STOP IT!!!!!

finding love

jinyoung pov

i hate that everybody is telling me to move on but how chohee cheated on me . she was the girl i loved and cared for . the boy she was with that night was not as goodlooking as me , but she was so happy with him.

jinyoung was walking to his house after hanging out with his friends . then he heard giggling and looked and saw chohee kissing another boy so he went up to them. ''chohee is that you'' jinyoung said. '' jinyoung um its not what it looks like hes my friend '' she said. '' wow u guys must be really good friends too me'' he replied. '' whos this'' the guy said '' im jung jinyoung chohees boyfriend'' jinyoung said . '' what no im her boyfriend '' he the guy replied . ''sorry oppa im breaking up with u its just i dont feel anything i mean ure really skinny maybe more that me '' she said but jinyoung dropped down to his knees and hugged her leg. '' please dont leave me i thought we loved each other just a few hours u said that '' he said almost aout to cry. then chohee just looked at him with big eyes '' oppa i dont love u anymore im sorry bye'' she said and left jinyoung on his knees he hit the ground as hard as he cold and ran the home and slammed his bedroom door. he threw all their pics and couple things out his window and made sure it went into the lake outside his house . '' what did i do to deserve this '' he said '' i loved her and still do with all my heart i never ever going to fall for another girl tell i die'' he vowed and he started working out and gained muscle all the girls longed for him but he ignored them.
'' end of flashbavk''

why do i still care for her but i dont want another girl or elseshe might break my heart. then he heard his phone ring and answered it .'' hello this is jinyoung '' he said '' hyung its sandeul remeber the date tonight dont worry this time shes really pretty and i think shes perfect for u '' sandeul said '' i told u no more dates its stupid they just throw themselves on me and i hate it the other time she was trying to kiss me gross'' he said '' fine if u dont like her come to my house my cousin just got here and i want her to have some friends beofre she goes to school with us '' sandeul said '' ok i will and u better not hook me up with her anyone related to u must be weird'' jinyoung said '' yah shes not weird more like anti social so i want her to have friends and i wouldnt want  dating my cousin'' sandeul said '' ok see u later bye '' he hung up. i wonder who the girl is could she be pretty well not pretty as chohee but i hope someone who is cute and shy but when she knows me enough she would laugh and smile . hope not a girl who eats everything like sandeul.


hyemi pov

yay almost to seoul haha i miss sandeul i even bought him snacks from the main land i hope he likes it . what am i thinking he likes everything . should i listen to music since this guy next to me cant stop snoring i mean its rude to snore and embarressing i hate plane rides its so long and theres so much noise with a baby,sleeping or talking i mean cant people just be quiet and do something quiet well im lucky because san deuls parents paid for y flight when i get a hold of my parents money i promised to pay themback.''um miss would u like a drink '' the flight addendant said nicely . '' no thanksa im find thank u '' i replied back. all i know is that guy better not snore louder than my music that would be weird ahaha.


jinyoung pov

one more hour till i go i should be late so she can leave before she comes i dont want to why do they have set me up with random people .i got ready and wore a plain black tshirt and a jeans with it i didnt care how i looked but fixed my hair any way the girl shouldnt be special to me any way so whos care oh yah she might but i dont . i was an hour late she was still there ''hi im kim heejin nice to meet u i know lee sandeul'' she said . '' i dont care who u are can we get over with this already'' i said meanly . we got in and sat down she smiled alot i dont know why iwas mean but i guess shes just preppy ugh i hate preppy people i mean they talk so fast and they ahve creepy staring problems .'' so i know u ure jung jinyoung i liked u alot in elementary but u always ignored me when i talked to u'' she said .'' oh really i never knew u'' i said '' yup u were in my class u dont rememeber'' she said and i shook my head then the date went on she kept talking  i was like shut up . thank god after that hour i almost died .


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Chapter 1: It looks a bit interesting~