Have my home, broken and shattered



Two weeks in the house go by faster than Zelo had ever expected. He doesn't know where the time has gone, but it flies past so quickly, almost too quickly. And he's not any closer to finding out what it is that everyone else around him seem to know, what's with all the secrets and Yongguk's job. It bothers him sometimes, and he wishes he could be someone that Yongguk could trust. But other times he forgets about it, when they are wrapped in each other's arms in Yongguk's bed, or when they shower together like it's the most natural thing in the world.

And sometimes it's enough. Because he gets to learn small things about the guy, and sometimes he thinks that maybe the big things won't matter. Yongguk will tell him one day, he thinks, or hopes. In the meantime he can concentrate on getting to know him, getting to know everyone in the house. He meets Youngjae and Daehyun too, but most of the time they seem busy, they won't join dinners or spend time with them in the evenings. Youngjae seems curious about him, asking him questions after questions, and he has a bright smile, he seems friendly. But Daehyun barely talks. He says hello and goodnight when he has to, but usually he just appears and disappears without muttering a word from behind the mask he always wears. Zelo is curious about them both, asking Jongup questions about them whenever he can get the change. But there are never too many answers.

Himchan is another mystery to Zelo. He gets a weird feeling around him, and tries to avoid any sort of situations where he has to be alone with him. Which is not too difficult, since Jongup seems to follow him around whenever he is in the house. But Zelo can't shake the feeling that Himchan's got something against him, he doesn't know what it is. Maybe the side glances and scoffs the guy gives him whenever he's curled up on the sofa next to Yongguk, or maybe it's the snappy comments he sometimes gives to Yongguk about him. He’s not sure why it is, or what’s the reason, but Himchan seems to want him gone. Sometimes Zelo can hear him talking to Yongguk, asking him ’why is he still here’ or ’when is he going to leave’. It doesn't seem to bother Yongguk, so it doesn't really bother Zelo either. He shrugs it off as nothing big, maybe that's just how the guy is. He doesn't really know.

But the biggest mystery there is, is Yongguk himself. Zelo knows small things about him, like how he likes his coffee, or how many cigarettes he usually smokes per day. He knows that he can make the guy feel good, they sometimes, and it's always Zelo's name that leaves Yongguk's lips in a soft moan when he finds he's release. And it makes Zelo feel good. Yongguk is affectionate, Zelo knows he never wants to hurt him, whenever they are in bed, but he's not afraid to go rough on him either. Sometimes there are bruises on his hips, and teeth mark on his chest the day after, but Zelo doesn't really mind. They are Yongguk's way to mark him, to let him know that he cares, in one way or another. And when it's Yongguk's arms wrapped around him when they fall asleep, Zelo couldn't care less about anything else.

He's growing attached to the guy, and it scares him a little, maybe more than he'd ever like to admit to himself. And maybe it's because he's never really known what it feels like to care for another human being so much, what it feels like to long for them like this. Zelo creates small habits around the house whenever Yongguk is not there. Most days he just helps Jongup around the house, doing laundry or making food, or just playing video games. But sometimes Jongup is busy too, sometimes he disappears for hours somewhere in the house, or leaves to go somewhere with Himchan. Jongup says he's helping, and Zelo always asks him if it's the flower business. Jongup just smiles apologetically and pats him on the shoulder. Whenever Zelo's alone in the house, he goes up to the library and finds a book to read, or flicks through the channels on tv. Sometimes he goes around the house, trying the doors that he knows are locked, hoping that one day someone forgets to lock them and he'll see what it is that they are trying to hide.

Sometimes when Yongguk works during the night, Zelo can't fall asleep. He barely sleeps in the room he shares with Jongup, usually Yongguk wants him in his own bed, and even when Yongguk's not there, Zelo goes to his room during the night. Yongguk's scent in his sheets is comforting, but it's not always enough for Zelo to make him fall asleep. He usually just tosses and turns until he decides to get up and just wait until Yongguk comes home. He drinks coffee during nights like that, just so he can stay awake longer, hopefully long enough for Yongguk to finish work. And usually when Yongguk comes back from work he seems tired, exhausted somehow, and sometimes when he comes later than Zelo expects, he usually smells of liquor. Zelo doesn't really mind, but he's worried. He wishes Yongguk would talk to him about it, tell him what it is that is bothering him, but he never does.

They don't always talk so much with Yongguk. Not about anything big or life changing anyway, and Zelo knows it's because Yongguk's not telling him everything. Sometimes he tries to get something out of the guy by telling him about himself and then asking him questions, what Yongguk thinks, how should this and that be. But Yongguk is too smart for it, he's always cautious about revealing too much, but Zelo doesn't give up. He just smiles his innocent smile whenever Yongguk catches him trying to pry more than he should. Zelo knows one day he'll break through those walls and Yongguk will tell him everything.

A few times they've had visitors in the house. It's always the same two guys, an older guy with hair that's already turning gray, and a younger guy who Zelo thinks looks like an assistant or something the sort. He calls them the suit guys, they always come in wearing expensive looking suits and carrying black cases with them. Whenever they visit, Jongup seems nervous and that makes Zelo slightly nervous too, but curious as well. He's never been introduced to them, but he always watches around the corner when they come in and disappear upstairs to the library with Yongguk and Himchan. They never stay for very long, usually an hour or two, and Zelo wonders what goes on inside the locked doors of the library whenever they come in. But he knows he's not allowed to go in, or anywhere near the library for that matter, when they are there. Sometimes the guys stay for a drink or two in the dining room, and that's when Zelo can listen to them all talk, but it's never anything very interesting, nothing that leads on to any conclusions on what sort of relationship they have with Yongguk and the others. Zelo asks Yongguk about it too one night, but he just says they are old friends. Zelo is pretty sure that's not the case, but he drops it.

Another thing that Zelo is curious about, is the relationship between Jongup and Himchan. He's learned it early on, that he shouldn't ask too many questions from any of them, and even if he does, he's not surprised if he doesn't get answers. But with Jongup he feels like he can talk more freely, and usually he does. But he never feels comfortable enough to ask him about Himchan. Jongup's told him that Himchan may seem cold at first, and Zelo thinks he's right in saying that. And whenever Zelo sees the two of them together, he can't help but wonder what they mean to each other. They don't seem very affectionate around each other, but whenever Himchan asks something from Jongup, the answer is always yes. And whenever the guys leave for work, Zelo thinks he can see worry in Jongup's eyes as he watches them go. He wonders if he should be worried as well.

And thinking about the two of them, it always makes him wonder about his own relationship with Yongguk. They have , for sure, but that's not all there is. Yongguk makes him feel special. He holds him after they , he lets Zelo curl up next to him when they are watching movies in the living room late at night. He tells him he's pretty and he talks to him when they lie in bed, about this and that. He asks him about his past, and Zelo tells him, most of it anyways, because he thinks if he can open up to him, maybe Yongguk will tell him about his past too. And Yongguk wants to know about his future too, what he wants to do or be when he grows up, asks him if he wants to go back to school. But Zelo doesn't really know the answer to that. Until then, he's been living his life day by day for a few months already, and he never really thought much about future, about what he should do or what he wanted to be.

One night they are curled up on the sofa of the living room, watching some boring action movie that Zelo can't really concentrate on, he concentrates more on Yongguk's fingers combing through his blonde locks, it soothes him. And another reason why he can't really concentrate, is the question that he's had in his mind for a few days, but he hasn't really been sure if he should ask it from Yongguk or not. He doesn't want to seem too naive in front of the guy, but he can't get the question out of his head. Zelo lifts his head from Yongguk's lap and shifts on the couch, sitting up to face Yongguk. Yongguk's eyes move from the tv screen to look back at him with a confused look.

"What?" he asks.

Zelo hesitates a moment, biting his bottom lip and looking down at his hands. "I.. Uh." he looks back up and meets Yongguk's gaze. "Why don't you ever kiss me?"

A small smile spreads to Yongguk's lips. "Kid, I took your innocence, you really want me to take your first kiss too?"

"Well.. Yeah, why not?"

"Look, Zelo. If I ever kiss you I want to do it because it means something, and not just because I can." Yongguk says, lifting a hand to caress Zelo's cheek.

"So when you me, it's meaningless?" Zelo scoffs, pouting slightly.

"Oh c'mon. Don't go all teenager on me, that's not what I mean."

"Then what is it? I just want to know what I mean to you that's all.."

Yongguk thinks for a second before answering. "If you are looking for someone to be in a steady relationship with, then you've come to the wrong place."

Zelo laughs at him. "I was brought here, remember?" he lifts his own hand to jokingly slap Yongguk's hand away from his cheek.

"Yeah whatever.." Yongguk smiles at him, but then his tone of voice turns serious again. "I do care about you, kid. I hope you know that."

"Okay. I care about you too." Zelo smiles at him before snuzzling to his side again, mumbling a quiet 'a lot' to his chest.

- - -

Other than the secrets and strange visitors, locked doors and odd work hours, life in the house seems pretty simple. Zelo doesn't have to do anything, he doesn't have any obligations and it's freeing, in a different way than living on the streets. Here he has people to talk to, here he can sleep in a bed and there's always plenty of food. And it's all for free. Zelo starts to understand what Jongup means when he says that he should be grateful, and he is. He just wonders how long it will take until he can feel more comfortable around the house, feel like it's somewhere he belongs to. Jongup's stayed there for months and Zelo wonders if he already feels like it's his home, like he belongs there with the other guys. And he hopes that one day he can feel like that, finally have a place where he can honestly say that he belongs to.

It's the small things during those days that give Zelo some hope that it will actually happen one day. Sometimes it's the smiles that Yongguk gives him, or the slight, innocent touches, soft squeeze of fingers before Yongguk leaves for work, or a peck of lips on his forehead before they fall asleep. It's the smell of coffee in the morning, the knowing that his stomach will be filled with food whenever he's hungry. It's Jongup's hysterical laugh whenever they run around the house like little kids, and maybe it's Himchan's scolding too, when they act like that. And sometimes it's Yongguk's fingers teasing him, running wildly across his body or wrapped around his length, it's the heavy pants and moans inside his bedroom when they are both close to oblivion, completely and only lost in each other.

Zelo wishes it never had to end. But like all good things, maybe this was bound to end too.


Zelo's lying in Yongguk's bed one day, drifting off to sleep. Yongguk has been working the night before and still hasn't come home and Zelo's been trying to stay awake too much again, drinking coffee during the night and getting only few hours of sleep. He really doesn't feel comfortable sleeping alone any more. He's getting too used to sleeping while strong arms are wrapped around him, slim, toned body pressed against his. But even Zelo has his limits and he’s tired now, he's trying to imagine Yongguk there, sleeping next to him.

He's about to drift off, when the door of the bedroom opens with a slight creak and a small smiles spreads to his lips, but he’s too tired to open his eyes to see who it is.

"Yongguk?" he mumbles to the pillow.

The door closes and there's shuffling of feet, footsteps and then slight dip on the bed. Zelo is lying on his stomach under the blankets, head buried in the pillow and there's still no answer. Suddenly the blanket is pulled off of him and he gasps at the sudden feel of cold air against his almost bare body.

"Yongguk, I'm tired.." he mumbles again, opening his eyes. But then there's slight pressure on the back of his knees as someone sits on his legs, and suddenly Zelo's arms are being pulled behind his back, tight grip holding them there.

"I don't care, kitty." a deep voice says. And it all wakes Zelo up immediately. It's Himchan's voice.

"What the ?" Zelo tries to mumble, but Himchan pushes his head back against the pillow, holding it down with other hand, while the other is still holding his arms in a death grip.

"Thought I'd see if you’re really worth whatever Yongguk things you are worth." Himchan growls in his ear, before letting go of the back of Zelo's head and moving his hands to the waistband of his boxers.

And Zelo panics. This can't be happening. He tries to squirm under Himchan's body but it's not helping, he knows the guy is too strong. He hisses and spits and struggles against the guy's grip but Himchan just laughs at him, then hits the back of his head with so much force Zelo thinks he's going to puke. Himchan holds his head against the pillow again, and for a moment Zelo can’t breathe.

"ing stop it or this will end more badly than I thought, okay?" Himchan's voice comes out cold.  And Zelo's out of it, his mind goes blank and he freezes. This can't be happening.

Himchan lets go of his head and Zelo gasps for air, as Himchan’s hand travels back to his boxers and pulls them down his legs just enough to give him access. And Zelo whimpers and there are tears in his eyes, he's scared and he doesn't want this to happen. How could it happen, why?

"Please stop it.. Please." it's a soft cry, almost inaudible and Zelo knows it won't help, but he doesn't know what else to do.

And then there are two fingers at his entrance, pushing quickly, roughly through the ring of muscle and Zelo lets out a cry. Not so much because it hurts, but because it's the most disgusting feeling he's ever felt. He thinks he's going to be sick. It's nothing like what it was with Yongguk the first time. And that's all that goes through Zelo's mind. Yongguk, Yongguk, Yongguk. Please, help.

Himchan's fingers move in and out of him as he whimpers, letting tears fall freely to his cheeks. And he wants to forget everything, he doesn't want to feel or think.

"He must you good, doesn't he? I don't even need to prepare you." Himchan's voice breaks through his thoughts but he tries to block it out. He doesn't want to hear it. He concentrates all his thoughts on Yongguk, he needs the strength to fight the guy off and he tries to squirm again, throw Himchan off of his back.

"I told you to ing stop it, kid." Himchan hisses, holding him down, spreading his fingers inside of him as wide as he can and Zelo whimpers again.

Then there's a loud bang as the door of the bedroom suddenly opens. The fingers leave Zelo's body all too quickly and he's freed from Himchan's grip.

"You ing ." and it's Yongguk's voice. Zelo lets out a breath he hadn't realised he'd been holding. Thank god.

Himchan's thrown on the floor and his eyes go wide for a few seconds, Zelo turns to watch them, backing against the headboard of the bed. He watches as the emotion on Himchan's face changes from confusion to fear and then to anger.

"You aren't supposed to be home yet." Himchan hisses, meeting Yongguk's gaze from the floor.

"Well thank I am! What the hell Himchan?" Yongguk’s voice comes out growl-like, and Zelo's never heard his voice filled with so much anger.

"You never claimed he was yours." Himchan says, his tone of voice almost mocking.

"You and your ing games again, how can you be so ing stupid!?"

" you. I brought him here for you to him, not ing fall in love with him." Himchan spits back, and Zelo watches as Yongguk cringes at the words, like they are a hand slapped against his face. For a second the two guys just stare at each other, before Himchan’s eyes turn to Zelo for a brief moment, and he smirks slightly before getting up from the floor and quickly leaving the room before Yongguk can get hold of him.

"You never get to touch him again, you ing hear me you bastard!" Yongguk yells after him, before slamming the door shut.

Then there’s a moment of silence. Zelo’s tears have dried on his cheeks and he’s still backed up against the headboard of the bed. He’s trying to process what’s happened and what’s been said but it’s all too much. He watches as Yongguk leans his back against the door and buries his head in his hands for a while, rubbing his face to them.

“I.. I..” Zelo tries to say something, anything, but nothing comes to his mind. Yongguk turns to look at him, and Zelo looks back with wide eyes. But he can’t read any emotions from Yongguk’s face and it scares him. He’s sure Yongguk’s still angry.

“Are you okay?” Yongguk asks him, his voice low and shaky.

Zelo shakes his head, then nods. He’s not sure, he’s not okay, but he feels better now that Yongguk is there. He gets up from the bed and walks over to Yongguk, then stops and hesitates for a moment. He doesn’t know what he’s supposed to do, or say, he just wants Yongguk to hold him.

“I.. Can you..?” Zelo’s mind’s not working. But Yongguk looks at him with sadness in is his eyes, wrapping an arm around his neck and pulling him closer. Zelo lets out a shaky sigh and wraps his own arms around the guy’s waist. The embrace lasts for a few minutes, but it’s not like the ones Zelo’s used to having. Yongguk seems tense, and Zelo can’t relax into his touch. Yongguk presses his lips to Zelo’s forehead at one point but then sighs.

“You need to leave.” Yongguk’s voice comes out quiet, almost unsure, and Zelo’s body tenses, he backs away so he can look Yongguk in the eyes, but his face looks serious.

“If it’s because of what he said I...” Zelo starts, but Yongguk shakes his head.

“Zelo, please.. I need you to leave.” he says and moves away from the door.

“You.. You can’t be serious. Please don’t do this..” Zelo says, almost desperate.

Yongguk sighs, his shoulders dropping in defeat. “Fine, then just go to your room or something I don’t care.. I need to think.”

Zelo watches as Yongguk walks to his bed and sits down. He doesn’t know why he’s acting this way, why he would ever do this, but Zelo knows he can’t make him feel any better, he knows he has to get out. He walks over to his pile of clothes on the floor and dresses himself, before walking to the door slowly and stopping there, holding his hand on the doorknob. Then he turns to look back at Yongguk and hesitates a moment.

“I hope you know that I…” Zelo starts.

“Don’t say it. Don’t say anything, just get out.” Yongguk’s voice comes out harsh, and Zelo wishes he could stop his eyes from watering.

He opens the door, takes a last glance at Yongguk before walking out and closing the door behind him. He stays in the corridor for a minute, trying to think and trying to decide what he should do. But he feels empty, feels like maybe Yongguk is right and he really should get out. And without really giving it a second thought, he’s out of the house, leaving it behind the same way he was brought there, too quickly and too confused.


~ ~ ~

A/N: ooooops.

The end of this chapter got a lot heavier than I originally planned.. But err. Yeah. Hope you guys enjoy the chapter and I apologize for making Himchan the bad guy here.. What else. Next chapter is going to be all Yongguk and I can't promise it to be much 'lighter', basically everything will be revealed I guess? But I promise that good things will come for banglo later~ ^^

I'll try and update soon again, but before starting chapter 5 I think I will write my one shot for the banglo fic fest~ Yay!

Thanks everyonee, leave pretty comments, they keep me going~ ^^ ♥

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writing chapt 4 as we speak. trying to update by sunday!?


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Exovicky15 #1
Chapter 4: I know you haven't updated in a while but please update please. How could you leave it on a chapter like this :,(
Moorchild #2
Chapter 4: Update soon! This is really well done. Thank you so much for posting! I hope everything turns out alright....then again, I do love a good sad, hard ending full of sorrow. Haha author's choice. Good luck writing the next chapter(s)!!
Chapter 4: Please update...please...this is written beautifully....ㅠ___ㅠ
ShimEunKae #4
Chapter 4: Why don't you update? :( please author-nim ....
I really miss this fic
bornbigbang1 #5
Chapter 4: Omg, I can't take the tension.....please please update!!!
Chapter 4: The ending is really heavy.
Al the tension and bad and confused feelings waaaah~~

Himchan character as a "bad boy" is perfect. Mwahahaha, loved it! Though now I'm feeling bad for Jongup, yea.

I wonder as well if there'll be more room for Youngjae and Daehyun latter (Daehyunie is my bias in B.A.P, then well, you know how a fan heart works).

I'm loving the dark feeling the story has and all sorts of theories about the characters are popping up in my head, so I'm really anticipating the next chapter.

Fighting, sensei! (japanese habits getting mixed up with korean habits are really mind____ing)

And sorry for the three comments in a row k
Chapter 3: When I read the first chapter and read your little description of Himchan acts and so, my mind wandered and I started to think how much I'd like to see him as a "son of a ____" (is swearing allowed on comments? o-o) kind of character. Something in contrast to his looks, that cute image of him and such.
For me his small cat's eyes seems just so fiery, so I really wanted to see him as one of those types that you just want to grab his neck and uuurgh "Die, you punk!" hahaha Is that even understandable? xD
Well, you said he's gonna be a jerk here and that sort of met my train of thoughts. Now I'm all the more excited.

I'll now start and finish reading chapter 4 and then start biting my nails in anxiety ;-;
Chapter 1: Oh my God, I can't even...

I've stopped reading fanfics for a long while and by chance there was a link to your story on Tumblr. Who knows why I clicked it, since I've lost my interest in it for so long, but your sinopse was so catchy and I'm so hung up on B.A.P these days that I gave it a try...

Thank you! That was a great reading and I'm so happy right now. This first chapter made my mind ran wild, just the way a fanfiction should do to a person.

I'll also take this opportunity to improve my English vocabulary haha (are you sure you're not a native?). So that, I can have a good excuse when people ask what the hell I'm doing, studying English, folks. This was so random...

Oh well, for bringin back to life my love for fanfictions and for this great chapter, congrats and thank you.
Keep up the good work ^-^
bangyonggukofficial #9
Chapter 4: oh wow... i am really hung up on this story, please update soon!
fuu1605 #10
Chapter 4: i love you author~ will u marry me?this fic was just PERFECT!!!