My Smilling Sunshine


He brightens my day




Hi its my first time ^.^ Im a TOP fan but this is about Daesung! haha sorry TOP

Meeting Daesung will be like sunshine *.*, seriously it would be.

He smiles like sunshine~

he sings so beautiful~

wonderful~~~ hahaha I'm gonna stop, enjoy the story and thank you for commenting and subscribing~



as you can see, I have drew my own, up there, is it good? I dont think so hahahahah!!



" AHHHHH!!! Where in the world am I!!" I said as cold windy whips my face and my bare legs, I've hated long pants but I only wore them when I need to and right now..I NEED THEM!! Damn it why did I wear shorts! I thought it was gonna be hot! People around me run in different directions trying to get home,


"What was that!?" I said, looking up clouds with a sinister look cover the sky.Great just perfect! It's gonna rain and I'm not even close to finding home! Looking around there is a person coming out of a building looking at the sky and pulling out a umbrella. Running up to him, let's hope my Korean is good.

"Excuse me sir'*Bow* ' umm do you know where this address is?"I asked hoping an answer

"Huh? Oh Hi, yes that address is not far were I'm going, would you like me to take you?" He said, wow..his smile it so kind and warm! And his hair, I think maybe dyed blonde and his scarf covered his neck and his long coat looked warm..I WISH I BROUGHT ONE! I only brought a jumper it warm enough I guess.


Remembering his offer I said yes, he smiled again and started walking in the direction of were I should be going. Walking next to him he said "So..what's your name?"

"Huh? Oh it's Minha, whats yours?"

"I'm Daesung, have you been here before?" "This is my second year, I finished school here" "Wow, don't you know who I am?" "Should I? Wait YOUR Daesung, your part of Big Bang!" I'm so stupid.

"Hahahaha you figured it out! Aren't you cold?"

"No...not really I'm fine.."*lier* I said in my head.

"Okay...are you sure? I mean it is going to rain soon"

Then at that moment...

*Drip drip dripdripdripdrip* then rain pours down.

"huh will you look at that" Daesung looks up and moves a large umbrella over me and himself protecting everything(except my bloody legs jeezz should of wore long pants..)

"Are you hungry?" his voice snaps me out of mind scolding and then my stomach rumbles... "uhhhh..yes but I can wait till I get home"

"No" he sounded abit concerned, Ha for me a stranger who got lost whatever.

"Come on there is a little restaurant right there" he pointed to a small glow of light at the end of the street.




hmm it's warm. Toasty! He ordered food for both of us and we wait for it to come.

"I like your music Daesung, your voice is amazing" I blurted great now he thinks I'm weird.

"Really? Thank you, do you sing?"

"What!sing? of course not, I-I- I can't sing" or can I?

"Well can you sing for me? I would like to hear you sing..please?" he flashes his...oh god that smile that FREAKIN smile.

"Uhhh okay you'll regret it"

*2NE1's It hurts* chorus only


♪ I'm the only one hurting tonight

♪Have you changed

♪Am I no longer in your heart now?

♪When I, I think about you

♪It hurts, hurts, hurts so much♪


"Thats it! That is all I'm singing for you Daesung" as I opened my eyes he was staring at me, what was it? At last he said something.

"Your voice, it's like Bom except different...your voice is beautiful!"

That caused me to blush, praise from Daesung who's vocals are undeniably amazing!

"Thank you Daesung..I don't know what else to say.."

"Will you say yes if I asked you out onto a date tomorrow?" his eyes,hopeful

Well I have liked Daesung when they first debuted, oh what the heck, his smile made my day it will tomorrow.

"Sure, only if you can get me home" I smiled back

His eyes shone in delight!

"of course but tomorrow will be fun! If you promise to sing again!" his smile was so mesmerizing.

I giggled and after we ate he walked me home, when he left I got dressed into pjamas, tank top and shorts,SO HAPPY! I slept with dreams of tomorrow~


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loyal4ygfamily5ever #1
Chapter 6: LOL, thank you so much for saying that sometimes GD's rap ruins songs.
loyal4ygfamily5ever #2
Chapter 5: arghhhh!!!! please write more!!! I Think this would have to be my favourite fanfic I've ever read. it's bout Daesung and I can relate SO much to the girl!!!
Chapter 1: what the... eh gd like her?
Yay story about daesung. Thank you! ^^