I Miss You


Breathe in, breathe out. Youngbae took one last look at everyone in the car before he made his way outside.

He nodded and opened the door, nervousness washing over him as the cold night air did.

He turned around for any sign of disapproval, but all the members did was wave him forward.

He faced front, head strong, and walked towards her door.

Today was Valentine’s Day, and he along with the others planned something simple for So-I. He couldn’t do it alone, and was very grateful for the help the members gave.

They spent the whole day thinking of what to do given that the circumstances were grave, and the situation was now more complicated.

Yes, he imagined searching for her and winning her back. No, he never expected she’d be married and with child. He didn’t even want to think of it.

‘Bloody bastard,’ he thought of the man who asked for her hand in marriage before he even bought a ring.

He felt his blood start to boil, but before he even got a temper, he shook all ill feelings off for this was a happy night. This was supposed to be good. He and his friends planned it the whole day, after all. And, he was finally seeing her after all this time. It’s been too long, he waited too long, and now he had to suffer the consequences: seeing her in secrecy, having to hide how he truly felt, how he still felt after all these years.

Finally, he reached her doorstep and then he set down his props.

He looked up to see the lights on the second floor of the house still on, but looked to the first floor to see if anyone was present. No one was; the inhabitants of the house were already upstairs, getting ready for bed. “Good,” he thought.

 Once he rang this doorbell, he’d have no control over who answered the door.

If it was her, he’d push through with his original intentions. If it was her husband [if ever there really was a husband,] he’d pretend he wasn’t from around town, and was just wondering how to get to his friend’s place which apparently was in the same place as this house.

It was a good plan, he thought.

He stood upright and calmed himself.

Inside him was a battle of voices. “I can do this,” “I can’t do this!” “Why am I doing this??”

“PSSSSSST!!” He heard someone from behind him hiss.

He turned to see Seungri and Jiyong waving their arms frantically, as if to say hurry up.

Youngbae turned back and nodded.

It was now or never, and with the gang behind him, Youngbae definitely could never go with ‘never.’


Now, he rang the doorbell and patiently waited.

His heart was racing so fast, he could hear it beating in his ears.

He saw the doorknob turn and he couldn’t breathe, but the face on the other side of the door told him this was a good idea. He was meant to come.

“Youngbae?”  she asked, not believing in anything she saw in front of her. She was at a loss for words. Her ex-lover was in front of her, on the doorstep of her house, with her sleeping husband in their room, and her son who was busy eating his late night snack in the upstairs living room.

“What are you---” She wanted to ask, but he cut her off by putting his finger to his lips as if telling her not to talk.

Fine, she wasn’t going to talk. “What are you doing here??” she mouthed at him, eyes filled with confusion but he could sense an aura of excitement clouding over her.

He put his hand out, motioning her to wait.

She nodded, and he pulled out a single white rose behind him to give to her.

She smiled. She loved white roses.

She reached for him and smelled it, remembering the first time he gave her roses.


It was on Valentine’s Day as well, when she was still studying for her masters. In the middle of one of her classes, hired messengers started giving guys chocolates from girls since during V-Day, girls were the ones to give guys something. Everything was fine until a bouquet of roses found itself on her table delivered by one of the messengers. She didn’t know what to say for 1.) it was the sweetest gesture ever and 2.) no one’s ever done that for her.


She stopped reminiscing when he pulled her out of her thoughts, and finally got on to what he was supposed to do. Finally, she looked at him, and once he got her attention, he began.

He picked up his props also known as the big pieces of cardboard by his feet and began to flash them one by one.


Board 1:

                “Hi, how are you?”

That one was sort of...stupid, Youngbae thought. But Daesung said everyone had to be proper. It would come off to strong if he just said what he was supposed to say and took Daesung’s advice.

He looked at her to see her expression, and she smiled. She put two thumbs up, indicating that she was fine.


Board 2:

                “I know it’s been so long,”

He looked at her again, and he saw that she was biting her lip. That meant she felt she was about to cry and was holding in her tears. It amazed him how he still knew her so well.


Board 3:

                “but I just want to take this chance and say,”

He’s had so many chances to visit her, to find her, to woo her back. Why is it that he only decided to do this now? Sometimes he thought he was so stupid, now he’s too late. Yet if he looked back at this moment, he’d be happy he at least did it. It was better than not trying at all.


Board 4:


She laughed, but urged him to move on.

He was keeping her at bay, adding to the drama or suspense, or whatever tension they were feeling.

‘What is it that he wants to say?’ she thought to herself.


Board 5:

                “I miss you,”

He looked at her sincerely this time and took not of her sharp intake of breath.


Board 6:

                “I think about you a lot,”


Board 7:

                “And even though we aren’t together...”


Board 8:

                “I love you.”


Her eyes were wide with shock, and you could definitely tell, she couldn’t speak.

Then, her brow started furrowing, and again he knew that she was close to tears, only she was trying her best not to cry.

“Every moment of every day, I do. I do love you, So-I. And I know I have no business telling you this, nor do I have any business coming into your life and stepping on your doorstep, but I do. And I just wanted you to know.”

She was about to speak, when the voice of her son penetrated the silence around them.

“You should go in, now.” Youngbae said and smiled that famous cheeky eye smile of his.

So she nodded, and turned to go back in, where her little boy was waiting for her.


Once she disappeared, he let the smile fade from his face.

Yes, the plan was a success but still, he couldn’t help but feel sad for he knew that she really was no longer his. She had a family for crying out loud.

“...but why did she cry?” He thought though he shook the thoughts off of him. He didn’t want to hope on something that most likely wouldn’t come true.

He sighed. And so he packed up all his stuff, even the rose that she accidentally dropped when Sun called her.

He didn’t mind though. How was she supposed to explain to her husband how she got a rose on Valentine’s Day in the middle of the night? He didn’t want her to get in trouble.


He turned around and started walking back to the car. Halfway to the vehicle, he saw the faces of the boys plastered on the window, but then a look of shock dawned on their faces as the BigBang members all tried to hide.

Youngbae raised a brow, and the look on his face said “What the hell?”

That however, was answered when he felt a pair of arms snake around his waist.

He turned back and saw her.

There, behind him, holding him, was So-I.

It turns out that all Sun wanted was water. It only took her a few seconds to fix that, before she ran back down and found Youngbae retreating to his car. No, she wouldn’t let him go just like that. He was here now; she’d make the most of it.

She wasn’t able to separate reality from dreams. If this was real, then so be it. But if this was a dream, then she hoped to never wake up. Whatever it was though, she was going to be with him for this short moment in time.

Maybe it was selfish of her to do so, maybe it wasn’t. But all that mattered was here, and now. And right now halfway between her house and his car, there was only the two of them.

“What are yo--” He was going to ask but she silenced him by putting a finger over his lips.

“shhh,” she told him.

She brought her face close to his so that they were nose-to-nose, and their lips were touching each other’s lightly.

She smiled. It wasn’t just him that did all the hurting up until now. She did miss him, and she did still love him. She could never love anyone like she loved him. So in this moment which was locked away from the world she lived in, and reality she faced, she took the chance to be next to him once again.


“Happy Valentine’s Day, Bae-bae.”










aaaaaand, we're done! :D

I hope you all enjoyed! It was a pleasure writing for you guys. :)

Love, love, love on the Day of Hearts! Happy Valentine's Day! :)


PS: if you want to know about whatever I had planned for you guys, please feel free to leave me a message or post on the wall. Now I'm not too sure

if I should continue it. :\ Oh, and don't forget to adress it to Tone! Because Detail or Emotion might mess with you guys. Teehee. :) Also! Do check out XxTWisTEDxX's other fanfics. They are AWESOME. :) thank you, thank you, thank you! :)

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You guys wanna know a secret? The final chapter's up. :> It's just...hidden!! hehehe>:)


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Chapter 4: Grr!! What!?! It's over when I still have many questions or ask... (>ㅠ-ㅠ<)
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XxTWisTEDxX #3
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