
Ryeowook X Reader - Chocolate

You’re just a normal girl, living a normal life in a normal city, in a normal apartment, going to a normal university and having normal friends. Though, sometimes, you wonder about the last part. But still.


You dream of a wonderful life, with a wonderful guy, wonderful children, and maybe a wonderful dog, too.


But, up to now, your ambitions stopped at the second point.


The guys around you are awfully normal. Normal, and sometimes even less than normal. They’re all ugly, or stupid, or annoying, or macho, or douchebag, or anything that makes you want to punch them in the face if they dare approach you. You feel like you’ll be forever alone.


Waiting for your prince to appear in your life, you simply enjoy your time, especially the time you spend walking back home and smelling the delicious smell coming from that chocolate factory in your city. You’re actually pretty lucky; the factory was about to disappear, the company owning it not making enough money to keep it, until someday, it suddenly started running more than usual. And the smell, normal before, suddenly became wonderful. A miracle had happened in the factory, a lot of people were wondering about it, but nobody dared ask.




You were going home on a particularly beautiful winter evening, smelling the chocolate in the air and smiling to the moon like an idiot, when you suddenly bumped into someone who was seemingly doing exactly the same as you. You walked back, ready to apologize for your stupidity, when your right foot landed on a spot covered in ice, making you slide and fall. You were ready to feel the ground, and the ice, and the snow, and the cold; you only felt something warm catching you and pulling you back up. You ended up in someone’s arms.


“I’m sorry! Are you okay?”


Sweet voice. A bit high-pitched, but sounding very cute. Cute and melodious. You took a look up to that person’s face…


A prince.


You had no better word to describe him


A prince, with his beautiful dark eyes, his long lashes, his high cheekbones, his worried look, his black hair, his perfection… You stopped breathing for a second. He was so freakin’ handsome!


“A… Are you okay?” he repeated softly.


“Ah, um, yes! Thank you! Sorry! Um…”


You mentally slapped yourself in the face. Why were you being so stupid?! You breathed deeply to calm down. “I’m okay. Thanks for saving me here. I, I probably would’ve hit my head on the ground if… if you hadn’t…”


“That’s why I caught you. It would’ve been bad if you’d been hurt because of me.”


A shy smile had replaced his worried look and he helped you stay straight on your feet despite the invisible ice. You shivered a bit when his arms left your body and you closed your eyes for a second to make sure you’d remember the feeling of his body against yours. His voice resounded, sounding worried again.


“Are you sure you’re okay? Maybe I should make sure you go home safely?”


You frowned, opening your eyes. “Are you saying you want to follow me home? Who tells me you’re not some kind of ert who only wants to me?”


He raised his brows. “That’s the first time someone actually thinks I could be a bad guy… usually they think I’m too frail to do anything to them.”


“Does that mean you really are a ert who wants to me?”


“No, of course not! Wait, I’ll just show you my ID. Like this, you’ll know my name and, if I ever do anything to you, you can just call the police, and you’ll have my name. I can even tell you where I live if-”


“Nah, it’s okay. I, I’ll just go back home. I don’t need you to follow me…”


“I insist. See, here’s my ID. I’m Ryeowook.”


“Um. Okay.”


You sighed, and ended up telling him your name. He repeated it a few times in a thoughtful voice before he smiled. “It’s a beautiful name. You should treasure it.”


You were not exactly convinced that your name was especially beautiful, but you shrugged. Oh well. He was probably just being sweet, but it was still nice to receive compliments. You stayed silent for a moment before sighing. “Listen, I have to go home…”


“I want to make sure you don’t kill yourself on the way.”


“Why do you care?”


“Um, because I think you’re very cute and sweet?”


Damn his innocent honesty. You started blushing but, happily, it was too dark for him to see that. You sighed. “I got it. As long as you don’t try anything weird…”


“I won’t, I promise.”


And he really did just make sure you wouldn’t kill yourself on your way home. When you told him your apartment building was a few meters away, he respected your will not to have someone follow you there, and he just made sure you wouldn’t die in the stairs before he walked away. You waited for him to be far before entering the building, and then your apartment.


You sighed – again! -, taking off your coat. Oh well, too bad. Your prince had left… and you would probably never see him again.






“Uh, hey?”


What was he doing in front of your building?!


“What… what are you…”


“Well, I thought it would be nice to see you again…”




“Because you’re very cute and sweet. And interesting. And I want to know more about you.”


This time, you used your scarf to hide your blushing face. “Stop being so sweet, I’m not that interesting…”


“In my opinion, you are! C’mon, let me invite you over tonight. Do you like chocolate?”


“Well, yeah. Why?”


“Because I was planning to do a chocolate fondue. Please?”


You thought about it for a while. He really was super sweet, and though you didn’t know him at all, maybe that was the occasion to do so. He was handsome, charming, interesting, and in the end, he was probably right about the fact that he couldn’t do much to you… partly because you were always carrying a small knife with you for self-defense, and your father had made sure you knew how to use it. So he was probably no danger for you. And he was interesting. Oh, you had already said that. Oh well. You smiled.


“Okay, okay. But I have school today… and I don’t know where you live.”


“Just tell me where you go to school then? I’ll come and pick you up.”


Once again, you thought about it for a while before nodding. “Okay.” You told him which university you were going to and he smiled, a bit sadly. You frowned. “Why so sad?”


“Well, I would’ve liked doing university… but I’m not smart enough… so I started working already… I’m pretty sure we’re about the same age.”


“Not smart enough? What… oh, sh*t, tell me tonight, I really have to go if I don’t want to be late!”


“Okay, see you tonight!”


“Yeah! I’ll be done at 6 PM!”


You started running, because you really were starting to be a bit late, and you ended up arriving right on time.


The day went by too slowly, and you gladly packed your things up at the end of the day. It was dark outside, and a bit depressing, but the thought of having something else than homework to do tonight was making you a bit happier.


You quickly spotted him standing next to a car and smiling at the moon like an idiot. You walked to him and tilted your head to the side. “Is the moon more beautiful than me?”


He smiled widely when he recognized both you and your voice. “Of course not. Let’s go?”




You went to his apartment, which was not too far from yours actually, and you raised a brow when you saw just how tidy his place was. He helped you out of your coat and put it on a hanger before making you visit quickly, showing you were the bathroom was and where you could sit waiting for him to be done with the food. He was done pretty quickly actually and you raised a brow when you saw the enormous quantity of beautifully cut fruits around the hot pot full of melted chocolate. It smelled exactly like the one from the factory and you frowned.


“I didn’t know they were making chocolate for fondues…”


“They don’t. I do.”




“Well, it’s my recipe after all. Of course I would know how to mix the ingredients to make the chocolate perfect for this.”


You stared at him for a while. He. Was. The genius. Who had created the recipe of that perfect chocolate. What kind of plot twist was that?


“You… and you say you’re not smart enough to go to university.”


He laughed softly. “I’m not. I’m only good at cooking. And singing.”


“Sing for me?”


And he sung softly for you before he used the fondue fork to get a strawberry he plunged into the chocolate. Smiling, still singing, he delicately brought it to your mouth after he made sure it wouldn’t be too hot. You smiled too, and opened your mouth, letting him feed you with the strawberry coated in perfect chocolate.




You did that a lot, after that night. Just going to his place, and letting him cook for you, before he would give you perfect chocolate as a gift. You complained a bit, saying it would make you get fat, but the next chocolate he gave you was not as fat and not as sweet as the one before. It still tasted wonderful and you greatly appreciated the thought – and the taste.


You quickly fell in love with him; same for him, falling in love with you. The usual dinners became sleepovers, at first as friends, and, before you knew it, as lovers. He was always so sweet, so caring, so perfect. You understood just how much only on Valentine’s Day.


He had told you to meet him in his apartment on Valentine’s Day, telling you he had prepared something special for you. So you went to his place, knocked, and waited for him to come and open the door, which he did quickly as usual. You raised a brow when you saw him wearing a tux, and you looked at your casual clothes – you had just come back from school – with sad eyes. Oh man…


“Put this on, okay? And don’t take it off!”


Put what on? Oh, a blindfold… why… oh well. You obeyed anyway, knowing he was probably preparing something wonderful for you. He carefully guided you inside and you frowned when you felt his hands on your body. You were used to it – after all, you had done it many times before – but…


“Wookie? What are you doing?”


“Undressing you. But you’ll have clothes on soon, don’t worry. Damn this bra! Ah, there, got it.”


You blushed when you felt your bra fall and you tried your best to hide your s, a bit shy being only in your in front of your lover. But he was right, once again; you quickly felt a new bra being put on your s, a strapless one, and you frowned when you felt just how perfect it was. “Hey, how did you know…”


“I touched them, of course I’d remember their size.”


“They’re so small…”


“They fill my hands, so they’re exactly the right size.”


You blushed some more as he was making you get into some more clothes. When he was done, he pulled you to the dining room and removed the blindfold. “Happy Valentine’s Day, my love.”


The room was beautiful. Delicate red candles were on the table, displaying a dim and very romantic light. Little hearts were everywhere in the room, and you opened wide eyes when you understood they were all chocolate hearts he had probably made himself. But the best was on the table, just far enough from the candles so it wouldn’t melt.


It was a dark, milk and white chocolate sculpture, finely carved and overly realistic, representing you in a cute pose, smiling softly. You looked at it closely and felt tears appearing in your eyes when you saw how it had been hand-sculpted. Your eyes and hair were milk chocolate, while your skin was white chocolate. You were wearing a dark chocolate amazing dress, and only then you noticed you were wearing exactly the same black dress, except that yours was made with silk.


“This is for you. It represents you well, doesn’t it? Because you’re very sweet, just like chocolate,” you heard him whisper in your ear as he was hugging you from behind.


You couldn’t say anything. Ryeowook was your prince. And, if you were sweet like chocolate, he was sweeter than chocolate. You turned, and kissed him softly. He responded with tenderness and you whispered his name, making him shiver. “Ryeowook. Ryeowook, I love you…”


“I love you too. More than you love me.”


“I know… This sculpture…”


“It’s for you, to make you understand just how much I love you. I know you love chocolate.”


“There’s no way I’ll be able to eat something you sculpted! Plus, I love chocolate, but I love you even more than chocolate.”


He smiled and kissed you again.


“Well, maybe you love me more than you love chocolate… but I love you more than anything.”









Here you go! Hope you enjoyed, though I'm not exactly satisfied with the super long intro compared to the super short time the reader is Ryeowook's lover... >.< Still hope it was good enough for you =)

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Chapter 1: kyaaaa sooo fluff <3
wintertmm #2
Chapter 1: Wookie undressing me can't stop fantasizing
StringsandHoneys9 #3
write more fluff? c;
SenpaiJecho #4
Chapter 1: Ihjgkmjfstvcd+()@dewkedfidmnejwkqlksjasdsasdwerfikfeudvbfmjewkf
/fangirling is NOT enough
He's so sweet and caring, and charming and, and and.... /Spazzes
Angela93 #5
Chapter 1: I was laughing so hard when *she* said they are so small~~ XDDD
Chapter 1: Is it safe to say that we kissed since its Ryeowookxme.?



; uuu ; i love chocolate
SenpaiJecho #7
OHMYGOD thankyu~~~!!!!
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