❅ chapter four | part one

-chocolate macchiato

chapter four|part one

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Kyuhyun wakes up early the next morning, to the smell of bacon and eggs. Sitting up, he realizes that he isn't in the living room. Looking around at his surroundings, he sees that he is in a bedroom. The bedroom itself was huge, bigger than his own, since he shared it with his bandmates Sungmin and Heechul.

"Where in the...how did I get up here..?" Kyuhyun says, rubbing the crust from the corners of his eyes. He sits on the corner of the bed, and stands up, a wave of pain coming down his leg. "SHIBAL!" the boy screams, forcing himself back down on the pillow-infested bed.

The fast pacing of footsteps fill up the silent house. Kyuhyun looks over towards the door, his heart pumping faster than usual. Siwon was standing there, panting like a dog in the summer heat. "W-what's wrong?! Are you okay?" he asks, speed-walking over to Kyuhun's side. Kyuhyun looks over at him, tears in his eyes.

"M-my leg...it hurts really bad." he moans, rubbing the area where it was hurting. "R-right here.."

Siwon raises his eyebrow, and rolls up the leg of his sweatpants. A bruise, about as big as a 100 won bill, sat on his calf. "Sweet mother of god..." he says, tracing his finger around the purple and blue skin.

Kyuhyun flinches, and draws his leg away from him. "Yah..don't touch it." he coughs, breaking up the mucous that built up in his chest overnight. The congestion was uncomfortable, but at least he felt better than the night before.

"I'm sorry," Siwon frowns, looking down at the ground. "Can you walk on it?"

Kyuhyun nods, and stands up slowly. "Y-yeah." He takes his time getting to the door, limping slightly. The pressure on his leg was unbearable, but he didn't want to make Siwon lift him up or anything. "Aah!" He yelps out, sliding down the fram of the door, clutchign his bruised leg. "I can't.."

Before Kyuhyun could finish his sentence, Siwon has already lifted him up, bridal-style. Kyuhyun was blushing as red as a freshly-picked rose. Siwon looks down at him, and smiles, with only one dimple showing. 

Once they were downstairs, Siwon sets Kyuhyun down, and the two go into the kitchen. A woman, of about age of 50 or so, was at the stove, preparing the breakfast. Siwon stands by her side, and bows.

Kyuhyun was sitting at the kitchen table, which seemed more like a table from a school cafeteria. It was covered with all kinds of seasonings and condiments that you ouldn't see on a table. He picks one up, sniffs it, and makes a face with the smell. He reads the label: Wasabi.

At least it cleared up his nasal passage-way, because he was able to breate for the first time in almost 7 hours.

Siwon sits beside him, staring at the young man with an awkward look on his face. "Um, what were you doing?"

Kyuhyun snaps the cap back onto the container, and sets it back onto the table. "I'm sorry, I was just being curious, as usual." Kyuhyun laughs a bit, brushing his hair out of his face.

"It's alright." Siwon reaches over and ties Kyuhyun's bangs up into a cute ponytail. "I don't want you to get yelled at by Mrs. Kang," he whispers, holding his hand. "She gets onto us about having our hair in our faces while eating."

Kyuhyun nods, puffing his cheeks. "Oh, my mother is the same way. She threatens that she'll cut my bangs if I don't have them out of my face at the table."

"Oh my, wow." Siwon smiles, both of his dimples finally visible. Kyuhyun reaches out and stick his finger inside one of them, and twirls it around.

"I'm sorry If I'm torturing you. I just love your dimples." 

"It's fine. I love your face. Your really...handsome." Siwon had wanted to say pretty, but he didn't want Kyuhyun to think that he was a molester or a person in the category.

The woman by Mrs. Kang walks over to the table, and starts setting down all kinds of breakfast-related delecacies, such as eggs, bacon, chocolate chip pancakes, and assorted fruits. Kyuhyun was literally drooling at the sight of everyting eing placed on the table, making Siwon laugh at him.

"All of this is for you, Hyunnie." Siwon makes Kyuhyun a plate, stacked high of almost one or two of everything, and slides it in his direction. "Enjoy."

"Why wouldn't I?" Kyuhyun raises a brow as he unwaps his fork from the nakpin. He grabs the syrup contaner and drenches his pancakes in it, humming in satisfaction. He takes a bit from the cakes, and widens his eyes. "These are too good!" He yells out, his mouth full of mashed up pancake and syrup running down his chin.

Siwon shakes his head, and uses his finger and wipes off the sticky liquid from his chin. "Be careful." He whispers, getting closer to Kyuhyun face. The younger man eyes around, trying to find a way to make him stop, because his iness was making the friend in his pants go hard. He crosses his legs, trying to halt the but he couldn't.

"Aah!" Kyuhyun squeaks, still chewing his food. Siwon sits back down, hand resting in his palm, and tapping his fingers on the wooden table. Kyuhyun looks up at him, smiling, his cheeks puffed out, like a chipmunks. "Sorry, Wonnie."

Siwon nods, on the same thumb he used to wipe the syrup off of his face. He was blushing yet again, and trying to hide it with his fist. Kyuhyun saw him, but he deciede not to say anything. 

"So, would you like to..." Kyuhyun started.

"SHIWONNNN HYUNG!" the voice of a girl comes from up stairs. Siwon held his head in his hand annoyed by the voice.

"Ugh...Jiwon's up." he mumbles, sighing loudly. Kyuhyun tilts his head to the side cutely, the little ponytail flopping in front of his face.

"Jiwon is your sister, right?" Kyuhyun asks, stuffing his cheeks with a few blueberries and strawberries.

"Yes." He moans, turning around, greeting the girl behind him. "Hey Jiwonnie."

"Good morning, hyung." Jiwon yawns, rubbing her eyes. "Who is this..?"

"Well..this is Kyuhyun." Siwon motions for Kyuhyun to cover his ears, warning him for what is about to happen.


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Author's Note;

I am feeling really good about this story ^^ Thanks for all of the comments, subscriptions, and views. I really appreciate it. You all are motivating me to the maximum right about now. :3 I can't even explain how happy I am..so, I'll try the best I can to do a double update tomorrow or monday, and update my other stories too. Oh, and I had decided to make this chapter (Chap. 4) into two seperate parts, because I was too tired to continue on with Jiwon's future...little...fit. XD *gets shot*

Another thing, should I make the relationship beween Kyuhyun and Siwon a little more romantic, or let it stay the same? Leave your opinion below~


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I will be updating very soon! I've been busy with other things, so stay tuned!


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Chapter 9: Ill wait~ so take your time ok?
Chapter 8: Honey the is really needed, they are going too fast hahahahahahahaha :D
Chapter 8: Hi....I'm a new reader. And I like this story. Update soon please
Chapter 8: Oh, this is moving so fast! hahaha
They think going out on a date is too early? They're already in love with each other lol what's early about a date?!
Chapter 8: Can't wait to see sj member inspect wonnie....
Chapter 8: I cant wait for the next chapter~
Chapter 8: I read this while listening Breakdown...the lyrics somehow matched, in my opinion. :^) (mimicking siwon's smiley he posted recently)

They are moving really fast, but i don't mind. This is like a romantic comedy without too much trouble in betweens.
Chapter 8: i <3 u too babykyu ;)
Chapter 6: I like this very much :D..please update soon
and I want them to go in a date together or maybe Kyu take Siwon to introduce him the other members :))))
You love him? Oh boy! Kyuhyun is so whipped hahaha
I need more fluff! :D