
Falling again

"What do you think of them?" Joon Ki asked.

"Family, close" I sigh, "They are so close, loyal"

"I know, people envy them for it, have you figured it out on what they are?" Joon Ki sat on the bed opposite mine.

"Were-bunnies" I giggled, " So adorable, but they're humungous! Bigger then a bear! Were- rabbits I guess" I sat up.

"How long are we gonna stay here?" I asked.

"Not long enough, one night, then we leave, you do need to get back" He said.

"Well, I'm going, I'm not staying in this room forever" I stood up and walked to the door.

"I'll come" He shrugged off his backpack and followed.

It was warm and cozy, walking back to the living room, six of the boys were spread around the room, lounging around.

"Hello~" Zelo greeted us.

"Hey" I smiled.

"I guess I haven't introduced everyone yet" Zelo stood up and started to point to his friends.

"This Himchan" Zelo said, Himchan waved.

"YoungJae" Zelo pointed at YoungJae, who was wearing glasses. YoungJae, smiled and went back to his book.

"YongGuk" YongGuk, stood up and bowed, flashing a grin.

"JongUp" Zelo punched JongUp on the arm.

"Hello!" JongUp chimed.

"And thats Daehyun" He pointed at the kid, who was munching on some food.

He waved, and then went back to eating.

"Hello" I smiled to all of them.

"Are you hungry" YongGuk stepped forward.

"Uh..."Something growled.

My hand flew to my stomach, trying to smother the noise.

YongGuk laughed, a deep, hearty laugh. Echoing in the room. 

"I guess thats a yes, come, follow me" He turned and walked away.

I followed, he opened a door and let me pass, Joon Ki, hurried behind. It was kitchen. A modern, kitchen, an oven, fridge, stove and an island.

"Wow....how is all this working?" I asked YongGuk as he walked to the fridge.

"It's all powered by the generators and we have boilers underground to help power our home" He stuck his head in the fridge, looking for food.

I ran my hand along the island, granite, everything was in top form, someone obviously lves this kitchen.

"Daehyun insisted on getting a kitchen like this, he loves to eat" Like he read my thoughts, He placed a container on the island. 

He popped the lid off, inside were spaghetti. 

"Leftovers, we don't throw things out, unless, we have too" He opened a draw and pulled out a fork. Turned around and opened a cupboard, took out two bowls and then started to fork the spaghetti out.

"Where do you throw the leftovers out, if its gone bad?' He placed the bowl inside a microwave.

"To the wolves outside" He turned and smiled.


"Yeah, they help protect us from danger, in return, we few them, anything, we don't starve them" He said quickly.

"Oh okay," I nodded and sat on a stool.

"Can rabbits eat meat?" I aske him.

"We prefer the term, Matoki, but we're still men, we need the protein" He slid a fork towards me.

I nodded.

"So, why did you bring Zelo back?' He leaned forward, resting his arms on the island.

"Because, he's only young, he was going to get killed" I looked down.

"Caring, I see" He pushed himself off the island and turned towards the microwave, opening it to stop the beeping.

"Here, eat, its good, Daehyun is a good cook" He slid the bowl towards me.

I stabbed the fork into the spaghetti and ate. It was good.

"Want any?" He asked Joon Ki, who only shoke his head and remained silent.

YongGuk shrugged and placed the other bowl into the microwave.

"You'll make a great queen" YongGuk said.

I swallowed, "Huh?" 

"You're Min, the next heir" He said, it wasn't a question, "But you can't be queen, unless you marry"

I swallowed another mouthful.

"What?" I asked.

"Hmmm....hard choose, isn't? You have to pick a King, someone to rule besides you" He leaned in, "And you haven't even thought of one yet"

"No, I haven't, I was going to get marired, but my fiance got killed" I sad icily.

"Fiance?" Then he smiled, "Oh thats right, that child, Baro, his mother is going to be pissed" He laughed.

He took the bowl out of the microwave and started to eat the spaghetti.

"How do you know this stuff?" I asked him.

"Daehyun" He said simply.


"He's a spy, he's good at it too, he follows people collects data and bring it back" 

"Is that how you know Baro is dead?" I swallowed the last mouthful.

"Yes, also, your parents are looking for you, you should go home Min, before the wreck havoc on your father" He took my bowl and washed it.

"My father....Minho" I wiped my mouth, "I do need to go home, explain Baro's death and pi-"

"They already know, your father killed Baro, he left a mesage for them, you can leave now, but you'll have to say goodbye" 

"I need to, for Seohyun...." Remembering her smile, my sister, "I'll go now actually"

I stood up and started to walk to the living room, but Joon Ki stopped me.

"I have to take you back to Minho, you can't go back, you'll ruin everything" He growled.

"I'm not a pawn Joon Ki, leave me be, you have finsihd taking me here, so you can go back" I walked past him.

I opened the door and the boys were where we left them. But what caught my eye was Himchan and Zelo, they were eating together. 

"I have to go now, thank you for housing me" i announced.

Zelo stood up, "Will you come back?" He walked towards me, his eye's filled with saddness.

"I will" I patted his shoulder.

"Thank you for bringing our little brother back" JongUp smiled.

"It s okay" I smiled back. I walked to the room, picked up my bag and shrugged it on, walking back out Joon Ki stood there with a disapproving gaze.

"You need to take someone with you" Joon Ki said.

"I'll take her" YongGuk said, stepping forward.

"WHAT? Hyung no!" Baby Zelo ran to YongGuk, "We need you!" 

"It's okay, she brought you back, nothing can hurt you guys, you are all strong, I won't be gone too long" He soothed Zel's fright.

"You don't have to come" I stepped forward.

"I will, I have o talk to someone there anyway, I'll take you there myself" He started to push me towards the door that led to outside.

"Bye!" I waved quickly before walking down the dark tunnels.

"Why so sudden?" I asked YongGuk, who was right behind me.

"You're my only way back into that kingdom" He grunted. 

I tugged the jacket closer. I could feel the chill blowing into the tunnel. Little piles of snow started to appear. Then Pushing open a door, the full blast of the cold shoke me.

I tunred around and YongGuk started to strip.

"WHAT ARE YOU DOING!" I yelled over the blizzard.

"Changing!" He yelled back.

Completely ,my cheeks flushed with red, i tried to cover my eyes, then I heard a faint whirring and i opened them again, a large rabbit, bigger then a bear, stared down at me. I picked up YongGuk's clothes and shoved them into my park. He wore a red gas mask. I understood, if he took me like this, it would be much easier. He knelt down, so I could scramble up his back. His fur was a dark grey, with splashes of black here and there.

He lurched forward, I pressed into his furry body. The fur itself, was long and protected me from the falling snow. Warm and safe, it wasn't long before I started to sleep.














How is it? I know i took so log to write a chapter, T^T but thank you for sticking around!!

phew!! this is a long story!! but it'll be over soon!!


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Guys..I just realized something...I need to edit the foreword as it doesn't fit the story anymore :O


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Kitty16 #1
Chapter 43: What !!? No more chapters !! I'm going to die uuuuggghhh ..... Love the story
helloshinee1234 #2
aw so cut!
faithydoodles24 #3
Chapter 32: So sweet!!! ^^
Chapter 36: Cuteeee!!!!!<3 >\\\<
Chapter 32: Gyahh!!! Why do you have to leave a cliff-hanger?!?
Krispylaysz #6
Chapter 29: update soon! ^^
Chapter 29: Who was the guy sunny liked ? :)
leeteuksuperjunior #8
Awesome story
TOPKpopfan #9
No thank u for the idea! I knida changed it around, I wanted Gongchan to have a small part in the story so I hope u guys enjoyed it!
Chapter 20: lol i overreacted :L