Shindong, Nari, and Heechul



Heechul opened the door, then closed it.

“Who is it?” Leeteuk asked, about to open the door when Heechul blocked his way.

“Don’t. It’s him.”

“Why did you open the door then?” Leeteuk was panicking a little.

“I thought it was the Chinese food delivery guy.”

“What are we going to do?” it was just the right moment for his phone to ring; a call from the right person. “You answer it.”

“Why? It’s your phone!” Leeteuk’s phone stopped ringing, just the right moment for Heechul’s phone to ring that time, from the same person. “Hyung, you answer it.”

“It’s her right?” the two were staring at Heechul’s phone. “It stopped.” Just then Shindong knocks on the door again.

“Leeteuk hyung! Heechul hyung!”

“Aish. Why is he here again?” Heechul was crumpling his hair due to exasperation.

“Maybe he has good reasons.”

“Hyung, Nari wants me to sleep in the dog house.”

“See,” Leeteuk abruptly opens the door seeing a despaired Shindong on their doorstep with his usual luggage. “Come in Donghee.” Leeteuk was pulling out one of his most faked angelic smiles.

“You devil,” referring to oldest one.


“What does she want now?” hugging and tapping Shindong’s back.

“She wants me to sleep in the dog house..”

Heechul and Leeteuk looked at each other; Heechul rolled his eyeballs, Leeteuk sighed. They knew this would be another (almost) hellish week for them under the rants of Jung Nari.

“..and we don’t even have one.”


Shindong has been ‘visiting’ his hyungs quite too often for the past weeks.


“Nari needs to clean the house. She said that the house aunt is not doing it well. I offered to help her. She rejected me saying:

No. You’ll just block the way and make a fuss. Now, go somewhere I wouldn’t see your big fat shadow. Shoo~”

Shindong stayed at the dorm and played games with Heechul and eat.


 “Nari said I smell like something that offends her nostrils. I even took a bath thrice today. We’re using the same body wash. I packed my things and she led me to the door:

You. Need to go somewhere where I can’t smell you. Or you want me to die suffocating myself from holding my own breathe.”

Shindong stayed at the dorm and played games with Heechul and eat, chatted with Leeteuk for a while at the living room.


“Nari said the bed is too small for us or I’m getting bigger by the day. I weighed myself and I am 3 pounds less from last month. She packed the bag for me:

I think we need a new bed. I feel so cramped with this space. You might sleep somewhere for tonight or I’m afraid you’ll crash my fragile flesh and bones.”

Shindong stayed at the dorm. Heechul closed his room, chatted with Leeteuk for a while at the living room.


NR: ಠ_ಠ

SD: ㅠㅠ

Shindong stayed at the dorm. He watched TV alone after his hyungs were drunk.


Along with those four incidents.


“Donghee, your phone is ringing,” Heechul almost said whispering then screaming. “! ! ! Don’t go there. Wait a sec!” Then he lost the game.

“Don’t forget to pay up, hyung.”

“It’s your stupid phone’s fault, it kept on vibrating. I was out of concentration. Aish!” he grabbed his wallet, pulling out some paper bills, smashed it on the table, near Shindong’s handset. But the younger one managed to take a hold of his phone before it was crashed.

“. It’s my wife. What? 4 missed calls?”

“Told you it was ringing,” Heechul lay flat on his bed and played with Bangshin’s tail.

“It was on etiquette mode. Damn,” just when he tried to dial Nari’s number, Leeteuk opened the door with the house phone on his hand.

“Donghee, Nari’s on the line. I think..she’s upset.  She sound weird crying?”

“What?” Shindong rushed to get the phone from Leeteuk with just a blink of an eye. Heechul was kind of amused knowing his weight, and got up from bed scaring the poor old cat out of the room.

“He missed 4 calls.”

“No wonder.”

“Girls..are plain complicated. She’s no teenager.”

“Maybe she had a minor accident while cleaning the house?”

“She’s seriously cleaning at 11pm?”

Shindong ended the call and clutched his duffle to his shoulder. “Hyung, I have to go. Thanks for letting me stay.”

“What happened to Nari? Is she okay?” Leeteuk accompanied his dongsae to the patio.

“Yeah. But, it’s weird. She was sobbing a little. She said it was lonely at home..and she can’t reach the cleansing detergent on top of the kitchen cupboard.”

They can hear Heechul’s laughter echoing from his room.

“I see. Drive home safely.”

“Thanks again, hyung.”

“No problem. Come on in anytime,” then Leeteuk waived goodbye leaning at the doorframe until the big shadow was out of his sight.

Come on in anytime.

Come on in anytime


Heechul took out a couple of bills from his wallet. “I hate this. I will never play with you,” he sneered while burying his face on his bed.

“Not my fault, hyung.”

“Your fault. You reeking plump scaredy-swine.”

“Hyung. That was so..grade school,” then he wasn’t able to dodge a flying pillow.

Shindong left Heechul’s room and watched some drama with Leeteuk while eating tangerines. After a couple of minutes, Heechul went out of his room, stomping his feet, he went straight to Shindong shoving his phone to the latter’s face.

“It’s your wife! Crazy woman screaming at me, saying we’re hiding you from her. Doesn’t she realize you’re too big to be hidden?  Anyone can spot you miles away. Sheesh,” he slump on the couch in between the two, turning to Leeteuk. “Hey, are these the tangerines Wookie peeled for me? Aish.”

“What’s wrong this time?” Leeteuk shrugged while eating the last piece.

“I have no freakin’ idea.”

Shindong ended the call and handed the phone back to his hyung.

“Hyung. I’m sorry about that. Nari said she was just scared to be alone at home and didn’t mean to yell at you, so I have to go now.”

“Holy―” Leeteuk silenced Heechul by letting his hand invade Heechul’s mouth and while the latter protest.

“Go ahead. Drive home safely to your wife. She must be very scared now,” giving Shindong a hint that he could only captivate Heechul for not too long. Shindong dashed to the door, bawling his apologies and thank yous.

Once Leeteuk assured he was out of the enemy’s borderline, he released Heechul. Both were panting, exhausted.

“What the hell is wrong with Jung Nari?” Heechul tried to dial her number but Leeteuk grabbed his phone. “Hey!”

“Let them be. I think there’s something wrong with the two of them.”

“More like something’s wrong with Nari. Do we have to endure this, too, Jungsu?”

“I think so.”

“You ate my tangerines.”

“I’ll peel some now, right this moment.”


“Where’s Heechul hyung?”

“He’s inside his room. Don’t worry, it’s not locked but he bought an accessory for his door.”

The two of them were staring at the sign board hanging on the white door before them: ENTER AT OWN RISK with scribbled hangul and a drawing of what seemed like a madcap beast at the bottom, RABID CAT EATS SMELLY HOG.

“How..pre-school,” Shindong mutters to himself.

“I know right,” Leeteuk almost just blew air from the side of his lips. “So do you plan to buy a bigger bed anytime soon?”

Shindong sprawled his tired flabby body on the couch. Leeteuk frowned at the sight.

“I don’t know what’s wrong with her. She’s having enough mood swings only an army can handle. She..she..I don’t know, hyung.”

“I know,” Heechul stood there patting the madcap beast on the head. “It’s PMS.”

“What do you know about PMS?”

“More than you’ll ever know, Park Jungsu.”

“I don’t think that’s it, hyung. If you haven’t notice, it’s been happening for quite too long now.”

“Extended PMS.”

“How genius, Heechul. Can’t you recall anything that made her upset that led to a serious fit?”

“His presence?” Leeteuk glared at Heechul. Leeteuk tried to sit on the couch looking for a peeping piece of cushion but there was none so he settled for the cold floor.

“C’mon think of something. There has to be at least one.”

“Okay, the last time she got mad at me was due to the game shop losing customers. Heechul hyung and Kyuhyun kept on showing up playing and beating all the other gamers. She was tormented when she visited the shop one time then only saw Hyung and Kyu playing on peek hours.”

Leeteuk coughed hard as if he was choked with his own saliva. Heechul patted his back.

“That’s not it Donghee, we settled that issue long ago~” almost on a singing voice.

“But Kyu still goes to the shop.”

“That kid,” Leeteuk was about to ring Kyuhyun’s phone when Heechul stopped him.

“That’s not it, Donghee. Think of something else. Has your brain been filled up with adipose tissues?”

Just then, the doorbell rang. When Leeteuk opened it, a petite pale girl stood before him, she was holding the same duffle bag as Shindong with a different peach and orange color.

“Come in, Nari?” Leeteuk motioned her to the living room, offered to carry the luggage for her, and she mumbled a soft thank you.

“Oh wow, it’s a reunion!” Heechul fabled cynically, clasping his hands together.

“What are you doing here, yeobo? Did you drive yourself?”

“No. The car ran by itself. Of course I drove, dummy,” clinging an arm to Shindong burying herself behind her man’s back.

“What a lovely scene for a harebrained couple,” Heechul whispered to Leeteuk, and then he got a side thump making him back off a little.

“So! Nari, what brings you here? It’s awfully late, isn’t it?”

Silence. The boys were waiting for her response. Like a lamb scared to be eaten by a wolf, Heechul thought to himself.

She parted her lips, “I miss..Donghee.”

Extreme violence inside Heechul’s head cannot fathom what to say here just bear with me

“So miss our Donghee?” Heechul was pinching Shindong’s cheeks so hard the bigger guy felt it was burning (it was kind of an outlet for Heechul).


Heechul and Leeteuk had enough headache that night and when fate was not their side anymore, Leeteuk had to spend the night on Heechul’s bed. Shindong and Nari stayed on Leeteuk’s cozy white room.

“Just for this one night. Last time, it will be,” Leeteuk pleading Heechul on the latter’s bedroom door.

“Fine,” he said with gritted teeth.

The next morning, the two woke up with warm breakfast all set on the table with a little note of apologies and thank yous.

“Not so bad afterall,” Leeteuk laughed himself off.

“I just hope this will be the end of Jung Nari’s tantrums,” making himself composed before the blessing.


That night.

 “Leeteuk hyung! Heechul hyung!”

“Aish. Why is he here again?” Heechul was crumpling his hair due to exasperation.

“Maybe he has good reasons.”

“Hyung, Nari wants me to sleep in the dog house.”

“See,” Leeteuk abruptly opens the door seeing a despaired Shindong on their doorstep with his usual luggage. “Come in Donghee.” Leeteuk was pulling out one of his most faked angelic smiles.

“You devil,” referring to oldest one.


“What does she want now?” hugging and tapping Shindong’s back.

“She wants me to sleep in the dog house..”

Heechul and Leeteuk looked at each other; Heechul rolled his eyeballs, Leeteu sighed. They knew this would be another (almost) hellish week for them under the rants of Jung Nari.

“..and we don’t even have one.”

“Aren’t you two already settled earlier this morning?”

“That’s what I thought, too,” big guy sighed.

“I think you should bring her to a specialist, no offense but that would be the best so far,” Heechul patted his dongsaeng’s wide shoulder.

“No offense taken because that’s what I think so, too.”

The three of them watched the drama Wookie recommended while drinking beer.


“Heechul, get up or we’ll be late,” Leeteuk was playing tag o’war with Heechul with the blanket. “C’mon! Kim Heechul, show a little support at least.”

“Fine. Fine. Fine!”

He sat there silently beside Leeteuk. Leeteuk was constantly checking him like a mother looking out if her child is having a perfect behavior on a family gathering. They were wearing dazzling white tux, he had a fixed smile pasted on his face. He had, too, they’re on a merry gathering. People are flashing blinding smiles; he’s there for free food. No. But to support a brother taking a new journey of his life; had to wish him all the best. This is not a foreign feeling for him. But yes, this is a bittersweet way to recall the past. He closed his eyes, does he envy people like them? Maybe. Maybe not. Because he chose a different path, how he wished he took the same path as most normal people chose. He regretted. He smiled. He looked at Leeteuk, he was beaming, clapping his hand in merriment. Why can’t he be like his only hyung? Why can’t he contain his emotions? Every drop of sensation and emotion he had, must be shown. 

“Donghee! Congratulations! No need for me to say; make Nari the happiest wife!” he hugged the groom, patted his back. He doesn’t know what he’s saying.

“Thanks hyung! Sure I will. I had enough training from you.”

“What do you mean, big guy?”

“You know. Nari’s a little like you. So I kind of learned how to deal with her thru thanks!” Shindong was a ray of sunshine grinning on his wedding day.





“No. You can’t stay here for the night, not now, never.”

“Are you playing?”

“Yes. Why are you calling me? Not Jungsu?”

“It’s 3am.”


“Hyung, can you hear that?”


“The sound of angels―”

“Oh please, Donghee―”

“I’m going to be a Dad.”


I am supposed to be writing a dead serious fic. But here I am giggling to myself for this crack. These are based on a part-real life happenings LOL. I only got to hear the story now from my brother in law when my sis was carrying my nephew inside her. Poor him, he suffered a lot during those days but terribly funny at the same time. He reminded of Shindong a lot, both flabby and humorous people. Plus they love their wifeys!


p.s. I threw a fit when I heard Shindong unfollowed Nari on Twitter and Nari’s last posts were sad ones :( SHOOT what is happening? >< But this is how I cope up, make my stories.

p.p.s. I think Nari is weird. Irl that is.

p.p.p.s. There’s a lot of Jungsu! Can’t wait to write his chapter!

p.p.p.p.s. I love your comments! Thank you so much /virtually hugs all of you >>>>:D<<<< (look I grew arms!)

p.p.p.p.p.s. I love the gif :D

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abductedd #1
"“Ah. That’s great!” Siwon’s nasal voice echoed, with Heechul a little too confused, even with his stead-fast wit, it left him hanging with a slightly opened mouth. “This is God’s doing! You’ve finally come to realize this is meant for you, He enlightened you, hyung. I knew it.”<br />
<br />
<br />
<br />
"What he heard was vague silence after the mention of a familiar Chinese name and words such as divorce, gay, love, eloping, drunk driving, accident, fire, death in one sentence"<br />
<br />
<br />
“Thanks, Dad,” Siwon’s smile of relief eluded across his face.<br />
“It’s President Choi for you, Director. Sign the contract with Mr. Kim…and knock the day off,” the elder Choi sat back on his chair and motioned the two to leave him alone in peace, they’ve given him enough headache that morning. “Eat lunch out or something, don’t bother me and no more fighting, Wonnie.”<br />
“I understand, President Choi.”<br />
“That’s Dad for you.” "<br />
<br />
<br />
" “How about the dating part?”<br />
“Hmm?” Heechul lamely pulled a surprised look.<br />
“Uhh…”<br />
“You’re kidding, right?”<br />
“What? Ah! Of course! Haha! Of course, I was kidding!”<br />
Except, he was not."<br />
<br />
~ I CRY FOR SICHUL T_______T<br />
<br />
abductedd #2
I have no complains that I am sobbing over my pillow right now. I miss Hanchul.<br />
<br />
So Geng was waiting for him on part 4 on the MB the whole night *sigh*<br />
And MIMIIIIII!! sobs he's so good.<br />
Wny is Geng a douche? Because he got married? uhhh<br />
And why do they seem to talk as if Geng is dead :c<br />
<br />
waiting for heehae ehem
demiii #3
@abductedd HeeHae is on progress :| <br />
@choiminholoverX356 @kimkibumie I am so predictable, right? Hohohoho<br />
<br />
Thanks so much for reading and I appreciate all the feedbacks, sorry for slow updates. I really don't have an excuse for that.<br />
<br />
If you guys have written Hanchul/Kyumin/Qmimin/Yewook/Eunhae/any weird pairing, please let me know! I'll be glad to read them :D<br />
abductedd #4
I reread it again. It really makes sense :') Funny, touching, angst. It leaves me hanging. I LOLOLOLOLOVE THE SHINRI! PLEASE UPDATE SOON-EST! HaeHee please..
As soon as we found out Nari had mod swings I thought " she's pregnant."
abductedd #6
I am confused D: Naaah! just kidding :)) It's really entertaining. Seeing how Heechul interacted with the members, I just hope you would update the Eunhae >< sorry, so demanding. Update soon! I wonder who will be the next SJ member
Teukie not an old man.....yet.... <br />
Update soon!