
A Nu Highschool Romace

They  were sitting in the car for about half an hour before they reached their apartment building. When they arrived Tae Ik pulled into a drive way and pressed a button on a talk box.

[K] “How can I help you today” a woman’s voice said through the box.

[K] “I have the new residence to the penthouse” he said back to the woman.

They looked at each other with our mouths open wide.

“Penthouse?” they screamed together in excitement.

[K] “Ok, when you are settled come to the front desk and we will give you a key card so you can access the car park whenever you need it, but for now I will buzz you in” the women said and then they saw the gate lift up and Tae Ik drove down under the building.

Tae Ik drove around looking for our parking spot. He found it right next to the elevator and in front of the parking spot had a big sign.

[K] Penthouse Residence Only

He pulled in and they got out of the car.

“It will take a few trips to get this all up to your apartment but I will help” Tae Ik said opening the back of the van and smiling at the two girls.

“Thank you Tae Ik, we really appreciate it” Tamara said smiling and pulling one of the suitcases out of the back of the van.

They each got two suitcases and went to the elevators. When it arrived a young couple got out and we walked in and Tae Ik pressed the  penthouse button.

Password Please.

The elevator’s speaker said.

“What password?” Tammy said.

“Your father would have set up a password so only you could access it” Tae Ik said. “Can you think of what it might be?”

“I know!” Tamara said walking over to the keypad. She punched in a code and then crossed her fingers.

Access Granted.

“I knew it!” Tamara said proud of her self.

The elevator rose up and the girls watched as the numbers on the small screen increased.

14, 15, 16, 17, 18, 19, 20, 21, 22, Penthouse.

They walked out to a beautiful spacious Apartment. They took off their shoes at the entrance and walked into the large apartment. The girls walked around everywhere. The large and very modern kitchen, the living room with a huge television and big couch, easily big enough to fit ten people, and finally their bedrooms. Tammy’s was huge with black furniture and pink walls, carpet, bed sheets, paintings and much more. Tamara’s was the same but with blue everything and white furniture.

 The girls left their rooms and found Tae Ik standing awkwardly in the kitchen. They walked over to him.

“Tae Ik, thank you so much for your help!” Tamara said.

“You can thank me when we are done” Tae Ik said with a smile.

They walked to the elevator and Tae Ik pressed the car park button. The elevator travelled back down and when it reached the bottom they walked out and to the van. Tae Ik unlocked it and they got out the last of the bags.  They walked back to the elevator got in, put in the code, went up to their penthouse and put their bags in their rooms.

“Now, thank you Tae Ik” Tammy said smiling at him.

“No problem, when you need a ride anywhere, call this number” Tae Ik said handing Tammy a number on a piece of paper.

“Why would you inconvenience yourself like that?” Tamara asked.

“It not an inconvenience, your father paid me to be your driver this year while you’re in Korea” Tae Ik said grinning.

“Ohhhhhhh, of course he did” the twins said together.

“Yeh, well I should be off. I have another customer waiting” Tae Ik said and walked to his shoes, slipped them on and waved as he stepped in the elevator and the doors closed.

They twins turned to each other not sure of what they should do.

“Omo! We have to call mother and father, they are probably waiting for us to” Tamara said running into her room. She returned with her phone and her and her sister sat on the couch and dialled their home’s number.

“Hello?” their father said.

“Hi, Father!” the girls said into the phone.

“Oh thank god, your mother and I have been waiting for you to call for such a long time!” he said with anger in his voice.

“Don’t worry, we are alright. We are in the apartment already with our stuff here as well. Oh and Tae Ik is a very nice person who has very good English” Tammy said trying to lighten her father’s mood.

“That’s good, and I chose him so you could have an English speaking friend in Korea who can also help you travel around” their father said. “Your mother wants to talk to you”

“Hi girls!” their mother said into the phone overjoyed.

“Hey mother” they said in unison.

“Are you ok? Safe? There is food already if you’re hungry! And there is already shampoo, conditioner, soup, face cleanser and toilet paper so you don’t need to shop for a while” she said.

“Ok, calm down mother. We are all good, I was thinking of taking Tammy down to see the school soon so we better go but I love you and we will call you again soon!” Tamara said.

“Ok, I love you girls!” their mother said.

“We love you too” the twins said together.

They hung up the phone and were quiet for a while. Tammy leaned her head on Tamar’s shoulder. Tammy grabbed her sister’s hand and they held hands and cuddled on the couch for a while.

“This is going to be a long year” Tammy said.

“But it is going to be a really fun one” Tamara said looking down at her twin. “Ok? We are going to make this the best year ever”

“Promise?” Tammy said.

“I promise that we will make the best memories ever here” Tamara said raising her pinkie which Tammy linked hers with.

 “What should we do now?” Tammy asked.

“Do you wanna go for a walk around, check out the school maybe?” Tamara said getting up off the couch.

“Ok, we also have to get the key card from the front desk” Tammy said getting up and walking into her room to get her phone

When she returned her sister was putting her shoes on in the door way.  Tammy went and put on her shoes and her sister was at the elevator waiting. She walked over to her sister and the elevator arrived. They got in and watched the numbers descend. When they reached the lobby they walked out to a big spacious lobby with a tall handsome man behind a large wooden desk. The twin walked over to the desk holding hands.

[K] “Hello, how may I help you ladies” the man said with a deep voice.

[K] “We just moved into the penthouse and we came to pick up our key card for the car park” Tamara said smiling her sweet smile used every day.

[K] “Oh, so you must be the Klein sisters” the receptionist said.

[K] “Yep” they said together.

[K] ‘Well, here is your key card and if you ever need something give me a call. I work here Monday to Saturday, 7am to 8pm” he said smiling and handing over the card.

[K] “Thank you” the girls said before walking away still holding hands.

They walked out of the building into a busy, overcrowded street. They walked to the left and down this road, passing restaurants, clothing stores, cafes, grocery stores and a small music store. The girls looked at each other.

“I guess we will be spending some time there over this year” Tammy said to her twin.

They continued to walk down the street until they came to a park. There were kids playing everywhere. Families having picnic’s and a man playing the guitar busking. They walked through the middle of the park and the found the school. It was huge with large buildings and a big gate blocking it off. They looked up at a sign on the wall of the gate.

[K] School beginning on the 4th of March

“Isn’t that next week?” Tamara asked her sister.

Tammy got out her phone and looked at the date.

 March 2nd 2013.

“To be exact. Today is Saturday and we start school on Monday” Tammy said showing her sister her phone.

“Shiiiii, what are we going to do? We have to get our books and uniform!” Tamara said screaming making people turn to her and gives her a weird look.

“Just calm down Tamara, we will go back to the apartment and search on our laptops where we can find the stuff we need” Tammy said pulling her sister back through the park.

They rushed back to the apartment as fast as they could. Passing all the shops and busy people walked past looking at them funny because they were speed walking like an Olympic champion. When they got to the lobby, they were rushing to the elevators.

[K] “Excuse me ladies” the receptionist said.

[K] “Yes?” they said simultaneously.

[K] “This came for you while you were out, it says it’s from Seoul Arts High School” He said putting it up on the desk and reading the label printed on the front of it.

[K] “Really? Oh, I hope this is all the stuff we need for Monday” Tammy said suddenly relieved.

Tamara picked up the package.

[K] “Do you need help taking it up?” the receptionist asked.

[K] “No, I’ll manage, if I need help I’ll just give it to my sister” she said walking to the elevator.

Tammy came up behind her and pressed the going up button. When it came they got into the elevator.

“What is the code Tamara?” Tammy asked. “You are the only one who knows”

“Our Date of birth” she said simply.

Tammy pressed in the numbers.


The elevator went up and they listened to the classic elevator music. When it stopped at the top, they got out, took off their shoes and Tamara went and put the package on the dining table. Tammy went into the kitchen and looked for scissors. When she found them, in the top right drawer of the island bench, she went to the package and opened it.

When they opened it, it had all their books and pencils, pens, etc. They got to the bottom of the package and pulled out their uniforms. 2 Yellow blazers, 2 Yellow Sweaters, 2 White shirts, 2 Royal blue ties with stars, 2 Royal blue skirts, 2 pairs of White socks and one pair of pink chucks and one pair of blue chucks. The girls looked at each other and smiled.

“Father” they said together.

“Now we can relax” Tammy said smiling at her sister.

“Let’s go put this stuff away” Tamara said.

“Wait” Tammy said looking into the box. “There is more”

Tammy pulled out two MCM bags. Blue and Pink.

She looked at her sister with wide open.

“OMFG! We finally got MCM bags!” Tamara said jumping up and down “Oh Yeh Oh Yeh Ah Ha Oh Yeh Oh Yeh”

The girls did some little dances while looking at their bags.

They both grabbed their stuff and ran into their rooms, after calming down, and put their stuff away. Tammy came out to find Tamara in the Kitchen looking through the fridge.

“I'm hungry” Tamara said when she noticed her sister walking to the kitchen.

“Yeh me too, what do you feel like?” Tammy asked while opening a cupboard.

“Kimchi Soup” Tamara said.

“Hmmm...” Tammy said looking through the fridge her sister had just abandoned. “Here is some, father must have got someone to buy some on put it in the fridge for us”

“Let’s heat it up ASAP because I am dying from starvation!” Tamara said rubbing her stomach and looking through the cupboard for a saucepan.

When she found one she put it on the stove and turned it on. Tammy opened the container of Kimchi Soup and put it in the saucepan. Tamara walked to the rice cooker and found it already had rice in it. She put in some water and turned it on. While the twins waited for the food to cook they decided to explore the apartment. They walked into a room in the far end of the apartment and found it was a huge music room. It had all their instruments. Piano, Drums, Guitar, Bass, Saxophone, Violin, Trumpet and a flute. They found all their sheet music and music books on a shelf in the corner of the room, by the white grand piano.

“Oh my god, this is so great. Father has seemed too thought of everything” Tammy said as she walked to the piano and sat down.

She started to play a familiar tune and Tamara came over and sang along. This song had been their favourite song to sing together since the day it came out. It was Wedding Dress by Taeyang. They had performed this song many times and still it never got old. When they finished there was a beeping in the kitchen which they guessed was the rice cooker. They walked out of the music room and Tamara went to the rice cooker and turned it off and then to the stove where she turned that off too. Tammy grabbed bowls and served their dinner while Tamara got chop sticks and drinks.

The girls sat down at their small dining table and dug into their food straight away. It wasn’t long before they were finished and the dishes were in the dishwasher, while the girls were on the couch watching T.v. Tamara was flicking through the channels looking for something decent to watch. 

“Wait, go back” Tammy said to her twin when she saw something she wanted to watch.

“What is it?” Tamara said pushing the back button on the remote sending the channels backwards.

“Stop!” Tammy said when Tamara flicked to the channel she wanted.

“Omo! It’s Star King!” Tamara said.

“Wow, this one is really old! I mean look at Taemin’s baby face” Tammy said pointing at the cute SHINee member.

“I know, now days he is looking really charismatic and hot. Remember that picture of his abs! O.M.G” Tamara said with her hands on either side of her face making the scream face.

“OHMYGOWD! What is that freaky lady man doing to poor Taemin?” Tammy said yelling and staring at a Women/Man (not sure which one) singing Ring Ding Dong to him in a y voice while kneeling in front of him and taking off his beanie. Taemin looked freaked out and scared while he held a plastic axe and motioned to hit him. The lady man gave up and walked away while Taemin got up and swung the axe at the lady man causing everyone to laugh. Taemin sat down looking innocent and smiling at the lady man.

“He He, he’s so cute” Tamara said pulling her knees to her chest and resting her chin on her knees.

The girls watched the whole episode and then started to dose off. Both girls fell asleep n the couch curled up while the T.v still ran.

Tamara woke first and it was dark outside. She walked to the sliding doors and opened them, walking out onto the balcony. She stood looking around the streets of Seoul. Tammy came out and wrapped a blanket around herself and her sister. They just stood looking out into the city for what felt like hours.

“Let’s go to bed. It’s been a long day” Tammy said to her sister grabbing her hand and pulling her into the apartment.

The girls went to their rooms and washed up, ready to go to bed. When they were both cleaned up Tammy went to the kitchen to get a glass of water and her sister was already there with one for the both of them.

“What are we going to do tomorrow?” Tamara asked her twin.

“Unpack, get ready for school and relax?” Tammy said.

“Sounds good!” Tamara said picking up her glass and walking to her room. “Good night Sissy”

“Good night” Tammy said as she walked behind her sister to her room.

Both girls were asleep as soon as they hit their warm fluffy bed.

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Chapter 5: i like this story UPDATE SOON ^ fighting~^
please update soon~! I like this story kekeke ^^