with Dongwoon who studied the seven bottles seriously.


“Dude, what are you going to do with those?” I questioned, chuckling a little as Dongwoon hugged them like they were his babies.


“Do me a favor and steal me an empty water bottle,” Dongwoon ordered, sticking his tongue out playfully. I rolled my eyes and got up, searching for water bottles. I spotted one and quickly got it before Kris could notice. I went back to Dongwoon and noticed he wrote something on a piece of paper with a Sharpie. I tried to peek, but Dongwoon wouldn’t let me.


“Hand me the bottle woman.” I handed him the bottle with ease as he slipped in the paper. I blinked at his weirdness.






The day passed by quickly, and I had won three gold medals in hurdles, 70m run and high jump. Eunji had won two gold medals.


It was the awarding already, and it was the girl’s first. I grinned widely as three medals hung around my neck. I accepted the bouquet of flowers and bowed ninety degrees. I stepped down, and it was the men’s turn.


“Dongjun won all, as always,” Minhee commented as I nodded alongside with her. Dongwoon was missing. Again. I sighed, hanging my head down.


“Omo, I think Dongjun has something to say,” Himchan commented as my head snapped up, and Dongjun was definitely holding the microphone to his lips. He was holding a bag of empty plastic bottles.


Wait a minute-


“I would want to dedicate all my wins to this girl. This girl I have been crushing on since first year. At first, I was Kim Dongjun. But, when I saw her, I knew she was different, so I dressed up as a nerdy Jang Dongwoon. I realized she was more than I could ever ask for. She has been a great friend, and also a great listener. She was simply amazing, in my eyes. Bang Jina, would you mind standing up? I couldn’t see you.” Dongjun laughed nervously as I stood up, in a trance.


So what you’re saying is, Dongjun pretended to be Jang Dongwoon?!


“Okay, I see you now. Do you mind reading this?” Dongjun asked, somewhat making his question cute. He signaled some guys to grab the water bottles and hold them up in the air. One held a large banner underneath the guys who were holding the water bottles which said: “Be my girlfriend, Bang Jina?”


In the water bottles, there was one letter in it. It read: I Love You


My jaw hung open as Minhee chuckled at my state.


Dongjun looked at me, smiling from ear to ear.


“Why a water bottle? Remember the first time we met? I first tried my hand out in running, and I kept on tripping and falling. I was so exhausted, but no one seemed to care. But you did. You handed me a water bottle and helped me up. You coached me into running, and from then on, I developed my skills because of you.” The crowd ‘aww’ed as Dongjun chuckled.


“Will you accept my confession? It might not be as romantic as others, because I confessed using a plastic bottle but I know I did it with my heart. I hope you accept my hear Bang Jina.” Dongjun grinned cutely as he made a large heart. I broke out into a run and almost knocked Dongjun out of his place as I hugged him tightly, slightly crying.


My feelings were too much now, so I just held onto Dongjun. He hugged me back, resting his chin on my head. I pulled away and sniffled a bit as the crowd laughed and cheered.


“You idiot! Why did you lie to me?! You could’ve told me the truth!” I scolded him as the crowd laughed at my outburst. Dongjun chortled and poked my cheeks, tilting his head to one side.


“I’m sorry princess. Does my baby want to see aegyo?” Dongjun started doing aegyo, making bunny ears. I laughed out loud, punching his chest.


“Yah! Stop that! And I accept, you dolt.” I grabbed him by the collar and captured his lips in mine. I felt light-headed and very very happy.


I never knew dorky and nerdy (but adorable) Jang Dongwoon was actually the popular Kim Dongjun.


Eh, I love both sides equally. So no problem there. 

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creating18 #1
Chapter 1: awwwww.. so cute ^^ love the confession, it's so sweettt.. :D
nice story btw..
OMG~ This is soooo cute~ Sequel please!!! Dongjun oppa <3
exoplanetlayouts #3
Dongjun oppa~!
sunfoolfinger #4
Chapter 1: Kyaaaaa that was a sweet confessiooonn*-*
I could sense who Dongwoon actually was from the beginning, but Dongjun's explanation was just jjang! Good job~
Chapter 1: geez, now i have all ze:a feelingsss. hahahaha. when you said they wear the same ring, i thought it was couple rings and they were gay. hahahahahah. lol
Chapter 1: Omoooo~ he's like my 2nd bias and I hardly ever find a fanfic with Dongjun as the main chara :D and I love the story so much, it's cuuuuteeee :3
Chapter 1: Hi! Your fic is really adorable. I really like it (: good job!
Woah~ I subscribed on this story without knowing who the 'lead guy' is and now I find out it's my hubby lol.
Omo!! It's so damn cute!! xD

I love Dongjun so much in ze:a but there aren't that many stories in aff about him! I'm glad I found this one! Lolol! I thought Dongjun is Dongwoon's friend! That totally explained why 'they' have the same ring!!

Love it~~ ^^