Shopping! Duh

The Real You
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"Mom I'm going to the mall with Minho. I shouldn't be that long," I told my mom when I went into the kitchen to grab my purse.

She looked up from whatever she was making and eyed me warily, "I'm not a big fan of that boy."

I sighed, "I know mom. I'm not that big of a fan of him either."

She gave me a confused look, "Then why are you going to the mall with him? Didn't you just go on a date with Onew?"" I nodded. "Now you're going on a date with this boy?"

"This isn't a date. We're just hanging out. He's having troubles with Taemin and his girlfriend is out of town so I'm his only other option."

"Doesn't he have other friends?" 

I thought about that for a moment. Minho was the star soccer player at school, he had to have some soccer buddies right? "I don't know mom. I'll be home by dinner alright? I love you!" Before she could argue anymore I walked out of the house and towards Minho's car.

He smiled at me when I got in, "You ready finally?"

I nodded putting my seat belt on, "Why are you so happy though?"

He shrugged and put the car in reverse backing out of my driveway and going down the road, "I'm just excited that someone finally said they would go shopping with me."

"I thought guys were supposed to hate shopping though."

He shrugged again and the radio ending our converstation. We were driving towards the ritzier part of Gangnam and the traffic really started to pick up.

"What mall are we going to?" I asked.

"The biggest one."

"Which would be?"

He looked at me with a bewildered look on his face, "Coex Mall? I think like one of the largest malls in Asia. Seriously? You've never been here?"

"I havn't lived here very long you know."

He nodded and focused on the road again. Occasionally I would hear his aggravated mumbles about how we should have taken the subway. I giggled a little and looked out the window. When he finally parked I looked out and saw nothing except for a few shops here and there.

Why did guys insist on parking far away when I was wearing heels?

"We wouldn't be able to park any closer. Maybe you should wear better shoes next time," Minho said walking past me.

I muttered a few choice words at him then followed, keeping my distance. He stopped when we got closer to the mall and waited for me to catch up.

"What?" I said.

"We're here together," he said grabbing my arm so we were linked together, "And the mall gets crowded. Wouldn't want to lose you now. Your mother would hate me more than she already does."

I looked at our arms and tried to free my arm but he held on and gave me a stern look as if to say stop struggling. I finally relented and he smiled, satisfied that he had won.

The crowd thickened as we got to the mall. A big sign that said COEX Mall stood at the front, murals lined the walls around the outside. It looked really new and expensive. It was huge once we went in and there was an information sign telling you all of the shops that were in it.

"There's an aquarium in here?"

"Yup," Minho said nodding.

"There's even a Kimchi Museum?"

"Uh huh."

"Does this mall also have a swimming pool?" I asked jokingly.

"I think there's plans to build one."

I rolled my eyes and let Minho drag me to the first store. It was a sports store where he said he needed to buy new cleats.

"I know you're the big man around campus when it comes to soccer, but I've never actually seen you play. You any good?"

"That sounds like a challenge," he said with a grin.

I picked up a cleat and examined it nonchalantly, "Only if you're taking it like that."

The shoe was plucked out of my hands and I looked up into Minho's too close face, "Well we'll just have to settle this sometime then."

Even though his close proximity was making me n

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Been crazy busy...I should have it up by tomorrow though. I promise!


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khinweaye #1
Chapter 38: Waiting for an update for months now. I wish Minhee would discover whether what she feels for Minho is just lust, or true liking. And I just hope the former man wh*ore would not foolishly get into a random affair with a willing sl*t as he just has one chance to prove he's worthy of Minhee's trust and feelings. Poor Onew though.
Chapter 38: Minhooooo <3
Chapter 38: I'm not sure if I ever commented your story but I apologize if I didn't >_<
Because honestly cute Minho will be the death of me ~ Please write more~ :3
I'll wait for the next update! ^^
anastasia2013 #4
Chapter 37: Yes, this is it! loving it so much because of the fluffy characters and wonderful story...wonder how things will go with this "fine" events...

patiently waiting for every updates! :)
SHINeegirl98 #5
Chapter 36: Yeah it took a while but good things need time ^^
Please update soon :)
anastasia2013 #6
Chapter 36: it took you a while yeah..but i have this unique affection towards the story...i love both Minhee's and Minho's charater her..their evolution to maturity!

hope we can still inspire you, so that stupid writer's block would go away! hahaha
khinweaye #7
Chapter 36: At long last, an update. Thank God, I thought you have abandoned the story and left us hanging in the air. Thank you for doing your best to overcome your writer's block, and we all will be waiting patiently for your creative juices to come back. This chapter is another development of importance to the story line, so you seem to be doing mighty fine. I hope Onew won't stay mad long though our girl is at fault here; she should have broken off cleanly with Onew first before starting a new murky (on her side, at least) relationship with Minho. And she still pretty unsure of what she really feels for Minho and to make matters worse, she still has a lack of trust in him. Our heroine will need plenty of time to sort her feelings out, and Minho must need to cultivate patience if he ever is to win her heart over. If he turns back to his womanizing way only once, then it's bye, bye forever to the girl ever coming to his side. Hope to read an update sooner than later...
Bakakumo #8
Chapter 35: Oh no... That's going to lead to a lot of broken friendships, not that it could be avoided...
Chapter 35: This was amazing! Leaving Onew is a way better decision than cheating on him! Update soon =D
Chapter 35: i'm speechless.. but, i think left Onew is the best decision now for Minhee. and for Minho, keep trying. I'm here for you. Jjang author-nim!