
Remembrance (Hiatus)

Red type = Chinese (Mandrian)


“I’m sorry,” Hangeng finally admitted, holding his breath to see what Heechul would do next. The dyed blond crossed his arms as his eyes narrowed into a glare directed towards the man in front of him.

“Is that all you can say?”

“I can say more, but you don’t like ‘excuses.”

“Well what if I told you over the years, I’ve change?” Heechul said, he pissed off at the moment. After everything that’s happen between them, how can Hangeng act so calm after years of separation?

How can he be so emotionless at times?  




“No! It’s issneuji, not i-xue-ji,” Heechul exasperated rubbing his temples as his Chinese roommate struggled with words. 

“Ixueji,” Hankyun repeated, unable to drop some of his Mandarin pronunciations.

 It’s been a little over a week has passed since Hankyun (His name was unofficially changed on his second day in Korea, and he gave up trying to correct his friends) moved in the dorm with Kim Heechul. In that time, the Chinese had settled in his surroundings, learning the names and faces of all the boys, and their personalities. Hankyun has learned Heechul’s. . . interesting personality the best most.


“I’m sorry,” the Chinese man sighed hanging his head in defeat. “I guess I can’t speak ‘proper’ Korean after all.”

A fragment of guilt hit Heechul seeing his roommate looking like that. “Don’t make excuses for yourself, otherwise you’ve already lost. Try again!” Heechuld ordered, “Dan-gsin i eod-i iss-neunji jom boy-eoju sigess-eoyo? (Can you show me where this is?)”

Sitting up straight Hankyun attempted the phrase, “Dangxi i euodi issneunji joe boyeoji sigess-eoyo?”

“Dangsin i eodi issneunji jom boyeoju sigess-eoyo?” the Korean repeated trying to get his “student” to get it right.

“Dangsin i eodi issneunji jom boyeoju sigess-eoyo!” the Chinese yelled forcing his mouth to form the correct sounds.

The longer haired male clapped his hands and did a victory cry for his “student.” “You did it!” he said holding out his hand for a high five. Proud of himself, Hankyun returned the gesture, however the simple high five wasn’t what he expected.

When their hands touch, Heechul grabbed and pulled the taller male closer to him. Surprised, Hankyun didn’t know what was going on till Heechul’s lips lightly and briefly touched the corner of his mouth. And even then he wasn’t sure if it happened, because the Korean retaliated back quickly to pick up the ringing phone.

“Hello?” Heechul answered the device.

Hankyun touched the small spot that was just violated by the strange older male. It felt weird where he kissed it, like a tickling but different. Even though the gesture was small, the Chinese couldn’t stop some pink to touch his face and ears.

“Heechul is werid,” the tall male sighed in his native tongue laying down hiding his face.

“Aish! That annoying hyung!” Heechul exasperated once the call was over.

“What?” Hankyun asked quickly recomposing himself. 

“Leetuek has decided that all of us should go to SM Café tonight since everyone is here now.”

“SM Café?” the Chinese man repeated confused.

“Star Muse Café, it’s in downtown where we used to hand out.”

“Then why do you seem annoyed by it?”

“Work on your pronunciation!” Heechul reminded, “And let’s just say I’m gonna make a fool of myself.”

“Don’t you do that already?” Hankyun teased smirking.

The Korean man’s right eye twitched hearing the remark. “I’m gonna hurt you!” The long haired man yelled jumping to strangle his roommate. Rolling over, the Chinese man dodges, laughing. However, Kim Heechul refused to lose. Squirming around on the floor, the Korean grabbed the other’s leg to bring him closer. And the result of that, the two males were in an awkward poison, Heechul’s face ended up in the Chinese’s abs, with his fingers around the other’s neck, and the latter’s knee was right between the former’s legs.

However, despite the odd potion the two were in, they didn’t notice it. But unfortunately (or fortunately) someone else did.   

“Ahh! My poor innocent eyes!!!” Kibum giggled covering his eyes.

“I’m pretty sure I could have lived my entire life without seeing that,” Ryeowook stated turning around.

“Well I’m sorry if I’m busy trying to kill this stupid Chinese man!” Heechul resorted still oblivious to what the other two were seeing. However, the Chinese man did, and he quickly escaped creating distance between them.  

“Well it didn’t look like killing from up here.”

“More like passionate love making!” Kibum added, making the awkward situation worse.

It just so happens, someone else heard the conversation. And of course they had to put their two cents in. “Who’s having ?” Yehsung asked popping his head in the doorframe.

“No one!” Hankyun quickly responded in this embarrassing situation.   

“Those two,” Ryeowook said calmly pointing at his two hyungs.

“I wouldn’t think that Heechul was Hankyun’s type,” the turtle lover mused. “I suspected someone more innocent, and cute, like Wookie here.”

“Yea-Wait! Why me?!” Ryeowook gasped shocked that he would say something like that. His ears felt really warm after that coment. All he got in return for his question was a shrug from Yehsung, and more laughter from Kibum.

Heechul is cute too. . . Hankyun thought to himself. When the idea crossed his mind, he was shocked a bit. Ah! Heechul’s personality is affecting me too much!

“Okay you had your fun, now leave!” Heechul ordered the younger males.

“Fine hyung!” Kibum huffed before laughing again. The three took their leave, and once again it was just the two roommates; the Korean narcissists and the Chinese foreigner.

“Well that was interesting,” the taller student lamely said trying to start a conversation.

“Eh. . . I’m used to it,” the other shrugged off moving to his bed. Hankyun noticed that the smaller wasn’t his hyper obnoxious self; it was a more calm and aloof one.

He must be tired, the Chinese smiled as he left his roommate to go hang out with his other friends in the dorms. “Be back later.”



That evening a large group of boys from SJ University were seen at Star Muse Café. As soon as they entered they gained most, if not all, the attention of everyone in there. And they haven’t even begun to do what they planned to do.

Taking up several tables, the guys, save Siwon, Kyunhun, Ryeowook, and Yehsung who were doing something else, all ordered some food. It seemed like something exciting was going to happen, however Hankyung was out of the loop.

“What’s going on?” The Chinese asked Donghae who was sitting next to him.

“Heechul-kyun didn’t tell you?” The blank look on the other’s face answered Hae’s question. Opening his mouth he began to say something, however the lights started to dim. Smirking Hae said, “Well you’ll find out.”

A bright light then focused on the stage that Hankyun didn’t notice till now. On there were the four guys who weren’t at the tables. Yehsung, and Ryeowook were standing in front with mics and guitars. Kyuhun was at a keyboard with a mic placed in front of him. And Siwon was back behind with drums.

Tapping his drum sticks, Siwon started a steady beat before the other three started playing and singing.

Oksang wie hollo anha noraereul bulleotji
Nareul bichwojuneun byeol gwanjung sama
Jobeun golmok dolgo dolmyeo ttwigo tto ttwieotji
. . .”

“They play music?” Hankyun said in awe.

“That’s why we all enjoy coming here,” Dong Hae added.

“Yup! We all do!” Sungmin replied, “Well I don’t know about you yet. Do you?”

“I used to sing and dance a while back,” Hankyun answered.

“Cool!”Hankyun shyly nodded, and looked back up to the stage. The group were singing so lively and having fun. The harmony of their voices, the beat of Siwon’s drums, it was music, and the inner dancer that was Hankyun started to rise up. He wanted to get up on stage to dance and sing, even if he looked like a fool doing so. However, now wasn’t the time, maybe someday.

After the song ended, the whole house was clapping and cheering for the performers, if it weren’t for the group of girls by the stage, the group of male students would have been the loudest. Kyuhun and Yeshung returned to the table now. Durning the song, Hankyun realized that several others from his group of friends left the table, including Heechul.

No wonder it was quieter than normal.

What sounded like a violin started to play, softly and melodic at first then stretching out into loud screams of excitement. Looking up at the stage, Henry was playing a white electric violin. Who knew such a thing existed? Siwon once again played the drums. The two played together in sync before Ryeowook glided his fingers over the keyboard, and a voice started to sing.

“Ne sonman jaburyomalgo nal anabwa
du nun da kkog gamunchero nukkimul bwa
Gasumi cham bogjabhal tten nal barabwa
nan nol yuhoghanun goranda. . .”

Heechul voice would vary from forte to piano sounds, with traces of madness behind the notes. And even though it was Chinese’s first time witnessing this madness, he was enchanted by it. However, the trance was broken as soon as the bridge was over, and the song was reaching its last stretch of notes.

That was when Kim Heechul boldly (and quite ily) kissed Choi Siwon.

While the female crowd was squealing and cheering for the fan service, and the rest were just laughing at the homo act, obviously used to it. However, Hankyun was just simply confused at what his roommate just did.

It was just like earlier; when Heechul randomly kissed him. Speaking of which, what was that anyways? What were Heechul’s intentions in that kiss?

Tapping Donghae’s shoulder, Hankyun started to ask “Are those two. . .”

“Nope they arn’t, Heechul just enjoys doing that kind of stuff,” The other explained. “Besides Siwon is a die heart devoted Christian and wouldn’t go out with men,” he sighed with a small pout.

“Ahh. . .” So Heechul just enjoyed doing that, just for the sake of being different. That fact angered Hankyun a bit. He didn’t like the feeling of being a toy for the Korean to play with. Nor did he like the sight of that Korean kissing other people. All in all, the Chinese was not in a good mood at the moment. But it was stupid to be jealous of Siwon, who didn’t have any romantic feelings for any man. It was stupid to be jealous at all, why did he care at all what Heechul did with his lips? Besides that, Hankyun wasn’t a homo…


It was almost midnight when the guys returned to SJ University. Everyone was laughing but sleep was pulling as their eyes. Saying simple goodnights, they entered their dorms. Heechul locked the dorm’s door, yawning as he went to get ready for bed. As he was doing so, he couldn’t help but to notice his roommate was be awfully quite. Well Hankyun was normaly quite, but this was as if the other had died or something.

“What’s wrong with you?” the older asked to the other.

“Tired. . .” Hankyun mumbled in broken Korean. He readjusted himself so his back was facing Heechul. “Gonna sleep. . .”

“Well night,” Heechul only got a low grumble as a response. What was his problem? The long haired male wondered. Hankyun usually gave him more respect than that.  However, he didn’t give the Chinese’s strange behavior much thought. Soon he was in bed and off to sleep. Rest didn’t come so easily to Hankyun though. Turning over he watched the other male in his sleep; his chest rising and falling at a soft steady rhythm. The taller male wasn’t really thinking of anything, just observing the other.

 “Goodnight Kim Heechul.”


A/N: Thank you for all the subs and reviews! I hope my story can entertain you guys! I used google translate so I don't know if that Korean phrases is correct, I hope it is. I do plan on adding more couples into this mix here. So you have been warned/informed! Mwahahaha~ Thanks again for every single one of you who reads this, and see you next chapter!

Songs used were FLY by SuJu K.R.Y and Temptation of Sonata sung by Heechul

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when will you update?
buingbuingaegyo #2
update soon!!!
Update soon~
sujunme #6
like it...update soon^^
sounds interesting so far, i like it :) Update soon ^^