To Fill With Blank




"I killed my f-friend."


His blood felt filthy and coarse, as if the sand grains of his sins were scraping along his veins, eating his heart from inside out. 


"Death never feel as good as it does now."






In collaboration with WhiteAngelTeuk, this entry is for MusicChibi and Scheherazade's writing contestLet's Write to This Modest Proposal [A Writing Challenge-Contest]

Genre: Crime

Theme: Space

Story skeleton by WhiteAngelTeuk



This story is a work of fiction. Themes dealt here include: Medicine abuse, slight violence, and death. If uncomfortable, I advise you not to read on.

First of all, the characters will be mainly surrounded with fictional characters apart from Jungsu aka Leeteuk. For the sake of the story line, I am putting Leeteuk in his real name (Park Jungsu). Do take note of that.

So the genre dealt here is Crime and the theme for this round is Space. Crime is a totally new genre for me as a writer, and I have only finished 2 crime-related books in my entire life. Space got me thinking about the space - as in the vacuum in outer space. But the word was intriguing nonetheless. I had fun trying to come up with a plot, cramping the writing of this story along into my academic schedule, but this isn't any excuse, because writing fanfiction helps maintain the standard of my English anyway.

So if you please, do enjoy the story!


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siezzy #1
Chapter 4: This is so twisted, it make me think maybe some trainees there do the same as jungsu here not the manslaughter but the use of drugs.
This seem true. and the ending I hope his friend is alright and some miraculously come and save them^^

I love the open mysterious ending! :O It leaves me space to imagine what it could be like, and of course the lack of a proper ending reinforces your title as well. :)

All the best, it was really fun working with you! :)