Stupid Cockroach

Stupid Cockroach


Warning : there are some foul language..hehehe 


Weekend is the day where you would spend your day off with your love one and your family. Weekend is the time where we all looking forward. All of the people in the world would looking forward for this day right? Well, that also goes to  Sungyeol and Myungsoo.


Both Sungyeol and Myungsoo just finished with their breakfast and they would simple sat on their couch and cuddle up together while watching some K-drama on television.


"Myungie, I want some hot chocolate." whined Sungyeol.


Myungsoo smiled and kissed his forehead. "Wait a minute, kay?"


Myungsoo stood up and walked into the kitchen and make some hot chocolate for his little (which is not that little since he is taller than Myungsoo, but act like a kid of 5 years old) Sungyeollie. After about 5 minutes, Myungsoo came out from the kitchen and suddenly let out a gasp.


Sungyeol turned to look at Myungsoo, "What's wrong?" Sungyeol asked as he raised an eyebrow in confusion.






"Cockroach!!!" Myungsoo screamed and placed the hot chocolate mug at the nearest table near him and jumped onto the couch together with Sungyeol.


"What the?!!! Since when did we have cockroach in our house?" Sungyeol said in disbelief.


"Since today?"


Suddenly the cockroach flew around in the living room and well, what do you thing those two do? They scream the hell out of their life. They scream and hug each other like they will die if the cockroach touch or being a meter near them.


"Myungsoo, you're a guy, go and get rid of that thing."


"Aren't you also a guy?" Myungsoo asked as he raised an eyebrow.


"I'm not a guy.....just now. For this moment only." Sungyeol replied and Myungsoo rolled his eyes.


"You've got to be kidding me."


"Please Myungie~" Sungyeol used his puppy eyes.


Myungsoo groaned in frustration and sighed. "Okay."


So, Myungsoo put his right leg on the floor, while his left leg still on the couch. Suddenly the cockroach started to move forward resulting Myungsoo to retreat. He put his right leg onto the couch again.


"Why aren't you get down yet?" Sungyeol whined.


"Didn't you see, that freaking thing just come forward towards me and  I think my life was in danger at that time." Myungsoo replied dramatically.


"Oh my Myungsoo, please stop being dramatic." Sungyeol rolled his eyes.



"I'm not, see!!!" He pointed at the cockroach that just come forward once again. "His antenna wriggle looks like it calling for me like 'Hey Myungsoo, wassup? Come on and let's hangout together.' Aren't you afraid of it?!!! A cockroach is hitting on your boyfriend here!!!"


Sungyeol didn't know how to reply so he just face-palmed himself.


Suddenly a knock was heard.


"Who is it?" asked both of them.


"It's your favorite dongsaeng, Sungongie."


"Ah Sungjong, you really need to help us, our life is in danger right now." Sungyeol said.


"What? What happen hyung? Open the door so I can help you." Sungjong bang the door.


"Wait a minute..." Myungsoo said as he put his right leg once again on the couch and the cockroach came forward. "Oh my god!!! Sungjong, just call 911, I can't even get away from this couch." Myungsoo said and buried himself in Sungyeol's embrace.


"Seriously hyung!!! What is wrong that you guys to act like this?!!" Sungjong shouted as he bang the door again.


"A freaking cockroach just invades into our house!!!" Sungyeol screamed.


No responses was given from Sungjong and the atmosphere become silent. Even if a pin was dropped onto the floor, they could heard it.


"Sungjongie... Are you still there?" asked Sungyeol carefully.


"WHAT THE HECK IS WRONG WITH THE TWO OF YOU?!!!! it just freaking a cockroach!!! I thought it was some robber or something, but no! It just has to be a little cockroach." Sungjong screamed and bang his head on the door.


"Sorry Jongie, but please, help your beloved hyung here." Myungsoo stated.


"Okay, but you have to open this damn door first."


"I can't!!! If I got down from this couch, the cockroach will attack me." Myungsoo whined.


"Fine! Then, let me knock down your door."


"NO!!!" Both Myungsoo and Sungyeol screamed.




"It will be expensive to replace a new one." Sungyeol muttered.


"Then, get your up from the couch and open this damn door."


"Sungjong!!! Language!!! Don't talk to your beloved hyung like that."


"Beloved? More like dumb right now." Sungjong whispered.


"We heard that!!!" Both screamed in unison.


"Now, hurry up and open the door."


Myungsoo turned to look at Sungyeol while holding onto his hand. Eyes glittering with tears. Slowly Myungsoo took a deep breath.


"I'm going Sungyeol, if even anything happen to me, please remember that I will always love you no matter what." Myungsoo said as he Sungyeol's chubby cheek.


Sungyeol nodded. "I know Myungie, I also will love you forever."


With that both of them hugged with each other.


"Hurry up and open this door hyung!!!" Sungjong shouted.


Myungsoo groaned as he released Sungyeol. "I'm going."


"Okay, be careful Myungie." Sungyeol said as he wiped a tear.


"For God sake!!! It's not like Myungsoo hyung is going to a war, stop being dramatic and open this door. Ughh!!!" Sungjong let out a frustration groan.


"That kid, lucky we need him to get rid of this cockroach, if not, I might chop his head." Sungyeol pouted.


Myungsoo laughed and slowly put his right leg on the floor. The cockroach didn't move, well that's...good. So, Myungsoo quickly ran to the door and unlock it. Sungjong came in and Myungsoo hid behind the younger.


"There, that beast!!!" Myungsoo pointed at the cockroach.


Sungjong rolled his eyes. "Seriously hyung? I thought it would be that big, but this one is just a tiny cockroach."


Sungjong shook his head and went to the kitchen and took a broom with his. Slowly he walked towards the cockroach and hit it at the cockroach, hard. Then he took the dead cockroach with a tissue and threw it in the trash can.  


Sungyeol got down from the couch and hugged Sungjong.


"Ah, our savior, what would we do without you come to save us." Sungyeol said as he tighten the hug.


Myungsoo came and also got into the bone-crushing hug, before the youngest yelp.


"Okay, okay... I know you want to thank me, so how about buy me some lemon candy and teddy bear as a reward?" asked Sungjong and gave the two his puppy eyes.


"Well, you kinda save our life, so....okay." Sungyeol smiled.


Sungjong jumped happily. Sungyeol and Myungsoo get ready before they head out o buy whatever Sungjong needed from the two as a reward for saving their life.



Thanks for reading this crappy story.. ^_^

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Chapter 1: Oh my , sungjongieeee ~!!!
Chapter 1: hahaaa thats so funny :) i love it
Chapter 1: lolololol
i'm laughing hard yknow!
they re such drama queen! hahah
good job author nim. i love it.
Chapter 1: lol...myungsoo make will here?!! keke
he thought he will die...
thanks for this cute story
Chapter 1: urrghh i still can manage if that cockroach just crawling here n there bcoz yup i will definitely use sungjonggie method, but i can't cope with that thing if it starts flying.. urrghhh
Chapter 1: PUHAHAHAHAHAHAHA!!! This is simply hilarious! Imagining how not only Sungyeol, but also Myungsoo getting so worked up over that thing. But yeah, as someone who has a phobia over THAT THING, my reaction wouldn't be much different from theirs. >_<
Chapter 1: ahahahaha...i'm laughing so hard that my sister thought i'm crazy! haha..these two are being so dramatic! luv em anywayz!
luvkpopl #8
Chapter 1: Ahahahahahahaha I'm tearing now!! So hilarious :) thanks for writing tis awesome fic (^3^)
mzjonghyun #9
Chapter 1: JFTO!!!! that was so hilarious i couldnt stop laughing....i hope i come across this again when i need a laugh it was really funny best laugh i had all day.....this reminds me of my sister and a cockroach so hilarious...hope all you stories can make me subscribing to you
HAHAHA! I was laughing soo hard until i had a Stomach cramp :D SERIOUS , ITS SOOO FUNNY!