The Music and the Wine

The Music and the Dinner

Walking into his home, Henry stretched and looked around. ZhouMi was supposed to be making dinner right now, but there was no scent of spaghetti or anything. An agreement for Valentines' Day and ZhouMi forgot?


"ZhouMi? Are you even here?" Henry called out into the house. Humming could be heard as footsteps approached from the kitchen.


"Oh....Hey there," ZhouMi said with a light smile. He gave Henry a light kiss on the cheek and patted his head. "Yes, I'm here. Go relax a bit while I finish dinner. It shouldn't be more than a few minutes."


"Uh....Alright, then," Henry mumbled a little, starting to walk to their room. There, he changed into some comfortable clothing and got out his violin. ZhouMi was to make dinner if he played his violin tonight. With a light sigh, Henry tuned the wooden instrument and rosined his bow, polishing any excess rosin dust from his instrument. After that, Henry walked out of their room to the kitchen. ZhouMi was setting the table with gourmet food, completely perfect.


"Ah, hello agai-"


"ZhouMi, did you buy this from the catering company in town?" The Chinese man's eyes went wide just for a second before he scoffed ridiculously.


"Pfft. No. I cooked this myself." Henry leaned to peek around ZhouMi and had his arms crossed.


"Then why are there so many boxes in the garbage?"


"Spring cleaning."


"In the middle of winter?"


"Of course! I'm always ahead of schedule!" ZhouMi bluffed obviously. Henry sighed.


"You forgot, didn't you?" There was a pause.


"Ehhh....yeaaah, I forgot," ZhouMi mumbled. "But...H-Hey, dinner! I at least went and bought the wine..." A chuckle escaped Henry as he looked at the table, seeing ZhouMi's favorite Bordeaux sitting there by the lit, red-wax candles.


"Alright, I'll give you that. Anyway, we'll eat before I play."




"Well....even though you didn't cook....that was pretty good food," Henry admitted. ZhouMi nodded and sipped his wine more as his lover got his violin out again and began playing.


The Chinese man sat back in peace and had some more wine. This was why he loved Valentines' Day. Someone he loved with things that he loved. And even if the food wasn't really his, he had the best company, music, and wine he could ever ask for.

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_Aecha #1
I really like this fic >.<