Cast A Spell







He was an unwilling victim at the mercy of the other. Tied up by an invincible cord and dragged accordingly; he was kept completely in the dark by that cruel criminal. He shudders at the seemingly bleak prospect of his near future, seeing close to nothing as his surroundings is in pitch black.

The croaking echo of creatures unknown scares him a bit; the low whirring of the engine does little to calm his nerves.  Dramatic as it might seem, he can’t help the suspicion. ‘You’re not going to kill me are you?’

He paid the stranger earlier, making deals out of his earshot. To a foreign land he took him, without any explanations, they are now in the middle of nowhere. He barely had any time to rest from the long flight, barely had any time to question him either. From being in a nice looking hotel to standing in a boat by the putrid river, Howon really hadn’t a clue to what he’s planning.

‘Please Howon, give me some credit.’  After throwing the untied rope to the jetty, he scoffs at his hypothesis, ambling towards him with that glint in his eyes. ‘I would’ve paid someone to kill you. Not do all the dirty work myself.’

His smirk was hidden, seeing the roll of his eyes and the wearying composure. A few steps more and all should be revealed; Howon just need to stay in the dark a little bit longer. The said man’s brow and face cocked questioningly upon the appearance of a long piece of cloth.

‘You trust me, don’t you?’ His tone dropped a pitch and the mysterious gaze adds to his nerve.

An uneasy chuckle is threatening to burst at the ridiculous parallel he finds between his state and the too many action movies he watched, which always ended with the death of someone. Looking into his eyes for the final time, Woohyun circled him before ripping him off of his sight, ‘I thought you said you wouldn’t do anything criminal.’

‘And you claim I’m the dramatic one.’ In his amused whisper, he could hear the smile, blindfolded and helpless, Woohyun led him to a seat, steering him to the unknown, ‘Be patient, Hitchcock. You’ll see that my intention is purely innocent.’

He hated not being in control, hated more the feeling of treading into the unfamiliar. Yet there he sits, almost completely still, enjoying the way the warm air embraces him, the humidity, a perfect change from the freezing cold of his homeland.

Initially he was hesitant, icy cold when it comes to new venture, but he was thawed and set free, free to flow and endeavour everything. Sometimes he hated himself for being so rigid, who would’ve guessed all he needs was a little dose of him. He couldn’t help wondering, what kind of magic could he has that leaves him be this way.

Soon he could feel that the engine died down and the boat, immobile. Woohyun was true to his words; it couldn’t have been more than 10 minutes since they were on the move. Now though, now he couldn’t silence the curiosity that’s been smothering him. ‘Wait...Don’t open that blindfold!’

His order came out almost in a shrill, the thuds of his shoes echoing mightily against the backdrop of nature as he ran just in time to catch his hand. ‘Not yet...’

If the black cloth doesn’t cover his eyes, Woohyun would’ve seen the frown clearly. ‘How long do I have to -’

‘Just,’ he emphasised, holding onto the wrist of his reaching hand, ‘a second longer.’  

Exhaling long and strong made it seems like he was releasing the weight of the world, leaving Woohyun grinning in amusement. Kneeling beside him, he sees the barely jutting lips and the adorable button nose that’s peeking beneath the cloth.  For some reason, it captivates his sight and almost instantly, stops him from moving on to the next step.

Looking, and just looking. That’s all he does, that’s all he could do. Powerless; just as how he was that morning.

‘This second feels more like a few minutes to me, Woohyun.’

His words surprised him and he shook his head from the fog in his mind, chuckling half-heartedly, ‘Geez....I’m sorry, time police.’

He made him stand, holding onto his arms and Howon could feel Woohyun loosening the knot before him, his hand brushing the side of his face in the process; his face, Howon could sense, only inches away as his warm breathing tingles the side of his neck. The cloth slipped down to the floor of the boat, Woohyun not bothering to catch its fall. The director almost staggers back at their proximity, seeing the smiling face so close to his.

Thankfully, he could control his shock, restraining the electricity jolting through him that somehow makes him feel slightly lightheaded. He gulped down on emptiness, mouth turning dry and all because of him. What’s wrong with me?

It wasn’t supposed to, but the words meant to be fierce came out sounding unsure and in low tone, ‘Now, can you tell me what’s going on?’

Howon is minutely aware of the hands holding his arms firmly, of the pair of eyes trying to draw out the avoiding gaze, ‘Remember what you told me last week...about your childhood wish?’

He nodded slowly, recalling how the other had been rather interested with the protagonist of the story, testing his knowledge on the creature that used to fascinate him long ago. ‘What about it?’

To Woohyun, he looked confused, but in truth, his mind is battling his wild heart, wondering the reason behind its uncontrollable beating and trying hard to tame it. ‘You still can’t figure why we’re here then?’  

It felt like being in a mêlée, the mere presence of him pummelling upon his ability to function normally. Looking straight into his eyes, the pair of brown eyes that have shaken him so much lately, he failed to notice the obvious.

‘Huh?’ His response was pathetic and he himself knows it, watching blankly at Woohyun’s brief laughter.

His doe-like eyes seemed to dilate more in the dark, expanding along his confusion, yet it was hard to deny, how his adorability is triumphant over his rather slow ability to connect all the dots. ‘Turn around, genius.’

Woohyun had to manhandle him; holding firmly upon his shoulder, he turned the scowling man, clearly unhappy with the banter he threw.  In all honesty, Woohyun thought he would’ve had a hard time preventing him from discovering the surprise on his own. In the humid darkness, they are as obvious as the sun.

It took his breath away, seeing the view came into place and he wants it to be just as special to him.

He noticed the widening eyes, the little shake of the head; all done in an attempt to grapple a reality he couldn’t understand. Then he turned to look at him as if he was the only real thing and Woohyun finally realised, behind that pair of eyes reaching out for him, lay an innocence covered by his astute.

‘Surprise,’ he said the word gently, holding on to the petrified being, ‘...say hello to your fireflies.’

Glowing lights, soft and beautiful; play hide-and-seek with those who sees. Twinkling, twinkling, and blinking neon yellow; lighting up the green of leaves, making art out of the bark of trees. Some were still, fixed like a distant star on the endless night sky. Others were floating, alluring like the cheeky little fairies in a child’s dream.

In the dense bush by the river, it looks like all the stars had fallen from the sky, littering the earth with its extraterrestrial existence, spelling magic in the intimidating darkness.  He wonders whether the sky and land had switched places, wonders whether the heaven and earth had collided and mashed. All he could do is gape and fall for its enchantment, feeling his heart moved in ways that waters his eyes.

He is overwhelmed with something unidentifiable towards someone who he himself is as magical as the land and sky, as stunning as the heaven and earth combined, more special to him than all the stars exist.

And then, it hits him.

Like a massive asteroid forever changing the face of the earth; it crashes into him.

Howon is really dense, the very epitome of stupidity. How could’ve he not known it; the way his sight has been seeking and lingering, the unstoppable way his lips will mould into a smile just at the mention of his name, the warmth he constantly feel when he is near him.

Always wanting and needing.

 Inhaling in and exhaling out, he could feel his body tensing, his focus shifting. ‘They really do look like stars.’

His gentle words hit his right ear like the banging of the drum. Woohyun hugged him nice and tight from behind, chin resting comfortably on his shoulder. He wasn’t even aware for how long he had been doing so.

‘Hey...shouldn’t we both wish for something?’ Woohyun smiles brightly, excited like a young child. He finds it odd, how a grown man could act so immaturely at times.

Yet nowadays, he seeks for it. 

And as he moves to stand beside him, eyes closed, hands clasping, willing for the fireflies, the stars, God or universe to grant his silent wishes, Howon could only stare despondently, denying his newly discovered need.

Both men had their eyes closed then, one wholeheartedly wanting for his yearnings to come true, the other trying hard to bury something he finds it hard to believe, something he clearly knows as impossible. 

What if I want you?



Move and move as he may, he could never find that comfortable spot, no matter the long hours he had spent sitting on it. Everything about the sofa is uncomfortable, but being the professional he is, he never let it shows.

He sips the coffee that was supposed to be expensive, not really detecting much difference in the taste with the cheap coffee he’d always bought by the street. Rich people; he never really gets them.

‘Are they still in discussion with Pyeonghwa?’ The elderly gentleman asks, face not betraying any emotion.

‘Yes sir, but from what I heard, they are close to signing the deal. It looks to be a sure thing for Pyeonghwa to sponsor them.’ The passiveness crumbles and for a minute moment, he sees annoyance. He knows the man is well aware of that fact, thus his composure stays still.

Unfortunately though, he doubts the man knows about the other piece of information he is giving.

His superior is known to be rather emotive when the situation doesn’t goes according to plan, so he prepares himself, pushing upon his slipping glasses back into place, carefully relaying the new update. Well, he did order to tell him everything.

‘This is not confirmed yet sir, but apparently Pyeonghwa’s rep is also assisting the director with the upcoming meeting he has with the city council and community members. It’s not his official duty, but the rep wanted to help him fight to keep the land, a sort of personal favour I heard.’

And just as he expected, the fire has been awaken. He could see agitation everywhere upon him, behind the pair of wrinkled eyes, within the tense jaw and hands. Whoever said that with age came wisdom and patience, must never met him.

 ‘And when did you uncover this piece of information, Mr. Park?’ asked him through gritted teeth.

‘ days.’ He stumbles upon the answer, somehow finding the situation daunting and maybe, he is right to be so.

He could detect that his annoyance had multiplied a thousandth fold, seeing him trying hard to contain his emotion. For a second, Mr. Park thought he would explode just like that of a ticking time bomb, but fortunately for him, the man has learned how to control the fire within him.

Clearing his throat from any roughness, he stares him straight in the eyes, firm and unwavering, ‘How many times do I have to remind you about getting back to me immediately on any changes? You know that every detail is important, Ji-woong ssi.’

 ‘I’m sorry, sir. It’s just that, I didn’t think it was such an important aspect to your plan.’ For awhile he wonders how a private consultation that is far from the rep’s duty has anything to do with this professional dispute? ‘It was just something that I overheard and I thought--‘, he stopped when the man signals him to do so.

His fingers went on to massage his temple, willing for the forming ache to disappear. He noticed the other’s presenting style, out with everything good and ends it with the real headache. Community opinion seemed to sway their way for now, but with Pyeonghwa involvement, that may very well change soon.

Pyeonghwa, an angel living in hell; a company that gained its riches through the development of technology, but gives back so much to the society, Mr. Jung wonders whether they were really only a non-profit organization.

He wasn’t concern about funding issue. That is unrelated to his cause. But, when it comes to making societal changes, the director has gained the perfect ally, because Pyeonghwa fight that fight best. Even if the cooperation is only at a personal level; any worker deriving under Pyeonghwa would’ve have invaluable knowledge that could give the director the upper-hand.

‘Mr. Park, just report to me everything that you’ve seen or heard about the clinic. I don’t care whether it was a rumour or a gossip you’ve heard from the staffs. I need to know everything.’ His hands emphasised his points as if his tone hasn’t done so.  

 ‘You are my main source for what happened in there and I paid you good money for it, so make yourself useful, got it?’ Like a child being berated by his parents, he nodded, abashed for the criticisms on his competence.

‘Yes, sir’, came the subdued response.

Working for some rich, powerful old man most definitely differs with handling community welfare for the government. He was always pushed, asked to give information and look into aspects he never understood the importance.

He sat still, silently observing the old man. He supposed he really will do anything he can to acquire the land, and for a second, he feels sorry for the young director, genuinely apologetic even.

Because seeing the fiery eagerness and knowing from experience what the man before him is capable of; he knows the director has reached the final stage to Jung’s planning strategy, a step he aptly refers to the destruction of the enemy.


He shivers at the word and the cold, cold vibe he feels just by being near him. He wonders which ammunition he would use next to attack the director.



Understand the feeling, when everything seems to fall right into place as if the universe is aligned for you for once in your life. Not a worry was in sight and truly, he enjoys every moment of it.  He enjoys every moment with him, moments that seemed to be built out of perfection.

It all came about very naturally and he loves that.

 ‘You’ve never did these kind of things with anyone, haven’t you?’ He asked, curious. His companion shook his head, confirming what he has long suspected.

‘I’m not good with stuffs like this,’ he answered honestly without looking at him.

The hotel’s garden looks mysterious from where they were, the little lights that were put upon the trunk of the trees reminding the two to the fireflies. After having a late dinner in a restaurant nearby, Woohyun was fast to lead him there, walking under the beautiful night sky, enjoying the equator breeze.

‘It feels nice, isn’t it? Doing this together,’ Woohyun hand grasps his, stopping him from his walk.

 Howon thought he would wait for his response, gazing into his eyes until he is able to seek the hidden truth, but after a few moment; he merely chuckles before continuing, ‘You should learn this from me. It’ll do you a world of good for your romantic life.’

Trying hard to appease his fluttering heart, a heart in such a flurry just because they are walking hand-in-hand; he scoffed at his suggestion, appearing unimpressed, ‘When has being tacky ever been a good thing?’

‘Did you just say tacky? Try charming. Deny all you want Howon; I know you enjoy it too.’ Howon hated how proud he sounded. It was as if he knew how irresistible his ridiculousness is for the director.

‘You know, there’s nothing wrong with being silly. There’s no law that states you can’t enjoy life.’ Sometimes, Woohyun thinks that Howon forgets he is human, always striving to be the solid man he thinks he should be. ‘So, let loose a little bit, Dr. Lee.’

Looking rather indignant, he mutters his defence, ‘I’m not the inflexible man you think I am.’

He chuckles at his reaction, sensing that the director must’ve misinterpreted him. ‘I know that you’re not Howon. I never said that you were.’

 Knowing the man has been like eating a piece of candy then discovering a hidden flavour inside, unexpectedly pleasant.  He loves seeing his smile, loves it more when he jokes around and does silly things. Woohyun especially loves seeing the unique way he laughs; he loves hearing the sound of his laughter, a bellowing bass of pure joy.

He wants him to not be too structured, not to rely so much on the details of thing then missing the whole point. He likes it when he lets his innocence shine through. ‘You know what? Let’s jump into that pool right now.’

‘Huh?’ Despite his poor vision, he could clearly see what his finger is pointing to.  

‘I thought you said you’re not inflexible and I feel like going for a swim, so...’ Ignoring his confusion, he pulls the resisting man towards the pool, ready to convince him to be unpredictable just for once.

‘Wait, Woohyun... Are you crazy?’ Howon was clueless. His eyes widening as he could only stand still, watching Woohyun strips himself off of his clothing, leaving him only in his boxer.

‘What? It’s hot here, going for a swim isn’t a bad thing.’ He stares him straight into his eyes, hands resting on his hips, clearly challenging the other. ‘Matter of fact... You should join me, Mr.I-know-how-to-let-loose.’

A second hasn’t even ticked by and he gave him a firm response, ‘No.’

‘Oh, come on~’

‘Woohyun, you’re not even in your swimming trunks and...and we don’t even have any towels. How are we supposed to go back to our room?’

‘Oh please, it’s in the middle of the night. Who cares? Besides, our room is on the first floor. Using the stairs wouldn’t hurt anyone.’

 Damn. ‘Still, not gonna happen.’

He was walking backwards, heading towards the edge of the pool. A final argument was thrown, trying to acquiesce him into it, ‘Just swim with me, Howon. I can’t even swim that well. What if something happen?’

For awhile, Woohyun thought he had succeeds, seeing him contemplate for awhile. Alas, ‘Be smart and don’t jump in then.’

He could hear his chuckling even if he was a few feet away. Making sure that their eyes were connected, Woohyun squinted, shaking his head disapprovingly, ‘And here I thought you cared about me.’

 His bold dive causes a big splash, making the other takes a few steps back to avoid the splattering water. Surfacing to the top, he acts like the child he tends to be, sticking his tongue out while back-, ‘I really thought I had you convinced. You’re no fun, Lee Howon. No fun, I tell you!’

Now it’s his turn to shake his head, to chuckle at his antics that could always tickle his toughened heart. He watches him swam leisurely to the deepest end of the pool, displaying in words and actions how enjoyable it was, not giving up on the attempt to change his mind.

Howon decides to ignore him though, finding his own method of leisure by sitting on one of the lounge chairs lined at the parameter of the pool. Eventually he stops, leaving Howon observing with a smile fixed upon his face.  Being with Woohyun does that.

He made him smile so often, his cheeks started to get hurt.

The water sloshes from his , reminding him to the gentle laps of the river, and he is there once again. There, at the spot that has left his mind in unrest.

 Enjoying the view before him more than the man who had his wish fulfilled; Woohyun was unaware of the small battle happening within. Howon has the hardest time understanding what he was feeling, what was going through him. It was as if his brain had turned into mush and his heart was no different.

 It can’t be, could it? The thing he thought he was feeling.

What if I want you? It came out of the unknown, from somewhere deep within; an automatic response to his suggestion.

No, he decided he was only tired, not thinking straight even. Maybe he was just overwhelmed and grateful for all the efforts he had put into making his wish come true. Yeah, that’s it. Grateful.

Woohyun has a way about him, a sense of compassion and gentleness that makes him attractive. It wasn’t just that. Everything he does laud sincerity, and he is undeniably dedicated in his ventures. It makes perfect sense! It is his sincerity that left him confused momentarily.

 Because it’s not possible, it just couldn’t be.  

Yet again, he wonders why his heart wouldn’t stop its funny beatings, couldn’t stop expanding regardless of time and space. His heart does odd things whenever he is with him. Why is it that every time he lets him go, left his hand and waist unattended and cold; he feels emptiness, a sense of longing that frightens him now that he thinks about it.

And why was it when they were watching the earthly stars, talking about things he couldn’t remember anymore, all he wanted to do was press his lips against his, succumbing to its magnetic power, letting whatever spell it has casted works its magic.

‘Ho...won!’ His choked shout broke him out of his reverie, head snapped immediately to the direction of the urgent voice calling for him.

‘Howon!’ All he could see was the splashing water, made spectacular by the flailing Woohyun who is at the deepest end of the pool. He was gasping, looking like he has trouble staying afloat. Then he remembers, ‘I can’t swim that well,’ and panic strikes him. Damn it.

 ‘Woohyun!’ He shouts at the top of his lung, seeing him struggle in the pool, submerging and surfacing erratically. He was unable to breath, fear gripping him so hard that his heart had leapt into his throat, blocking his airways.

He felt like he was drowning even though it was the other who faces the possibility. Running at the speed of light and diving straight into the pool, he kept seeing his flapping limbs, kept hearing his gurgled screams. Hang on, Woohyun.   

Everything was hazy becoming a mess of obscurity. He swims as fast as he could, trying to close in on the gap that may very well be an ocean away. He pushes and pushes, never realising how distant a few feet could be. All he cared is to get to him.

Finally captured, his hand gripped unto his wrist, roughly pulling the man close. It was all automatic, wrapping his right arm tightly on his waist, he helped him float, pulling him to a shallower spot in an instant.

The fact that he has him in his arms, mollify his frenzied mind. He was relief to be close to him, trying hard to regulate his breathing now that their feet have touched the ground. ‘Woohyun... are you okay?’ He asked in a flurry, panting.

He stands before Woohyun, who he has leaned against the pool. The man is looking down, pinching on his nose to clear out any liquid. His wet bangs prevented him from seeing his eyes and for some reason, he feels like shaking him apart, feels like gripping his face just so he could force him to look up.

He just needs to see his eyes directly, so his senses could grow placid at the sight of them.

But he stops himself, going against everything his mind is telling.

He too was panting and coughing, probably trying to recover. Howon had to lean in close, trying to discern the sounds that were coming out of his mouth, thinking that he was trying to say something, only to discover that they were not words.

Though familiar, they were most definitely not the sounds you were expecting from someone who had just gone through such a heart-stopping moment. Or at least, it was heart-stopping to the other.

He looks on in disbelief, saying each word clearly. ‘Are you...laughing, Woohyun?’

It was obvious to him, the shaking shoulders, the appearing dimples; he is containing his amusement. ‘Woo...?’ Leaden with confusion, his voice became small and careful. It was not making any sense to him, the reserve chuckling became full blown laughter, his deep toned voice drowning his auditory system.

 ‘Sorry, sorry...’ He said in between giggles, finally facing him. Howon mind switched off for an instance, but then his perplexed eyes widened, turning into anger. ‘It’s were ignoring me. Then you were staring off into space, so... I got you there for a second, didn’t I?’

 It was a joke? He stands rooted, unable to respond, the fear that gripped him earlier melting into disbelief. Clueless to the damage he has inflicted, he dares to look at him that way, with a smirk playing on his face and his bright eyes sparkling; he was enjoying the trick, contrasting completely from the other who’s left speechless.

He couldn’t even begin to understand the surge of emotions running through him, crushing his insides like it was nothing. He needs to escape. He has to get out of that pool.  He would’ve if Woohyun had not prevented him, holding tight to his arm. ‘Howon wait...’

He knows he was pushing it. He knows it the moment he heard his stricken scream, ‘Listen, I didn’t mean to make you worry. I was just...trying to get you into the pool.’

But his expression hardened, Howon refusing to look straight at him. He couldn’t think of anything else, he slips his hands to his waist, trying to force him with his gaze.

Catching a glimpse of his eyes, he sees them shaken, even fiery from his doing. ‘Okay, okay… I get it. You’re mad.’ So he tries to make light of things, grinning and speaking animatedly.

 ‘You know, I didn’t even flap around once you were in the pool. I thought you’d noticed it...’ He was even prepared to laugh right there and then, revealing that it was all only a trick, ‘...but you had me in a death grip and dragged me away before I could even say anything.’    

Coming close to him, he tried to appear endearing, to erase whatever irritation he had caused him. Calling his name in a beautiful melody, playing with hand, ‘Howon-ah~’

He has to escape him, trying hard not to let him detect what he was hiding. But his hands cupped the sides of his face, forcing him to confront the seeking gaze, and slowly, he sees his playful expression disappearing.

 ‘I really scared you didn’t I?’ He mutters quietly, finally realizing. Woohyun couldn’t even string any words together, the powerful gaze bothering him, ‘Howon...I--’

He is a solid man, hardly one to let things mess with him. Yet easily, his eyes scared him, his touches, prompting. The ends of his nerves became uncontrollable, leaving his system overloaded. He felt it building inside, the longer he looks at him. It was intense, it was too much and it causes him to explode.

It wasn’t gentle, the initial contact strong and searing, Howon knocking their lips together. He could feel he was shock; his hands that held him became trapped between their chests, but he doesn’t care, all that matters is their pressing lips.

Howon remembers the first time they kissed. An extravagant show to entertain the masses they tried to trick. It was awkward and embarrassing, a tough endeavour for him to partake. Then it became annoying, how the other was always insistent, forcing him against his will.  

But for some reason, he gets use to it, became use to it so much that he seeks them. Sometimes it was just a soft touch, a simple peck that would leave him grinning. At times he would hold onto them a bit longer, tasting a rainbow of flavours, tasting the addictive flavour of him.

Then he would do something that makes him forget, that causes him wanting to get lost in his warmth, lingering longer than he should be.

Just as it is so, in this instance.

Frowning, Woohyun tried to gauge his next move, scanning the face of the man before him. He doesn’t understand it, he couldn’t possibly understand. Maybe he was clueless. Maybe he thought it was only right. So he shuts his eyes tight and lets him be, little by little, melting into his advances.

Gently nudging into the kiss, he nibbled on his plump lower lip; every ounce of his being concentrated on it. Without being aware of it, his lead caused Woohyun’s back to hit the wall; the lapping water that moves with them sounds like the waves rolling lazily to the shore. One hand holding his neck, the other on his waist, he pries opened the moulding lips, wanting to feel more of him.

Woohyun’s breath hitched; his mind turned foggy. He could feel the hold on his waist tightening, leaving no space between them. His thumb caressing the back of his neck left him dizzy. His moves speak of tenderness, but there are times where his fervour appears, delving assuredly, tracing with his tongue and fingers.

Nothing was his mind, absolute nothingness. He felt elevated as if reality is only a mirage of sweet dreams. Woohyun’s hands travel to his neck, his left hand tracing back and forth between his nape and shoulder. The way his hands rest on him or touch him, the way his shy tongue became bold and playful, the way he could feel his heart beating just as loud and speedy as his is, twisting the depth of his being into a knot of yearning.

Sure, heavy breathing accompany the wind; sighs of pleasure could never be contained. It was paradoxical how heated he feels, yet he is shivering, not knowing whether the shivers came from the cold of being drenched, or from his doing. He wanted more, he needed more, the grip on his hip moved to his jaw, guiding his moves.   

‘You can’t do that, idiot!’ And he was apart from him, pried apart, catching the air he’s been missing.

Sounds of footsteps and laughter booming somewhere nearby, reminding the two to the world they had left momentarily. Faraway but still loud, a bunch of drunken youngsters were having the night of their life, enjoying their youthful energy. There in the pool though, stood two awkward men, neither willing to look each other in the eyes now that they realised what had transpired between them.

Howon never knew how it feels like to be struck by lightning, not that he wants to know, but he bets it was close to how he is feeling currently. ‘I should go.’ He said firmly, moving away. Woohyun doesn’t stop him now.

‘Don’t swim for too long. You’ll get sick.’ He adds before climbing out of the pool, his body feels heavy for his clothing is weighing him down.

It took him some time, but Woohyun responded confidently, his words chasing after him, ‘I know.’ He looks unfazed at the man who refused to look back at him, pretending he isn’t fazed by what happened.

Yet Woohyun stood rooted at that the same spot, unable to grasp anything. Minutes ticking by and still he could not move, hand on his chest, trying to soothe his erratic heart.

Howon walked hastily, leaving a trail of water, wishing now he had not wished for that wish eons ago. Because there must be something about that place, or maybe it was the fireflies themselves that had put a hex on him, messing with his heart and mind.

Because it’s not possible, it couldn’t be.

It must not be. What he is feeling.


‘Classic strategy,’ he exclaimed conclusively. ‘Utilizing the community’s lack of knowledge and making them believe as if they had made the right choice. Isn’t that Politics 101?’

‘My point exactly!’ The lawyer knocked on the table, depicting the affinity he feels with the rep from Pyeonghwa. The man chuckles momentarily as the expressive lawyer calmly sipped his warm cup of tea before continuing, ‘And just like in politics, they had to throw a cheap shot at Howon. And of course, they had to say they wouldn’t make any claims if they were not “fully grounded”.’

The man nodded sympathetically, getting a hint upon the strategies they’re using.

‘It’s common to see things like that in this business. You know how it is; the best lies have its roots in the truth. Twist the facts, and bam, it’s a weapon.’ He knows it fully well, how the marring of one’s reputations could easily determine to whom does victory belonged to in the messy world.   

Myungsoo’s incited nerves were calmed with a long sigh. He would’ve never guessed that a simple task of helping the clinic solve its funding issue will have such complications attached with it.

And it doesn’t help matters any, now he is close with the director, he doesn’t want to wrong a friend. He is not well-versed in this sort of cases, but thanks to the other, he could finally have an insight, learning a lot from the older and more experience man.

 He doesn’t have to, yet he still does it. ‘Thanks for your help, by the way. Heck, I know that Howon is more grateful to you. You know, he’s really looking forward to seeing you, the ‘saviour’.’ He said giggling, remembering how the director was insistent on meeting the rep as soon as possible.

But then Woohyun just has to take him somewhere.

‘Don’t be like that Myungsoo-ssi. I’m just ...doing what I want.’ His grin shares Myungsoo’s brightness, though he hides his nerves well. He knows what the clinic means to him, how could’ve he not do anything. Fate must be one funny thing.

His fingers tapped on the chair, his legs becoming restless too. He looks at his clock, 5 minutes late. ‘They’ll be here soon.’ He looked up sheepish, understanding how the other must interprets his actions as impatience. ‘Woohyun hyung texted me, saying they’re stuck in a traffic nearby.’

He nodded, appearing understanding. So he talks to Myungsoo about the other cases he’s handling, about things that capture their interest, trying to get his mind of off his nerves. Myungsoo is always an engaging person, staring concentrated at him when listening to his story.

 But then his eyes that were fixed to him look far beyond, catching a glimpse of something behind him, ‘Oh, they’re here.’ He waved towards someone, getting out of his seat to greet them. He could hear his quick steps, going to a spot a few feet behind him.

 And it that instance, his hands turns clammy, his mouth drying. I’m not that nervous. Am I?

‘Seriously guys... Going on a holiday without me?’ He overheard the lawyer says. He had to chuckle at that. The lawyer had been complaining to him about it for the past few days.

‘Sorry Myung. It was just a sudden thing.’ An unknown voice said with mirth, which the lawyer only scoffed at.

Then he heard another voice, a voice he last heard years ago. ‘Hey guys, shouldn’t we do this later?’ He could tell he saw him and he knows now is the time, the time where the past clashes with the present.

The sound of their shoes hitting the floor board compares nothing to the sound of his heart. Steps getting closer and closer, so he fixed his coat and stood up to greet him, to greet an old friend. He intercepts before Myungsoo could put a word in, finally facing his guests with a wide smile on his face.

‘Hi...’ He said awkwardly, shaking the hand offered by the only stranger between the three. ‘You must be Woohyun.’

He pretends that he didn’t see it. Within the few seconds he greets Woohyun, he catches at the corner of his eyes and saw how the excitement of meeting his saviour is crumbling. The second he stood up, turning around to greet them, he saw his eyes widening, saw how he was stopped right on his track, a step behind his current love.

He hasn’t change, never changed at all. ‘Hey Hoya... How have you been doing?’



I know, it's been almost 2 months since I last updated. I'm so, so sorry guys. I have 5 heavy subjects this sem., all of which requires me to conduct some sort of research. So literally, I have no time. In saying that, I might not be able to update this story in another month or so. Hope you enjoyed this chapter though and feel free to comment--positive or not, I'm open ^_^ Have great days ahead!!

BTW, I have a sort of prologue to this chapter. Remember the ending for the previous chapter, how Woohyun was going into Howon's room when he was sleeping? Well, I've written something about that. I have yet to complete it (three quarters done for now), but if you guys want to read it, here's the link.



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2017 MAY 22: Will start writing once again. Am determine to complete this story within this year.


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Chapter 35: this is sooooo beautiful and heartbreaking to abandon it T_________T. I hope that you'll come back one day and complete it. i love it sooooo much. your writing, the way you describe everything, it's just soooo gorgeous. I hate sunggyu's selfishness and the way he calls for woohyun just to use him for his benefits. i love how hoya cares for the latter and i pity woohyun for his anymore nonexistent love for sunggyu, i hope he realize that howon is the one for him and to stop hurting himself and his dignity. you don't know how much sadness when i reached the last chapter here and i didn't find any more chapter to read. I'm so in love with it. and i really pray that you will continue it. thank you so much for this amazing story. 100000000000 kudos
shimakaido #2
seeshyh #3
Hope you'll updatr this story... i wish howon could get his mother's clinic back... oh god... people are so cruel hiks.hiks
rhe3a_1891 #4
Chapter 35: Update hwaiting ...
hello, authornim...when will you update this story? i hope that you will continue this story...i want to see the ending...please let wooya be together TT
bolmaenamu #6
Chapter 35: Omg authornim can you please update this amazing story TT no no no no this story is so amazing that you must continue TT
Chapter 35: I discovered this story browsing through wooya and i was not expecting to feel so much emotion for this. I utterly and completely love this story.the characters the hurt the love the complications and the characters. My heart hurts for hoya i wish they end up together . Otp feels.
I reached the last chapter and was so sad to not see another one after this. I guess we shall have to wait ^^
Also this story is written so beautifully and i feel so much joy reading such art . Thank you soooo much for this wooya fanfic and for sharing it with us. ^^
Chapter 35: Oh my gosh! Why do I torture myself by reading an ongoing fic without checking the last updated date. :(

It'll be almost a year from when you last updated. Will there be any hope of you updating the fic? Sigh. Or could you just briefly tell me how you envisioned the fic to end if you couldn't finish the story. :( please. I need closure.
mermaidxs3 #9
This is a wooya story so well writtened and impressive. It really portraited woohyun and howon so well making me just love them more. It's so much pity it's not having an ending. But I imagine they will have a happy ending though.
authornim~please update, i want to know the ending...i hope hoya will get his happy ending T_T