We'll be together under our willow

The Willow~

This tree...This tree is where it all happened. My fingers brushed the rough bark and a smile crossed my face. I haven’t seen you, since that day. Two years. Two whole years without seeing your face. A doleful smile crossed my face. How much longer where you going to keep running from me? When are you going to return to me?

Jinki stood under the leaves of the weeping willow as his thoughts raced and the leaves danced in the wind around him. Everyday he came to this spot, he came, and waited. He would sit for hours under this tree watching the leaves dance and the clouds float above him. Though he enjoyed the scenery around him, he was mostly waiting. Waiting for his love to return to him. It’s been two years since he left him. There was no word or any warning, just empty air, just this willow tree.

Jinki sighed and watched as the sun began to set, he’d waited an extra couple of hours. But nothing. His faith never wavered though he just smiled and stood up and made plans to come back to tomorrow. As he began to walk away, his name was called.

Jinki’s POV

I must have been crazy, I had to be going senile. Or my excessive waiting had finally gotten to me, but none of those reasons were enough to not make me turn. My hands shook with euphoria as I stared at him.I couldn’t breathe,and yet I wanted to scream of happiness.

“Kibum.....” I whispered his name as I stepped hastily towards him. He held up his hand and shook his head.

“Where have you been?” I coudln’t stop the question, my curiosity was dying to be settled. He walked towards me with mournful eyes and kissed me. I could feel the distress and built up passion. I pulled him in close and returned his emotions. There were no words I could use to describe how much I longed for him.

His fingers coursed through my hair and our souls connected once more. He pulled away and placed his delicate fingers on my cheeks. “I love you.” he said with a sad smile. “I love you, but you have to stop this.” his words stung and his fingers were no longer warm but cold and uninviting. “I can’t come back for you like this...”

I grasped his wrist and shook my head “Kibum what are you saying? You’re here now. You’re here and I love you and you love me and we’re both here. I don’t understand.” I rambled on and on and I didn’t notice the tears that had fallen down his face. I kissed them away and ran my fingers through his hair before pulling him into my chest. “Don’t cry. Why can’t you stay? Why are you leaving again?”

He began to cry even harder, I could feel his tears soak my shirt but I paid it no mind. “You’re a fool.” he sobbed. “You can’t see can you?” He backed away and I could see a fading light around him. He was glowing... “Why?...” I couldn’t fathom how he was doing it.

He giggled and wiped his tears “Babo.” he sighed and placed a hand on my cheek. “Jinki I’m a spirit. I’m not alive anymore. I haven’t been for awhile.”

My breath caught and I couldn’t help but feel angry. “How could you say such a thing?” I huffed and shook my head.

“I’m not just saying this yeobo. I can’t see you anymore. I’ve watched you come to this tree everyday. And everyday I fade away and say ‘I’m not going to come back’ but I do. I can’t help but see you.” He was crying once more and I cried with him. I couldn’t believe what he was saying. I couldn’t hold back my feelings.

“Kibum....don’t leave again. I don’t understand. I can’t wrap my mind around this.” I sighed and tried to control my tears.

“I don’t have much longer.” He said before placing a kiss on my lips. “I love you. We’ll meet again when you’re ready. I’ll always be by our tree.” He kissed my lips again and I kissed back until I couldn’t feel him anymore. Once I opened my eyes he was no longer there. I couldn’t breathe I had to sit and I watched the stars and the leaves our willow dance. “I love you too Kibum. I love you very much.”

This tree...This tree is where it all happened. There were so many secrets, so many unknown questions that are still unknown,but I know that we’re going to be together. we’ll reunite under our willow and move with the leaves.


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Good story~~~
ellieg4453 #2
Chapter 1: :'( this was so beautiful and so touching!!!