Welcome Home

Welcome Home

Hangeng wasn't sure why he was here exactly. The airport. He had been told that someone important who wanted to meet him would be getting him off the in-coming plane and that he was to them. What did Hangeng know about escorting people anyway? Nonetheless, he sat in one of the thin, uncomfortable airport seats and waited at the right site. He looked around and there were an aweful lot of women and children in this area; he was curious why. Eventually, though, here was an announcement that the plane in question had arrived. Hangeng stood and straightened his shirt, looking at where the people would come in from the blacktop. He remembered the last time he was in an airport, he had to see his love, Heechul, leave for the army and, even though it was a good cause, Hangeng hadn't been able to hold back his tears those two years ago.


And then, people began coming in from the plane and a sudden realization hit the Chinese man on the Febuary 14th; that Valentines' Day. He felt as though he was in a dream, though, when the last soldier off the returning-home plane walked in. One Mr. Kim Heechul, bag over his shoulder and hair short still, walked in with searching eyes. Hangeng's eyes watered and he began to cry gently as he approached the clueless Heechul, who stilled looked for anyone he knew. Then, Heechul turned around once more and saw the Chinese man approaching and a smile brightened his face, tears immediately pouring from his delicate eyes. The returning army man dashed to Hangeng, hopping into his arms, crying happily and nuzzling the China-man's hair, the both sobbing in happiness, kissing each other gently, hugging, and kissing more.


"Hangeng! Oh my God, Hangeng, I missed you so much! Thank you for coming, Hangeng," Heechul cried, another sob rising his his throat, tear-stained face adorned with a smile. Hangeng kissed the man tenderly, his joyous tears mixing with his love's.


"Heechul, you have no idea how much I missed you," he replied, his voice just above a whisper, his words cut in a few parts by a few kisses he gave Heechul to his cheeks and lips. "I love you so much."


Heechul sniffled a bit and wiped his eyes, still hugging onto Hangeng. "They weren't lying when they told us that this would be the best Valentines' Day we'll remember..... I love you so much."


~The End~

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Chapter 1: that's so cute~
privatecookie228 #2
Chapter 1: Aww so sweet ~
I wonder who planned the whole thing...