My first wink from my crush's bro.. Lol?


"OMG!!!!! Isn't he soooo cute?? Look at his spiky hair!!!"i exclaimed and gave out a squeal. It was the first day of school After the long summer vacation. As usual, i opened my mouth big big and stared at my 3years of crushin hard guy, Barley. He was so cute! However, all my friends were like "aiya sushi ah, for once plz stop talking bout that guy can? I noe ur so crazy for him but it's not like he's so cute rite??" Kimberley, my bff, would complain to me and rolled her eyes.. 

But c'mon he's too too cute to resist!!!!how can anyone not realise that? 

(Dear readers, if u take a glimpse at barley, u shall immeadiately fall for him.. And i'm saying the truth u gotta believe me")

His hair is so spiky and COOL..

Then one day, kimberley and destine went up to Kyoro, their junior prefect, to tell him that i have a. Super. Massive. Crush. On . Barley. Which. Was. So. Awkward. Kyoro was juz a p4 guy.. And somemore he was the best fren of elijah, barl's young bro.. 


The nxt day, kyoro went to tell elijah that i had a crush on barl.. 

And soon, my secret which i kept for 3 yrs was blown out and the entire sch knew that i liked barl.. Even barn knew it. From then, he started to avoid me.. I was so sad:((((((((((


Yo! Hi ppl this is icy appler writing.. Umm this is my first story i'm writing and urhh well.. I hope u like it:)))barley is a nickname.. 


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Lettice #1
Er sushi-ah, this is a foreword. You wan write oneshot then you must write chapter, not in the
Lettice #2
blackandwhite23 #3
Its not there but later it will be, right?
IcyAppler #4
Still not there?
IcyAppler #5
Plz suscribe.. I put in a lot of effort to write so suscribe suscribe plz
IcyAppler #6
Dear readers.. Juz to check with u does the story say about the part where elijah winked at me?
blackandwhite23 #7
LOL clap clap,winks* ;)
IcyAppler #8
Oops my story got cut off..