semi-drunk thoughts

semi-drunk thoughts

“It’s hard, y’know,” Myungsoo says as he looks back down at his glass, “having to please everyone.”

She understood what he meant- that to get passed this life, we have to do what everyone says in order for them to be happy, even if it doesn’t make you happy. Their happiness gets you going ‘cause you know you’ve done something good; yet, the only problem is you’re not happy with how you’re not the one that’s pleased.

“I don’t understand,” Myungsoo pauses in mid sentence, “why do we do these things that doesn’t make us happy.”

“Just maybe,” Suzy shrugs, “we always think it’ll make us happy in the end.”

“See, that’s the problem: we do these things, and we get false hope in the end. It’s just complete bull.”

Suzy nods and looks down at the table. Myungsoo stares at her not knowing that maybe he is happy with the things he does to make people happy, but maybe he’s not and he’s just tired of pleasing everyone.

“It’s hard, too,” she says while bringing her head back up.

Myungsoo gets confused and says, “What do you mean?”

“Pleasing yourself. Not knowing what makes you happy, and how hard it is to achieve that happiness.”

Myungsoo scoffs at her answer and twirls his glass around. Suzy smiles a little and begins to question how Myungsoo can last through all these type of “bull”.

“I don’t get it,” Suzy states.

“Don’t get what?”

“Why you still manage to go through all of that and still talk badly about it.”

Myungsoo sighs and says, “Well, I guess it’s just that I’ve gotten so used to doing it. It’s hard to say otherwise.” Suzy nods in agreement.

“What about you? How can you tolerate this bull with a smile on your face?”

Suzy looks down for a few seconds and says, “I don’t know. I guess I was just that type of person that’s okay with not being happy yet enjoy seeing other’s happy.” She pauses for a while, “but I do wish that sometimes, that happiness would be given in return. Yet, it never appears. Happiness for me is a curve ball that ends up in the gutter.”

Myungsoo nods and sets his glass down. Suzy sits up straight and takes a sip of her drink. They both don’t know how they ended up sitting together, nor began to talk to each other, but they’re strangely enjoying their company.

“I wonder,” Myungsoo says, “why everything that involves happiness doesn’t come easily.”

“It’s not supposed to come easy,” Suzy states.

“But why?”

“That’s just how it is. Even though happiness doesn’t come by practice, it just comes when it wants to. Having pessimistic thoughts shouldn’t stop you either.”

Myungsoo leans back in to his chair and crosses his arms together. Suzy excuses herself to the bathroom with a note on the table, which read: “If happiness doesn’t come easily then why waste time waiting for it when you can take the initiative to create that happiness yourself?” Myungsoo reads it and smiles to himself.

“That’s what I needed to know- why can’t those that aren’t happy take initiative to make themselves happy. Thanks for the talk, very much appreciate it. –Myungsoo”

Suzy reads the note that was left on the table after using the bathroom and nods. She gets up knowing that her work, helping others, here is done.








Hey, guys. Sorry that I haven't been writing for like over a year already. here's a little something for you.

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Chapter 1: this is sweet
Chapter 1: I like the flow and the 'moral of the story' (:
Nice one~