Was my mind taking over?


Jeon Hyun Moo was walking to her locker when she saw that her crush was walking to his locker. She was only 15 and he was 16. Even though he was a year older, she knew that she wanted to be his forever and he would be hers forever.

She thought to herself, "Why won't Ishamu talk to me and walk me home? I am lovealbe and likable."

Then out of the blue, Ishamu walks up to her and says, "Hello. You are in my math class right?". Jeon Hyun Moo, "Yea. I am. I am sorry if I look nervous. I am just really into you and I was just thinking about you a lot lately. OOPS!"

Ishamu looks at her weirdly and then walks away. Jeon Hyun tries to walk to him, but he is far up ahead of her. Then she realizes that she messed up her chances with the cutest boy in her high school.

Taila, Jeon Hyun's best friend, and Romono, Taila's boyfriend, come up behind er and Taila says, "Hey cutie. Whats wrong?" "I just messed up my chances with Ishamu today. I hate my life. Whats up Taila and Romono?", Jeon Hyun says.

Romono, "Nothing much cutie." Taila, "Just you know, spending time with Romono" (laguhs).

Taila and Romono were the "IT" couple of the school and Jeon Hyun Moo was the one person that no one talked to. Jeon Hyun realized that Taila had a decent body and was really pretty. Taila thought the same thing about Jeon Hyun.

Romono thought that Ishamu was one of those guys who only used girls for his "PLEASURE".

So Taila was walking with Jeon Hyun, when Jeon Hyun asked, "Taila, are you getting some sort of weird feelings for someone else?"  Taila thought about it for a couple fo seconds and said, "Yea I am. I am not sure if she likes me too. I have this craving for her attention and maybe ask her to be with me, but I know it is wrong." Jeon Hyun, "Well who is it? Tell me."

Taila, "Its you Jeon. I am kinda curious because I mean when I see you, all I wanna do is kiss you all over".

This news shocked Jeon Hyun Moo very much.


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