But Then There's You


They slipped pass him, unexpected; attacking him in ways he’d never predicted.

It explains why when he walks about in the neighbourhood, his smile hasn’t been returned, a look that he now knows as uncertainty and broken trust were given to him.

The old man, who has been a frequent guest of the clinic, looked at him apologetically, ashamed to tell him he has changed sides.

‘My son agreed to the deal. He kept saying that it’s best for us if we do this.’

A promise of a better neighbourhood, the build of apartment complexes in exchange for their lands were given, and it convinces many people, aside from something else.

He walked with the elderly gentleman he calls Grandpa Cha, accompanying him on his way home as he told him of the details regarding their agreements, of the increasing number of people willing to sell their homes to the company, and of the rumours that go about regarding him.

‘I know you’re nothing like that, son, but those who don’t know you believed it easily... and they kept saying changes are necessary, and that it’s good. I’m just an old man...no matter what I said, I was ignored. I’m sorry...’

His wrinkled eyes were full of guilt and they made the director feels sorrier. Grandpa Cha couldn’t even stand straight, his failing body the result of the hard-labour in his younger years.  Howon knows he is on his side. The man had always treated him and the staffs as family; the clinic, a place bearing his worth and joy.

‘Why would you feel sorry, grandpa? I know you’ve tried everything you can to defend me.’ His smile was a grateful one, beaming genuinely as he supports the elderly into his home, a dilapidated house in need of many fixing and improvements.


Maybe he was slightly at lost with the news, and maybe he was even disappointed with the progress. But when he met Grandpa Cha’s son, it felt like someone has shook him to the core, knocking all the air out of him even, and his body and mind still vibrate precariously internally, the oxygen failing to function.


‘They are right. You are being selfish.’ The man looked on at him with hardened expression, his voice low and strained by what he could only detect as dislike. ‘I mean, I’m sure as hell you’re not doing this for us.’

‘You’re from Mangwon district, you don’t even live in this neighbourhood, so don’t tell me you understand what we went through... Matter of fact, this is all done to keep that beloved clinic of yours, isn’t it?’


The tension was undeniable and he couldn’t even put a word in. If not for Grandpa Cha’s effective act of stopping his son from his poisonous words and accusations, he would’ve probably dropped to his knees from the verbal blows he received. He was an unwelcomed present, and soon he excused himself, incapable of understanding what has transpired as the elderly male sent him off with unending apologies.


The wind blew unrepentantly cold, befitting the cruel reality he’s facing. He feels alone sitting under the tree, shuddering slightly, from the weather or his concerns, he knows not. The news has been muddling his aching mind, leaving him unable to even form a single thought clearly.

‘Are you trying to freeze yourself to death?’

The sudden voice surprised him, and his sight was greeted by a gentle smile meant to please. A coat, his coat he realised, was made to cover his lap and all these while Howon stared blankly, even as he quietly took a seat beside him, sight surveying what winter has brought to the garden.

‘Aunt Hayoung told me what happened. It’s stupid of me to ask if you’re okay, isn’t it?’

Woohyun steals a glance, catching him composing himself, breathing in the very air that leaves him trembling. ‘Don’t worry. It’s just another thing I have to deal with.’

A short, assuring smile was given, and he turned his head facing the garden as if no concern was weighing him down. His collected self begun anew and once again he became passive. Yet he pulls Woohyun in like a magnet, because once again the composure hides not his wavering everything.

It was unavoidable, this long overdue clash. Fear of the unknown is paralysing and his thoughts are taking a negative turn, drawing up all the worst possible scenarios.

To find comfort will be impossible. The little haven that carries many memories would disappear, and he tries hard to bury the drumming of his frightened heart, of the possibility that the one thing he couldn’t bear losing will slip away, taking his happiness away with it.

And maybe his frightened little heart is more afraid of the pain it would face, more nerve-wrecking than his consciousness would ever admit.       

And it felt like nothing is graspable as all demons broke through, causing havoc in his previously peaceful world, wiping away any and every solution he constructed.


But he had momentarily forgotten about his shield, a newly discovered angel that knows not his own power.


A hand held his clasping fists, and it snaps him out of the vortex of hell. His sight met his gentle gaze, and that warming smile embraces him. ‘I’m sure everything will be okay. I mean, they’re messing with the wrong people here, am I right?’

His tender voice encourages him, thumb caressing his frozen hand and expression made to soothe.

His simple act and simple words gave him boundless comfort and fear melts away when he is near him. That smile and that gaze, his tendency to get into his space somehow made everything right again. He couldn’t even feel the numbing cold in his presence; that is how warm he is to him.

‘Besides, we can cross fund-issues out of the list. Myungsoo called me this morning and he said there’s a company willing to sponsor your clinic.’ Woohyun’s appeasing smile turned into victorious grin, seeing shock in the other’s face.

 ‘What?’ It came in the form of a whisper, a pair of unbelieving eyes seeking the truth.

‘I don’t need to repeat anything, do I? I’m sure you’ve heard me loud and---’ He couldn’t careless, he doesn’t even think. He crushed the other into a bear hug, arms holding tight over him, squeezing.

 If the demons had succeeded with wiping his mind clean; Woohyun had succeeded in fixing a smile on his face, but he was being still, a little bit shock from the feel of the tight, tight hold upon his body.   

Rigidity melts soon, carving a smile on his face as he lets his body enjoy the warmth the other’s emitting; his hands wrapping securely around him too. He couldn’t see it, but he was sure Howon has that smile that scrunched up his nose, moulding perfect lines upon his face, lighting up his boyish features--which is brilliant except, ‘Howon...you’re crushing me.’


He was so close to falling into the temptation, to just nestle the tip of his nose to the side of the welcoming neck, and maybe even inhale his addictive musky scent that has became a bit too heavenly lately, and just, just be lost in his hold, but his words knocked some senses into him, and just as immediately, he separates from the embrace.  

Howon couldn’t even look him in the eyes, feeling awkward from the thought emerging, ‘I’m sorry...’

‘For what?’

‘For hugging you... too tightly.’

Woohyun looks on indifferently, but he was hiding his smile, detecting the hint of shyness from the quiet statement. ‘Hmm.... you shouldn’t apologise though. I deserved that hug for helping you...so...’

His head is tilting, trying to decode his action. The other has his arms wide open, fingers prancing and asking for him. Even if he tried to stop it, it’s almost impossible; biting his lips preventing the tips from rising against his wish is all he could do. 


Moments ago, he was no different from the garden, wilting and a sad view.

For sure he was calling out for his mother; silently searching for a little bit of sunshine and security.

Then the other came by, making him smile and laugh even, freeing him from any knots building.

‘Good thing he’s here...’ The gentle words made him turn and he sees her smile, relief written on her face as her maternal concern has found its solution. And he too shares the same smile and feeling, genuinely happy for his older friend.

Sungjong and Dr. Shin continue to observe the two quietly; the picture of vitality against the backdrop of death.

Woohyun made him not recognise the friend he had long knew.

Because for once, he wasn’t the wall of strength, fighting everything on his own. He wasn’t the quiet guy who focuses only on his responsibilities and duties. To be the reliable guy he thought he must always subsist. 

Woohyun has taught him a lot, on how to live and be a little bit crazy, and maybe unnecessarily, greasy.

Who catches him when he falls and pushes his way in, fervently.

Who cares and nurtures him with a warmth that replaces the previous suns that have long leave him.

Who makes him smile and laugh, and not apologise for the times he leans in deeper into the hug that was given.

To be a man who enjoys life, and have just the right kind of selfishness.

‘You’re not exactly accurate Aunt Hayoung... It’s not a good thing Woohyun hyung is here, it’s a great thing he is.’



‘I get it... Now that his parents are gone, grandpa has to be here to babysit Woohyun hyung once again, am I right?’ He munched into the food unceremoniously, caring only for the sweet taste of desert spreading across his taste buds.

‘Not that I’m not happy to have you here with us Gramps...cause, you know... I really do love you.’ He adds with a dimply smile upon seeing the look he received from the gentleman. Myungsoo has always teased Woohyun about his babysitter; the elderly actual job as the caretaker of the house non-existent when Woohyun’s with him.

‘Glad to know that, Myungsoo. But I am here merely for the free foods. I trust Howonnie can watch over him for me.’ His wink was met by a shake of his head; a small chuckle showing how ridiculous he finds it to be.

Howon can’t believe that the man before him is in his 60’s, looking at his healthy physique, carefree attitudes and playful personality; you would’ve thought he is part of Generation Y. ‘Well, I hope you enjoyed the dinner. I was the sous chef afterall...’ He states proudly.

‘Sure... If making the foods disappear before serving is what a sous chef do, then you’re a master, babe.’ He puts the packed foods on the table, joining the other by the dining tablr. A wide grin was given to his lover, his hand casually patting Howon’s bottom before snaking over his waist, pulling him close.

‘Look at you two.’

Woohyun laughter cares not about the mixture of feelings lingering in the space. The older gentleman feels he’s getting too old to watch such forms of affection, but he finds it adorable, the interaction of the two--especially when Howon turns red and became flustered for the other brazen act.

He was glad the carefree Woohyun is present once again. He wasn’t like that when he was with Sunggyu.

‘Wow, they really do get that close...’ Dongwoo whispered into Myungsoo’s ears, who beams like there is no tomorrow. Any hint of awkwardness he saw between them over a month ago, disappears.

‘It all begins with the kiss, hyung... It’s in the kiss.’ Myungsoo answered conspiratorially to a clueless Dongwoo, who only frowns confusedly at his response, making the younger snigger at his reaction. Dongwoo can be the wisest of man, but he can also be as innocent as a child. ‘Never mind...’

 It was all fun up till now, but he should really get to the actual reason why he was there in the first place. Before long, he stood up and walked over to the two and gets in between them, breaking them apart.

‘Woohyun hyung... Lend me your Howonnie for awhile.’

A dramatic ‘thank you Myungsoo’ was stated by the elderly man, and for awhile he laughs, because seeing how Woohyun treats him can be rather sickening. But business is business; lawyer Myungsoo needs to talk to his client.


Warm cups of tea were taken to the balcony, the two not forgetting to put on another layer of clothing as protection against the cold. The winter this year came with a force, even in its early stages, unsympathetic. The glass door enables them to see the three men inside, embroiled in a seemingly fun conversation.

Myungsoo pushes on the door once more, checking twice to ensure that the door is shut properly. He doesn’t want any of them hearing what he’s about to say.  

‘Is there something you forgot to tell me?’ He looks bright and unworried; contrasted clearly from how he apparently was previously. Myungsoo has told Howon all the good news, only the good news, about the solution he found to a vital issue.

But not all information was parted.

Maybe he was being selfish, and maybe he just doesn’t want to spoil the dinner for himself, but he kept it inside, temporarily pushing the more serious aspect to their problem aside. ‘Tell me everything you know about Jung Group’s plan and offer.’ He states it firmly.

Though the question doesn’t surprise him, his gaze did. He was so used to the confident lawyer, seeing something akin to uncertainty was a first to the young director. He told him the details, adding even his take on their strategies.

‘I get what they're planning... They’re trying to discredit me, but I have to question whether the community really do know about what they’re getting themselves into. Frankly said, the whole building-apartment-complexes for them to live in, sounds a bit iffy to me. I supposed, we can ask around to take a look at the contract?’  

His sigh condenses in the air and his almond-shaped eyes look disappointed by what he has heard. Howon tilts his head, not understanding his reaction, ‘Did I say something wrong?’

‘Nope, it’s not that...’ The breath he took was long, but much needed. He was serious, dead serious. No more fun and games for him and the director tonight, ‘Have you heard about the new leader they appointed for the acquisition?’

Myungsoo has been wrestling with himself; weighing in on its importance and possible consequences.

To tell or not to tell, that’s the big question.

 He even forced Jungtae to listen to his rant for up to an hour, analysing the pros and cons, which annoyed the said man slightly. ‘We’ve been through this a million time Kitten. Make up your mind already.’


 And so today, he finally did.


‘I honestly don’t think that it’s such a big deal. I mean, he’s a professional and this is just part of his work...but you know; I’m worried about Woohyun hyung.’ He always do worry about that sensitive friend of his, unnecessary concern is his specialty.  

‘I thought they were just casual, business acquaintances. I know the Jung and Byeon’s are tight, but I only found out about it recently.’ And he feels like beating himself for that, for failing to see the possible cooperation that could take place.

This is what he does best.

‘For goodness sake, he was only the consultant earlier on... That’s why I didn’t think it was important. I mean, I'm most certainly did not expect he would suddenly head the take-over.’ The news he has been dreaded upon was given to him just hours ago.

And now the message from him, ‘Come to our small dinner gathering tomorrow, guys. We haven’t seen each other in ages.’ Of course, the gathering is nothing to do with business, but he’s not taking any risks; Woohyun and Howon were invited as well.  

‘Myungsoo, wait...’ Howon claps his hand in front of the fast-talking lawyer, unable to fully understand the situation. ‘Who’s he?’

His sigh clouds over his lips as warm breath clashes with cold air. He gulps in the iciness, prepared to tell him the truth and his plan.

To Howon, his gentle utterance was more powerful than the curses and shouts thrown earlier, ‘Sunggyu hyung is taking the lead for Jung Group’s acquisition over the land.’

Myungsoo sees the frozen him, eyes fixed with surprise, mind probably riling like how his was when he first heard the news. ‘I know it’s hard to digest...especially with the connection that exist between you two.’

And that connection is oblivious to the situation, in the room before them, he was free from his previously ominous state, and his mind wrestles due to that. He couldn’t decide, so he has to leave that decision to him, the source that pulls him out of the dark clouds.  

‘I’m sure he’s just doing his job. Gyu hyung is the most professional of all professionals,’ Too professional for his own good in the lawyer’s opinion. ‘And I’ll be just as professional representing you. But I don’t know how Woohyun hyung would be if he finds out about this. I mean, you know him.’

All the while he is listening to his words, his gaze finds him merrily talking in the warmth of the building. For a second, the laughing Woohyun caught the sight of him, beaming as if he was the happiest man alive, and Howon returned that smile, knowing to ever lose that sight would be the greatest injustice.

Without sparring any more thoughts, he states, ‘Let’s not tell him then.’

Myungsoo was making his case, once again showing his uncertainty by bringing forth both sides of the argument. The director’s short, firm statement stops him though, making the decision clear for him. ‘I’m sorry?’

‘It’s to do with my clinic and it’s our case--not Woohyuns’. Like you said, it’s just work, nothing personal. So there shouldn't be any problems that can come from this, right?’ 



So sorry for the late update. Everything has been quite hectic for me.

I had just finished my exams...and good thing that my break this time will be for a month..YAY ME!!!^_^ I better make the most out of this break, cos next sem.is my final sem, then it's internship...-sigh- don't even want to think about how impossible it will be.

Anyhow, hope u guys enjoy it. 

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2017 MAY 22: Will start writing once again. Am determine to complete this story within this year.


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Chapter 35: this is sooooo beautiful and heartbreaking to abandon it T_________T. I hope that you'll come back one day and complete it. i love it sooooo much. your writing, the way you describe everything, it's just soooo gorgeous. I hate sunggyu's selfishness and the way he calls for woohyun just to use him for his benefits. i love how hoya cares for the latter and i pity woohyun for his anymore nonexistent love for sunggyu, i hope he realize that howon is the one for him and to stop hurting himself and his dignity. you don't know how much sadness when i reached the last chapter here and i didn't find any more chapter to read. I'm so in love with it. and i really pray that you will continue it. thank you so much for this amazing story. 100000000000 kudos
shimakaido #2
seeshyh #3
Hope you'll updatr this story... i wish howon could get his mother's clinic back... oh god... people are so cruel hiks.hiks
rhe3a_1891 #4
Chapter 35: Update hwaiting ...
hello, authornim...when will you update this story? i hope that you will continue this story...i want to see the ending...please let wooya be together TT
bolmaenamu #6
Chapter 35: Omg authornim can you please update this amazing story TT no no no no this story is so amazing that you must continue TT
Chapter 35: I discovered this story browsing through wooya and i was not expecting to feel so much emotion for this. I utterly and completely love this story.the characters the hurt the love the complications and the characters. My heart hurts for hoya i wish they end up together . Otp feels.
I reached the last chapter and was so sad to not see another one after this. I guess we shall have to wait ^^
Also this story is written so beautifully and i feel so much joy reading such art . Thank you soooo much for this wooya fanfic and for sharing it with us. ^^
Chapter 35: Oh my gosh! Why do I torture myself by reading an ongoing fic without checking the last updated date. :(

It'll be almost a year from when you last updated. Will there be any hope of you updating the fic? Sigh. Or could you just briefly tell me how you envisioned the fic to end if you couldn't finish the story. :( please. I need closure.
mermaidxs3 #9
This is a wooya story so well writtened and impressive. It really portraited woohyun and howon so well making me just love them more. It's so much pity it's not having an ending. But I imagine they will have a happy ending though.
authornim~please update, i want to know the ending...i hope hoya will get his happy ending T_T