Club Ash

My School's Superintendent

When school was over, you came out of your classroom and to your locker, you twirled in your combination and pulled open your locker.

You placed your heavy textbooks in and took out a duffel bag in it. You slung it over your shoulder and smile. *It's time.* You softly thought and just went down the hallways after closing your locker shut.

You went out of the school building and was surprised to see that same boy with that same neon cap on him again. You'd just glared at him, "Yah, Jung Ilhoon." You said and Ilhoon spun around.

"Oh, hey. You're Yoomin right? The new superintendent in this school." He said and smile. You just stare at him in confusion, "What do you mean by new? I've been a superintendent here since last year." You'd said.

"That's why I said you're new. Hanrim never had a superintendent before." He said and you'd just eyed him, "You mean, you used to be a student here?" 

"Yep." He smirked. "So you knew about the school rules before about no neon caps.." You curled your fingers into a tight fist and was about to strangled him until your watch beep.

You stopped what you were doing and checked your watch, the number 6 flashed before you and you'd just sighed. "What? Past your curfew already?" He smirked and crossed his arms.

"Don't push it." You said and just left first. "Psh." He scoffed and you'd just let it slide while you were cursing him in your mind. *Just you wait, mister neon boy!* 

Ilhoon smirked as he watch your figure disappeared in a corner and turned around, "Now," He said and cupped his mouth.


"Ayo! Yoomin! Our gal!" said Yong Jaegun, or as how you guys call him in his club, Ash. You just smile as you entered his club in your club gear.

"Wow! You look great!" Jongup came out and smile at you. "Did Himchan pick those clothes for you again?" He asked and you sheepishly nodded, still a bit uncomfortable a bit.

"Of course I did! Thanks to my brilliant awesomeness!" Himchan suddenly appeared beside Jongup while slunging his arm over his shoulder. "Hyung!" Jongup jumped in surprise.

"When did you appear?" "Just now when you got shocked." Himchan smile and turn to you, "You're wearing it right now." He said and you'd just sighed. "I was afraid I wear it wrongly so I ask some of the dancers in my school to see if they were familiar with this kind of clothing." You explained and Himchan nodded. "Aah~ You're still not use to this are you?" He asked and you nodded.

They laughed at your cuteness and Zelo suddenly appeared with his skateboard. "Hey Yoomin!" 

"Yah. Where are your manners? It's noona to you." said Yongguk. "Psh, she's the same age as me. So why should I call her noona?" Zelo asked and turn to you.

You just smile at him, "Hey Zelo." you waved and he nod back in response. "Here to battle again? Don't you have other part time jobs?" He asked. "Or homeworks?" 

"How about you, high school boy? I'm the same age as you, you know." You smirked and Zelo just smile, "Well, you know me, I copied. And I don't study." 

"Really? Then how come you are always miraculously aisting A's, huh?" Youngjae cut in suddenly and you smile at him, "Oppa!" 

"Hey Yoomin." Youngjae smile and eyed Zelo, "Psh, don't act fake. You were studying the whole time, okay? Don't listen to him, Yoomin. He's trying to act badass." 

You just shook your head at Zelo, "Aigoo." "Yah. I'm trying to be a man, okay?" He defended. "Aaah, baby Zelo growing up." Yongguk just sighed, "Time is moving faster than I thought. Look at baby Zelo, already trying to be a man to find a mate. I'm getting older then." Yongguk pretend to wipe a tear away from his eyes. 

And you laughed, "Come on. Stop being silly. Let's go." You said and Ash nodded. "Yah. You bunnies! Get your going!" He said and Yongguk ignored him. "Do we look like bunnies to you?" Zelo asked and Ash just smirked at him, "Then why does your logo have a bunny on it? Honestly, whose idea was that?" 

"Mine." You raised your hand up and everyone turn to you, you sheepishly admitted it and smile. "Sorry, is just that I'm the only girl in this group. And I wanted it to have a the logo that has something related to me." You said and pouted.

"Sure thing, bunny girl. Let's go!" Ash ruffled your hair and you just glare at him. "Keep glaring all you want, but it doesn't scare any out of me girl and you know that." Ash said and smirked.

You knew he was right and stop glaring while mumbling under your breath, "Stupid oppa." Ash heard it and smile, and threw his arms around you while hugging you, "Aww! I love you too!" He started to attack you with kisses as you tried your best to push him aside.

"Oppa! Don't! You know I hate skinship! Gah!" You shouted and tried to escape his hug and kisses. As much as you tried to push him away, Ash won't let go of you. You stepped on his foot, hard.

Ash let out a loud yelp and you broke free from his grasp and went to catch up with the rest of your group members, B.A.P.

"Yah! Come back here!" Ash went running to you, your eyes widened and you run up front to the scariest member in your group, which is no other than Bang Yongguk. "Oppa! Help!" You said and Yongguk just sadly look at you. "Sorry, but he owns this club. If I help you, we won't be able to perform anymore." Yongguk said and your eyes widened as you let your jaw dropped.

"What the?! Stupid Ash oppa!" You yelled while running away to a safe spot in the club. 

"COME BACK HERE MY SWEET BUNNY!" Ash came zooming to you and you went running for your life. *Someone save me from this! GAH!* 

Meanwhile, at the Jung's residence. Ilhoon has just finish bathing and got change into comfortable clothes. Which was just a simple black T with a long baggy jeans. Even though it was just simple clothings, Ilhoon made it look like the next top fashion.

He sat on the couch and blew air out of his cheeks, clearly bored out. He didn't want to watch TV, he didn't want to read any books. He wanted to listen to music. But his iPod was back with his sister and she was at the states.

*Aish! Why did I lend it to Joo noona that time. Stupid Ilhoon!* He scolded himself in his thoughts and sighed. He stared out at the window and sighed. *I need to get out of this house.* He got up and went to get a coat.

He slipped it on and put on his beanie, "I'm going out." He said and shut the door behind him. He started to walk down the pathway and under the shining moonlight.

Moments later, Ilhoon suddenly stop in front of a billboard. Something caught his eye, about a rapping contest tonight at a club. *Hmm, I'm bored. Why not?* He smirked and made his way to Club Ash.

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Chapter 2: Please update!! <3 <3 loveeeeeee it !! <3