Eunhyuk's Rules of Survival


Donghae, the big scaredycat, wants to become a singer in Super Junior. Unfortunately, he pukes every time he's on stage. 

Eunhyuk, the big protector, is the only one who can calm Donghae, his best friend.

So the protector goes to the auditions with the mindset of protecting the scaredycat and he gets casted as well. But that is just the beginning. With -stealers, fandoms, and weird erts trying to seduce Donghae, along with protecting Donghae, he must stay sane. 

And how sane can one be, being in love with his own best friend?


I'll start this after finishing my Eunhae and Kyumin story : Boyception :)


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Can't wait for this sounds interesting! !!