My Best Friend

My Best Friend


> Hyung, where are you? <

“I’m on my way”

> Hurry up, Wonnie! I’m nervous!<

“Don’t be Kyu. Everything will be okay”

> Since it’s you, I know everything will be okay <

A few minutes later, the doorbell rang, and Kyuhyun who was pacing in the living room ran to open it. He was so relieved when he saw it was Siwon and he gripped the latter’s hand and pulled him inside.

“Why are you wearing a suit?” Kyuhyun questioned while inspecting his friend from head to toe.

“Well, I’m meeting your father. I should dress properly” Siwon defended proudly. He didn’t like being offended just because he was being respectful.

“Whatever. He’s in his office”

Kyuhyun rubbed his palms together, nervousness clearly taking over him. Siwon of course noticed and he soon put his hands on each of the younger’s arm, rubbing them for assurance.

“You’ll be okay”

Kyuhyun faintly smiled and motioned for Siwon to follow him.


Kyuhyun knocked on the door and when he got permission to come in, he looked at Siwon and took a deep breath before they both stepped inside.

They bowed for Mr.Cho and the latter motioned for them to sit on the couch across the room, a few feet away from where he was sitting behind his desk.

They took a seat next to each other, but with a reasonable space between them. Of course Mr.Cho was very familiar by the friendship between Siwon and his son. After all, Siwon was always in his house playing with Kyuhyun or helping him with his studies. Mr.Cho also had a business friendship with Siwon’s father, so he was always kind toward him.

Kyuhyun’s trembled hands entwined on his lap as he hung his head low, trying to come up with a simple way to let out what he wanted to say. He could feel two eyes piercing on his face from the side and that was enough for him to take the courage to start talking.

“Father” He took another deep breath before continuing his speech “The thing I wanted to talk to you about is that… well I’m…”

Siwon didn’t find it in his heart to watch the boy struggling with his words. His hand found Kyuhyun’s and their fingers soon entwined, causing the younger to surprisingly snap his head in Siwon’s direction. The latter though, just smiled at him, not showing any signs of distress even though his heart was about to explode from its ribcage.

“I’m in love with your son”

The words came out fluently from his mouth like he just said the most normal thing in the world. Not until he said those words looking tenderly in Kyuhyun’s eyes, that his head turned to Mr.Cho’s direction, who was pretty much startled since his eyes were bulging out and his mouth was hung open.

Kyuhyun also was shocked, and even though he knew that was the reason why they were there, he still couldn’t help but feel his heart flutter at the way his friend just confessed his feelings to him in front of his father. Well, confess is a strong word since Siwon was only complying to Kyuhyun’s favor…



“Kyu? What’s wrong?”

Just as Siwon opened the door, Kyuhyun launched his body on him, embracing him tightly by the waist while burying his face in his chest.

“I need your help!”

“What happened?” Siwon managed to ask as he wrapped his arms protectively around Kyuhyun’s back.

“They want me to get married!”

Siwon’s eyes grew in size at the declaration, but he tried his best to keep calm until he heard the whole story. He cupped Kyuhyun’s cheeks, making their gazes meet before he motioned for him to sit on the couch.

“They want me to go on an arranged marriage!”

Kyuhyun blurt out once he was settled on the couch, just a few inches away from Siwon, who was completely shocked.

“Wonnie, you’ll help me, right?”

“Yes, of course. B-but what do you want me to do?”

Siwon’s mind was spinning fast, trying hard to process what he just heard.

“Be my fake boyfriend, Wonnie?” Kyuhyun calmly said while Siwon popped his eyes at the request.

“H-How… B-But…”

As much as Siwon was trying to focus, his eyes were wandering rapidly all over Kyuhyun’s face. He didn’t want to miss a second of looking at the boy.

“Please hyung?”

Kyu never uses the word hyung… Ever since his brother passed away, he couldn’t call anyone hyung again. That’s why he calls me Wonnie, even though I’m older than him.

“Of course… Anything for you”

Siwon agreed because how could he say no when Kyuhyun was looking at him sweetly with his famous puppy eyes and that endearing pout that Siwon loves so much.

“Thanks Wonnie!”

Kyuhyun’s eyes immediately lit up and he, yet again, launched himself on Siwon, wrapping his arms around the older’s neck and pulling him into a hug.


Siwon and Kyuhyun had been friends ever since the older was a junior in high school, and the younger was a freshman. That was eight years ago.

Ever since Siwon was assigned to take care of the new freshman students, being the school president, his interest in Kyuhyun had born since day one. The minute Kyuhyun introduced himself, Siwon found himself smiling like an idiot and, until this day, he has no idea why. Maybe because the boy was too cute, maybe because his voice was heaven… or maybe because Siwon knew he would fall in love with him one day.

The thirteen years old was not familiar with the school’s system, and that was why he had a lot of questions for Siwon, who was very much glad to answer them by the way.

Kyuhyun was easy going and so he didn’t have any problem in making friends. In fact, he was already asked to be friends with one of his classmates Donghae, although it took the latter half an hour to even form the question. Kyuhyun was the one to put him out of his misery by asking him instead. The little boy eagerly nodded.

However, even though Kyuhyun made a friend, Siwon was something else. He was older than him by two years and he looked too cool in the younger’s eyes. Each time during the first week when Siwon was showing them around school and informing them about the necessary stuff, Kyuhyun grew fond of him and without realizing it, he started to look up to him.

Siwon was popular, a gentleman, handsome, has the most amazing dimples on each cheek, and he’s very kind. To Kyuhyun, those were the qualities that made him drawn to Siwon in the first place. Well, maybe the dimples had a huge impact, but yeah his personality as well played a big role in Kyuhyun wanting to get to know Siwon better.

Day after day, their friendship had quickly grown up. They spent each day of Siwon’s remaining days in high school together, and even when Siwon had to go to college, they still kept in touch all the time until Kyuhyun joined him again.

As time passed, Siwon couldn’t stop himself from falling for the young boy. It started after he enrolled to college which was two years after their friendship, maybe even before, but it only drowned at him when Kyuhyun was no longer around him as much as before.

However, Siwon had yet to confess. Now it was already eight years since they first met, and six years since he acknowledged his feelings for the younger. Although Siwon was already working at his father’s business, having his own apartment, and all settled down even if he was only twenty three, he was yet to find the perfect moment to tell the younger how he really felt about him. He was just too scared to do so. He didn’t want to lose Kyuhyun.


Now because Kyuhyun’s older brother has passed away in an accident when the younger was eighteen, the now twenty one years old Kyuhyun were to be the next CEO in his father’s company.

Kyuhyun graduated from college and recently joined his father to learn about his duties. However, as the company was having a bit of trouble lately, Mr.Cho figured he should set up an arranged marriage for Kyuhyun with one of his opponent’s daughter so they could go for a merger to save the company.


“What should I do?”

Siwon hesitantly asked, not really sure how this fake boyfriend act should go.

“Go with me to meet him tomorrow?”

Kyuhyun pleadingly asked. He knew he was asking a lot from Siwon, but he was his only and best friend. If he didn’t turn to him, then who should he turn to?

“Ok. But first, we need to get our stories straight”

“How so?”

Siwon sat comfortably, facing Kyuhyun and determinedly asked “When did you start having… feelings for me?”

“Oh, right. Well…hm… how about after you graduated from uni, I felt lonely and realized how much I really like you?”

Kyuhyun thought for a second before answering, while Siwon was calming his stinging heart because that was exactly how he realized he was in love with his friend, only four years earlier… How I wish this was true.

Siwon swallowed the lump on his throat before forcing a smile on his face.

“Sounds good, and we’ve been dating for how long?”

“Six months?”


“How about you?”

“What about me?”

“When did you fall in love with me?”

Kyuhyun innocently asked but it managed to make Siwon’s heart pumping in his chest.

“You’ll know tomorrow”

“Come on! Not fair” Kyuhyun said pouting and crossing his arms over his chest.

“Tomorrow” as he pinched the younger’s nose, causing the pout on his face to deepen even more.


It was Siwon’s turn to sulk when Kyuhyun snapped at him. However, the latter quickly smiled again and cutely muttered “Thanks Wonnie” before leaning forward and pressing a kiss on the older’s cheek.


Suddenly there was a loud bang on the desk as Mr.Cho abruptly stood up. Kyuhyun closed his eyes in fear while Siwon just tightened his grip on the younger’s hand.

“No way!” Mr.Cho determinedly objected. However, as much as Siwon respected him, he knew he should stand up for Kyuhyun because there was no way he would let him get married to someone else.

“With all due respect Uncle, I really hope you consider it first” Siwon’s stern tone made Kyuhyun’s father widen his eyes. He took a deep breath before stepping from behind his desk and standing in the middle of the room.

“Look Siwon, my son isn’t gay and he will never be. So whatever feelings you have for him, take care of it away from us”

Kyuhyun was feeling bad. He started to regret this little act seeing how it would ruin the relationship between his friend and his father. He didn’t know how he didn’t think of it before, but now all he wanted to do was apologize and clear the situation.

However, Siwon had another thought. He abruptly stood up, dragging Kyuhyun with him.

“I’ve known your son for eight years now, uncle. Ever since they assigned me to show him around the school, I knew there was something special about him. I thought it was only friendship at first but when I left for college, I knew it was more than that. It wasn’t my choice to fall for him, it just happened. My heart chose him and I won’t give up on him. He’s the most precious person in my life and I want to take care of him”

Kyuhyun was astonished. He was looking at Siwon the whole time he gave his supposed love speech and he couldn’t help but be lost in the way Siwon’s orbs were sparkling. There was a tingling feeling in his chest that he was yet to figure out what it meant.

M.Cho on the other side was getting furious by now. He couldn’t believe the words he just heard. He scoffed in annoyance before turning to face Kyuhyun whose body was tensing up with fear and anxiety under his gaze.

“Is this how I raised you?” He coldly asked, causing Kyuhyun to gulp before turning to look at Siwon who was tightening the hold on his hand to encourage him. He then looked at his father again and whispered.

“I want to be with Siwon, Father”


Kyuhyun already saw his father’s arm rising in the air, ready to land a slap on his face so he tightly closed his eyes and anticipated for it. However, a loud sound was heard but he couldn’t feel any sting on his cheek. He slowly opened his eyes and his sight landed on Siwon’s back covering him.

Kyuhyun detached himself from Siwon’s hand and faced him. His eyes widened when he saw the red mark on his friend’s face. Tears started welling up in his eyes knowing he was the cause of it. His hands quickly rose to caress the injured cheek and when Siwon winced at the touch, a single tear escaped the younger’s eyes.

“If your hyung was here, he would’ve never done something like this” Came Mr.Cho’s harsh comment that left Kyuhyun’s eyes bulging out even more at the mention of his deceased brother. His hands slumped down as his head bent low not daring to face any of the men in the room. His tears were dropping on the floor.

Siwon knew how much Kyuhyun looked up to his brother and how much he loved him. He was there by his side when the latter passed away and so he knew for sure that bringing him up in a situation like this wasn’t helping at all.

Mr.Cho immediately storm out of the room, leaving the two boys standing in the middle, one with a painful cheek, and the other one with a painful heart.


After that not so promising meeting with Mr.Cho, Kyuhyun had locked himself in his room because he was in no mood to go out or see anyone for that matter. He was thinking about his little act and how it managed to hurt his best friend and so guilt was building up in his chest with each day.

He didn’t want to get married that was for sure, but he still blamed himself for dragging his friend into this mess. He hadn’t answered any of Siwon’s calls or messages, and he didn’t let anyone come into his room unless it was the ajhumma who would bring him food.

However, three days later, Siwon had had enough. He missed Kyuhyun and he needed to talk to him. He was sure that the younger was feeling bad about what happened and all he wanted was to let him know everything would be okay. He only wanted to hug him and be there for him.

That day, Siwon drove to Kyuhyun’s to see him. As he parked his car in front of the house, he could see Mr.Cho’s car there and so he had to think twice before getting inside.

He didn’t know what happened after their talk since Kyuhyun didn’t answer any of his calls, and so he didn’t want to make things worse. So instead of knocking, he walked to the back yard which Kyuhyun’s room overlooked on. He took a small rock from between the grass and threw it at his window.

One rock, two rocks, three… and finally Kyuhyun could open his window. Of course he knew it was Siwon since it wasn’t the first time the older would sneak out to his yard and threw rocks at his window. However, as much as he hated that Siwon was hurt because of him, he actually missed him and wanted to see his face once again. That was why, he peeked his head from the window with a deep pout on his face that managed to leave Siwon heartbroken.

“Come down!” Siwon shouted but in a whisper since he didn’t want to be found out.

Kyuhyun only shook his head while crossing his arms over his chest.

“Please Kyu? I wanna talk to you” Siwon pleaded and Kyuhyun couldn’t help but feel sad about the way his friend was looking at him. He slowly closed the window and sneaked out of the house to meet Siwon.


The latter was waiting for him in the car and the second he saw Kyuhyun getting in, a wide grin painted his face and he soon pulled him into his embrace.

“Are you okay? I was worried sick!”

Kyuhyun could feel his eyes getting watery again and he soon moved away from the hug, staring at his lap and thinking of what he should say.

Siwon’s hands gripped Kyuhyun’s before raising them to his lips. He kissed the boy’s white knuckles which managed to make Kyuhyun look at him. One of his hands rested on Siwon’s cheek where he was slapped and he finally could speak.

“Does it still hurt?” He whispered while locking his eyes on Siwon’s. Soon there was a smile formed on the older’s lips as he nodded.

“Can we forget about it?”

“I haven’t spoken to my father yet. But I heard he’s still planning my wedding” Kyuhyun informed and Siwon’s expression immediately fell. He didn’t know what he should do to make it all better for Kyuhyun. Maybe he should kidnap him and take him far away from there? But then he would have to actually confess his real feelings for him, which he was still finding so hard to do especially now with the whole marriage matter.

Kyuhyun could definitely read Siwon’s grimace and he knew the older was deep in thought. He withdrew the hand rested on Siwon’s cheek and pulled something out of his back pocket.

When a card was waving in front of Siwon’s face, his eyebrows furrowed in confusion and when he looked at Kyuhyun and found him widely smiling at him, he knew instantly what was it about.

“A card? That’s new” He snatched it from Kyuhyun’s hand with anticipation. However, before he could open it, Kyuhyun stopped him and intently looked at him.

“Sorry, I forgot” Kyuhyun’s pout appeared and he averted his face to look outside the window. He didn’t notice how Siwon was grinning as he stretched his hand to the backseat and picked up a medium box.

Kyuhyun squealed in excitement when he realized that his friend hadn’t forgotten about his present. He quickly examined it and when he knew what was inside, his mouth fell agape and he glanced at Siwon in shock.

“This is the latest PSP! How did you get it? It’s not on the market yet!” Kyuhyun exclaimed while opening the box and admiring the newest game device which he was waiting impatiently for it to be released.

“I have my ways” Siwon proudly announced which only earned him a tsk and a roll from Kyuhyun’s eyes.

Siwon then turned his attention to Kyuhyun’s green card, his favorite color by the way, and slowly opened it. There was a sentence written in the middle, each letter with a sparkling color. It wasn’t a card a twenty one year old guy would make, but Siwon thought it was cute coming from his Kyuhyun.

“Superman card… One wish, whatever you want, whenever you want… I’ll do it for you” Siwon read it out loud, causing the boy sitting next to him to blush.

His heart was beating rapidly, just imagining what that one thing he could ask from Kyuhyun. Of course he knew what he wanted the most in his life right then was to have Kyuhyun, but that would be far from that card’s capacities.


“Within reason”

Siwon could finally laugh after those three days away from Kyuhyun. The latter laughed along.

“Happy valentine’s day, Wonnie”

“Happy Valentine’s day, Kyu”


It all happened two years ago, when Siwon got a very expensive nice watch from one of his female colleagues at work, while Kyuhyun only got a few boxes of chocolate and a starcraft shirt from some girls in his class. The younger was so jealous and was sulking and pouting for a whole week until Siwon got him an expensive and nice watch as well. The same one as his actually, and when Kyuhyun asked if it was a couple watches, Siwon just shrugged it off and changed the subject, although deep down he was happily laughing about it. He would always make the best of what he got.

It wasn’t like Kyuhyun didn’t have money to buy it himself, but he always liked gifts, especially coming from his best friend. So that was why they came to a mutual agreement that each valentine’s day, they would get each other presents.


After that day, everything went back to normal between the two friends except when Kyuhyun would hear something about his supposed marriage, he would run to meet Siwon and whine at him. Siwon had offered to talk to Mr.Cho again but Kyuhyun was against it saying he could handle it himself. The truth was, he wasn’t willing to drag Siwon into his mess again even though he was already a big part of it in his father’s opinion.

 The elder already talked to Kyuhyun and asked him to break up with Siwon but the younger never approved, leaving his father no choice but to keep planning for his arranged marriage.


A week after Valentine’s Day, Siwon was summoned to his father’s office. When he stepped inside, Mr.Choi motioned for him to take a seat on the couch before he joined him as well.

“So what is all of this about you dating Kyuhyun?” Mr.Choi asked once he settled down next to his son. The latter shifted in his seat and looked at him surprised.

“How do you know?” He shockingly asked, wondering how his father might’ve known about it.

“Let’s say good news travel fast?” Just as those words came out of Mr.Choi’s mouth, Siwon let out a sad laugh while averting his gaze to the floor.

“It would’ve been good news if it was actually true” His father just shifted closer to him and patted his shoulder.

After graduating from college, Siwon started working at his father’s company. The two were very close since Siwon had lost his mother several years back and so the two had depended on each other. He also had a younger brother Minho, who attended college in the US just after high school, and who will also be taking over his father’s business.

“You still haven’t told him yet?” Mr.Choi concernedly asked, and Siwon looked at him with sad orbs that were already b with tears.

“I’m afraid to lose him, dad”

Mr.Choi looked at him apologetically while circling his arm over his back.

“What if you don’t? You’ll regret it later on”

“…” Siwon didn’t answer. He just hung his head low, staring at his shoes and wondering about all the possibilities that could happen if he confessed. However, the fear still won over his feelings and the mere idea of losing Kyuhyun in his life was torturing.

“You’ll wait until he’s really married?”


Mr.Choi’s statement cut Siwon’s train of thought and he stared at his father in confusion.

“Mr.Cho came to me. He said that my son has gone crazy”

“You didn’t tell him anything, did you?” Siwon asked nervously and his father lightly shook his head and smiled at him.

“I didn’t. But you know this fake dating isn’t going to work, right?”

“I know, but it’s all I can do for Kyuhyun right now” Siwon defended, hoping his father would still support him even with the little play he was doing, because as far as Siwon knew, he would die for Kyuhyun if the latter asked him to.

Mr.Choi’s mood also turned sad. Seeing the hesitation in his son’s eyes, he pulled Siwon closer so the latter’s head rested on his shoulder, while his hand rubbed the boy’s arm.

“Have you thought about my offer?”

Siwon’s body tensed and he pulled away. His gaze averted to his lap, feeling guilty about not deciding on such an important matter yet.

The thing was, since Choi Industries was having another branch in the US, one of Mr.Choi’s sons would have to take over as the CEO. Now since Siwon was always the older even though he’s not that much older from Minho, his father gave him the option to chose. Whether to stay in Seoul and take over the company when Mr.Choi would step out, or go to the US and take care of business there.

His younger-by-a-year brother Minho didn’t really care that much because he already lived in the US for four years. So if he were to take charge there it wouldn’t be a problem. Whatever Siwon chose, was good enough for the both of them.

However, the only problem was that Siwon didn’t want to leave Kyuhyun behind. He loved the boy too much to give up on him. He knew he shouldn’t base his career choice on another person, but it’s Kyuhyun, his best friend and his love. It wasn’t that easy to make a decision, especially not now when the boy might get married to someone else, and not when Siwon’s heart was still taking by him

“Just give me a few more days. I’m still not sure if I want to leave or even if I can leave”

Siwon declared with an apologetic tone and his father gave him an assuring smile.

“Whatever you decide, you know I’ll be supporting you. However, I still think you should talk to Kyuhyun. I don’t like seeing my son suffering like this”

“Thanks dad. Well, I have a meeting. I should go”

When Siwon left Mr.Choi’s office, the elder went back to his desk and stared at his deceased wife’s picture for a few seconds, smiling at the memory of his first and last wife, the mother of his children.

“Yeobo, why did you go and leave me alone to deal with such thing? Why couldn’t Siwon easily fall in love with someone who loves him back… Remember how we fell in love at first sight?”

With a longing smile on his face, he sighed before placing the picture frame back on his desk and resuming his work.


The next few days, it was Siwon’s turn to avoid Kyuhyun. His heart was battling with his brain and he needed to give his father an answer as soon as possible. His body was sunk on the couch of his living room, different files scattered around him, yet his mind was only thinking of one thing… His best friend.

As if he was heard, a sudden loud knock echoed in the house and Siwon dragged his feet to see who it was. When he opened the door and a clearly angry Kyuhyun stood in front of him, his heart started beating frantically because even if it was just a few days, he missed the boy so much.

“Wonnie! Are you mad at me?” Kyuhyun sadly asked before pouting his lips and storming inside the house without even waiting for Siwon to answer him.

The latter, startled, closed the door and followed him inside. His heart skipped a beat when his eyes landed on Kyuhyun sitting on the couch he occupied earlier, sulking and crossing his arms over his chest childishly.

The boy’s hair was covering his forehead but wasn’t covering his almond shaped eyes that were standing out, his cheeks were painted red probably from furry, and his beautiful lips were shaped into a pout that made Siwon gulp in amazement.

“Are you?” Kyuhyun asked again, managing to break Siwon’s astonishment. The older rubbed the back of his not so itchy head while shifting his gaze away from his friend.

“I-I’m not. Why would I be?” He replied kind of stuttering at first but he managed to compose himself. He walked closer to Kyuhyun and took a seat next to him.

“Then why haven’t you called me lately? Have you forgotten that you’re my boyfriend?”

Kyuhyun sweetly stated, emphasizing on the last word, while snuggling into Siwon’s arm. That act only made the latter’s feelings even more mixed up. He turned to look at Kyuhyun with determination in his eyes, then he tightly held on the hand gripping his arm before he asked.

“What if we date for real, Kyu?”

Siwon was getting tired of not doing anything. Kyuhyun was by his side but he didn’t know for how long he would be. He wanted the boy as more than a friend and his feelings were going to someday explode if he didn’t make a move already.

Kyuhyun looked shocked for a couple of seconds, then he burst out laughing. Of course being the naïve, innocent guy he was, he thought his friend was joking. So when he slumped back on the couch, holding his stomach that was hurting from all the laughter, Siwon’s eyes were b with tears and his hands were clenching hard on the edges of the couch.

Luckily, or not, Kyuhyun took a few minutes to calm down and so it gave Siwon enough time to also stop his urge to jump on Kyuhyun right then. When the younger wiped away the few tears on the corner if his eyes due to the excessive laughing, he sat down again and looked at his friend as he once again snuggled on his arm.

“Wonnie, you’re handsome and all, but I’ll pass… Aaaah, thank you, I really needed that”

Kyuhyun innocently declared while resting his head on Siwon’s shoulder. He didn’t see how Siwon was gritting his teeth from the pain in his chest, or how a sole tear escaped his eye but he quickly wiped it away. He took a deep breath before ruffling Kyuhyun’s hair and letting his hand rest on his nape.

“Why? You don’t like guys?” Even though he tried to sound cool, but still his voice cracked.

Kyuhyun snapped his head up and pouted at his friend “Stop teasing me, Wonnie”

Although that was the second stab for that day, Siwon still managed to put a smile on his face and pulled Kyuhyun into an embrace. Looking at the beauty in his arms, he knew what he should do. He knew what he had to choose, and which answer he should give to his father. He buried his face deep into the crook of Kyuhyun’s neck, inhaling his beautiful scent that always managed to make him travel into another world.

When he felt Kyuhyun kind of tensing up in his arms, he pulled away and grinned at him so not to make him suspicious, before pinching his cheeks and standing up.

“I’ll take a shower. I need to go to the office”

He then walked to his bedroom, leaving a puzzled Kyuhyun in the living room just watching his disappearing back. The younger sighed, realizing something was wrong with his friend, but he figured he would talk to him later. He stood up, but before he could leave, he took a look around, noticing the mess Siwon’s files had done, and decided to clean it up. Once done, he smiled at the now clean living room and took his leave from the apartment.


Three days later, Kyuhyun had a huge fight with his father. The elder asked him to go meet his supposed to be wife and one word led to another, leaving Kyuhyun no choice but to dash out of the house and drive to his best friend, the one and only person who always had been there for him.

“What should I do, Wonnie?” That was what Kyuhyun first said when Siwon opened the door for him.

Siwon was not expecting to see him that day. He had a lot of things going on and he sincerely wasn’t ready for another battling heart. His body was tired, his face expression was worn out and he already had black circles under his eyes. He clearly wasn’t getting enough sleep lately.

Once Kyuhyun noticed how Siwon looked strangely weary that day, he soon forgot about why he was there in the first place as he approached his friend and worriedly asked what was wrong.

“Wonnie, what happened? Are you sick? Do we have to go to the hospital? I thought I told you not to work yourself too hard, didn’t I? Wonnie, you need to rest”

Kyuhyun’s palm rested on Siwon’s forehead, checking if he got a fever, but it was soon shrugged off by Siwon.

“It’s nothing” He coldly stated, causing Kyuhyun to frown in confusion.

“Is everything okay?” The younger hesitantly asked, eyes looking straight into Siwon’s, trying to figure out if he was the reason for the older treating him coldly.

“Never mind. What are you here for?” Again, Siwon’s harsh tone was making Kyuhyun uncomfortable. His friend had never once spoken to him like that and it hurt. He shifted his eyes to the floor, looking at the floor while trying to block the tears that were threatening to fall.

“I-I just had a fight with my father. He… H-He already set up a meeting with that girl”

Kyuhyun was expecting his friend to pull him into his embrace and tell him everything would be okay. After all, that was what Siwon always did when Kyuhyun was feeling down. However, not this time. He waited and waited but nothing. He didn’t feel the familiar warmth circling his body, or the soothing words that usually Siwon would whisper in his ears to make him feel better.

Instead, his head shot up abruptly when unexpected words came out of Siwon’s mouth.

“Then you should go. Your father knows what’s best for you. Just get married. I won’t be around anymore anyway”

Kyuhyun was too shocked to move and too shocked to even cry. He just stared at Siwon who had an unreadable expression on his face. Kyuhyun’s eyebrows knitted until they formed one line, his eyes were sparkling from the tears that wouldn’t come down, and his mouth is hung open for the words that wouldn’t come out.

He waited for Siwon to say something or explain what he meant but nothing. They just stood there at the doorway staring at each other. Kyuhyun felt his heart weirdly aching and that was when he looked away. He swallowed the limp on his throat and rubbed his hands together to clear his nervousness.

Siwon on the other side, was only watching Kyuhyun’s reaction with a hopeful feeling. However, when the younger looked up at him again and smiled, it was Siwon’s turn to narrow his eyes, trying to figure out the meaning behind that smile.

“You’re going somewhere?” Kyuhyun calmly asked.

“I’m moving to the US”

Kyuhyun’s smile turned wider and he softly laughed “Wow. I see”

Siwon was more confused than ever. So his friend didn’t care if he moved away? It made no difference to him? Was he not going to ask him to stay? Was he not going to whine at him like usual?

It didn’t happen.

“When are you leaving?”

“Next week”

Kyuhyun just nodded as if trying to make himself believe what he just heard. He then smiled again at the still frowning Siwon before turning around to leave.

Just as the door was closed, Siwon fell to the ground and finally let his restraining tears to stream down. His breathing accelerated and his heart ached.

On the other side of the door, Kyuhyun leaned on the wall, trying to calm down his beating heart while clenching on his shirt. Tears finally could break free from his eyes.


Ever since that revelation about Siwon leaving, Kyuhyun had been in a very bad mood. He felt betrayed and hurt because his friend never consulted him about it. He didn’t like the way he was informed that Siwon was moving away, and he definitely didn’t like the whole moving thing.

Siwon was his only best friend and so if he was to leave, it only meant he would be alone. He was still in contact with Donghae and would hang out with him from time to time, but it was nothing like his relationship with Siwon. Kyuhyun was so dependent on him that when he heard he was going to lose him, he cried himself to sleep every night.

What hurt even more, was that Siwon never tried to call him or even visit him. Kyuhyun would spend his day staring at his phone which was stuck to his hand 24/7. He even dialed Siwon’s number a few times but he never had the courage to actually call him. His pride always stopped him.

However, when the day Siwon was to leave came, Kyuhyun felt different. It was like he was in denial the whole week about his friend moving and was hoping he would change his mind, but now that the day of his leave had come, Kyuhyun was scared.

He was sitting in his room, staring at his kind of graduation picture which was taking at the hospital…


“Wonnie, where are you? If you miss my graduation you know I’ll be super mad at you!”

> I’m so sorry Kyu, I got held up at work. I’ll be there in ten, okay? <

“I’ll start timing”

Siwon just smiled when he heard the beeping sound from the device. His friend was moody which only explained how nervous he must’ve been.

He glanced at his phone, grinning wider at his wallpaper which was Kyuhyun’s picture of course, and then he heard some honking from the car behind him motioning for him to move. So figuring the green light was on, he stepped on the accelerator and when the car started moving suddenly another one came rushing from the side, crashing him into the street light on the sidewalk.

Kyuhyun was furious and extremely sad when his name was about to be called and there was still no sight of his friend. He looked at his phone and decided to call again. However, when he did, there was no answer from the other line. He tried again and again but still nothing. Right then, Kyuhyun knew something was wrong. Siwon always picked up his calls no matter what. His heart started beating fast and his sight turned blurry. When his name was called, his phone rang and Siwon’s name was on the screen. He happily picked up but wasn’t welcomed but the cheesy best friend he had, but with a stern voice from one of the nurses from the hospital, telling him Siwon had an accident.

Kyuhyun didn’t seem to care about his graduation at that moment. His mother was by his side asking what happened, but Kyuhyun was too shocked to answer. He just kept muttering the words Siwon and hospital to which his mother immediately understood something was wrong.

When he arrived at the hospital, he had to wait for half an hour until Siwon was out of surgery, and another hour for him to wake up.


From his place on the chair next to the bed, Kyuhyun could hear Siwon’s voice. He jumped from his seat and walked closer to him.

“Wonnie, are you okay? Are you hurt somewhere?” He worriedly asked and Siwon shook his head. Only then could Kyuhyun sigh in relief and let out of his breath that he had been holding ever since he got the news about the accident.

“I’m sorry… I missed your graduation” Siwon sadly stated, averting his gaze away from Kyuhyun. The latter reached for Siwon’s hand and gripped it tightly in his.

“We both did actually”

That managed to make Siwon look back at him with widened eyes. However before he could say anything, Kyuhyun just smiled at him and added.

“It’s okay, Wonnie. It was my fault. If I hadn’t asked you to rush over, none of this would’ve happened”

Siwon’s non-casted arm rose to caress Kyuhyun’s cheek, his thump wiping away the tear that streamed down.

“It’s no one’s fault. The driver behind me accidently honked and I thought the green light was on. I should’ve checked, but I was too excited for your graduation… which now we both missed”

Siwon explained and Kyuhyun just looked at him. He silently thanked god for keeping Siwon alive and for not taking him away from him like he took away his brother.

“You look cute with that gown” Siwon teased and only then Kyuhyun realized he was still wearing his graduation uniform. He rolled his eyes at his friend but he couldn’t help but blush.

“Where’s your phone?”

Siwon suddenly asked, causing Kyuhyun to look at him puzzled. Nonetheless, he took out his phone and handed out it to him.

Siwon motioned for him to get closer as he took a picture of them together. The both of them were widely smiling.


“I was afraid to lose you that day”

Kyuhyun declared to no one in particular. He was reminiscing what happened a year ago and didn’t notice how his tears were dripping on the framed picture.

Then realization hit him. He wasn’t intending on losing Siwon now either. He needed to stop him from leaving. He had to do something. Kyuhyun may not understand what was going on inside of his heart at the moment, but one thing for sure, he wanted to stay by Siwon’s side no matter what.


Without wasting any time, he drove to Siwon’s apartment and kept on pushing the bell non-stop until he heard the click of the door.

However, he wasn’t welcomed by his friend as usual, but with his father. Mr.Choi had a smile plastered on his face as he motioned for Kyuhyun to step inside.

Still out of breath, the latter followed Siwon’s father who sat on the couch and waited for the younger to join him. Kyuhyun took a seat across from him and nervously asked.

“Where’s Siwon, Uncle?”

Mr.Choi stared in the boy’s orbs for a few seconds, examining what Kyuhyun was feeling right then before he casually answered.


Kyuhyun’s body tensed up and he abruptly stood up. His eyes were watery and he pleadingly glanced at Mr.Choi.

The elder smiled again, happy about the reaction he got. He leaned back on the couch and put his leg over his knee.

“Is there something you wanted to tell him, son?”

Mr.Choi’s question managed to snap Kyuhyun out of his daze, but the boy didn’t seem to be able to utter a single word. He just stood there frozen in place, heart beating rapidly and mind working fast.

“You can still catch him, you know” Kyuhyun’s eyes were filled with hope and he frantically nodded at Mr.Choi before asking.

“What time is the flight?”

Mr.Choi glanced at his watch before answering “In half an hour”

Kyuhyun again didn’t waste any time. He gave Siwon’s father a deep bow, thanked him and walked to the front door.


When he arrived at the airport, his eyes kept on scanning the area, looking for that special friend he knew he couldn’t live without.

Suddenly his gaze fell on Siwon and he ran toward him, crashing himself on his back while tightening his hold.

Siwon was startled and almost fell forward when something hard banged into him from behind. His eyes darted to his stomach and when he noted the hands that he could recognize anywhere wrapped firmly around his waist, his eyes popped out and his heart started pumping fast in his chest.

“Kyu? What-“

“Please don’t leave” Kyuhyun cut him off and Siwon was confused for a second. He wondered where he would be going but then their conversation from the last time they met echoed in his head and he soon detached himself from the younger and faced him.

Kyuhyun was looking down, not daring to meet Siwon’s eyes. His slender hands were gripped by Siwon’s manly ones, and even though they held hands so many times before, however that time felt different. Kyuhyun felt different.

“I’m not going anywhere” Siwon stated and Kyuhyun snapped his head up to look at him.

“You’re not? But you said… I mean, you’re at the airport”

“I’m here to drive off Minho”

“What? B-But-“

They were both confused by now. Kyuhyun because he thought Siwon was the one leaving not his brother, and Siwon because he was curious about the reason Kyuhyun came after him.

“I was going to, but I couldn’t… I-I couldn’t leave you”

Siwon was lost in Kyuhyun’s chocolate orbs. They stood there, staring at each other for a while before Siwon let go of Kyuhyun’s hands and looked away.

“What are you doing here, Kyu?”

He couldn’t help but remember that nothing really changed. Yes he, deep down, never had the intention of leaving Kyuhyun as he already decided to stay in Seoul, and when he last met the younger and told him he was moving away, he had already let his father know about his final choice, seeing how his feelings were too strong to fight off. Eventually, Minho was the one to leave to the US.

The way he acted was only to test Kyuhyun’s reaction. So even when the boy left without saying anything such as ‘don’t leave’ and ‘please stay’, Siwon couldn’t find it in his heart to cut his friend out of his life.

“Where’s my card, Wonnie?”


Siwon’s eyebrows rose in confusion, especially when there was a wide grin plastered on Kyuhyun’s face.

“My valentine’s card, where is it?”

Even though Kyuhyun clarified what card he was talking about, Siwon was still questioning what he wanted it for.

He pulled out his wallet and fished out the card he neatly kept there. He handed it to Kyuhyun with a question mark on his face, but the wide smile on Kyuhyun’s face never left.

“So this is your last chance. What do you want me to do, Wonnie?”

Siwon still looked at him confused “K-Kyu”

The younger took a few steps closer, body inches apart from Siwon’s. He let his hands rest comfortably on Siwon’s chest before asking again.

“What do you want me to do, Wonnie?”

This time his face was only centimeters away from Siwon. The latter gulped at the proximity and stared at Kyuhyun’s eyes, trying to figure out if what he was thinking, was the same as what his friend was waiting for.

“Kiss me”

He didn’t know how those words escaped his mouth but he didn’t care anymore. He waited for a couple of seconds, noting how Kyuhyun’s smile hadn’t vanished yet, making his heart flutter with joy.

“My pleasure”

Then Kyuhyun’s eyes closed, inching his face closer and closer until their lips touched. Siwon wasn’t believing anything of what was happening to him. It was far too good to be real. What he always wished for was just about to come true but he found it hard to grasp.

Kyuhyun’s lips sensually moved against his, gently nibbling on his mouth, taking a moment to appreciate each peck, each and each touch.

When the sensation finally hit him, Siwon circled his arms tightly around Kyuhyun’s waist, bringing him closer and making him gasp at the sudden pull. However, the younger smiled against Siwon’s lips and let his hands slide up to wrap around his neck.

Siwon’s mouth started moving as well, Kissing Kyuhyun back and enjoying the kiss to the max. He then lightly bit on Kyuhyun’s bottom lip, causing the latter to let out a low moan, giving Siwon the opportunity to slide his tongue inside. It roamed the unfamiliar cavern, mapping it out and letting it dance in sync with Kyuhyun’s.

They didn’t care that they were in an airport full of people. They didn’t care about how everyone was looking at them. Because all that really mattered, was that those two best friends were finally together. Siwon was the happiest guy on earth to have Kyuhyun’s at last, while the younger, even though he felt stupid for not realizing it before, still felt happy that Siwon didn’t give up on him, and that he waited for him.

When the kiss turned from a passionate one into pecks and chaste kisses, they were both grinning widely with eyes closed, still wanting to enjoy the moment a little bit longer.


“Aren’t you glad I gave you that card?”

Kyuhyun asked, causing Siwon to laugh at the blushing boy that stole his heart years ago and still manage to make him fall in love with each passing day.

“I love you”

Kyuhyun just shyly giggled and buried his face into Siwon’s shoulder. It was still all weird to him. Even though it felt right to be with Siwon, even though they fit together, he couldn’t help but think of how he was supposed to act from then on.

“Wonnie?” He whispered against Siwon’s neck, sending a shiver through the latter’s spine.



Siwon could sense that the boy was nervous and that he was having a somewhat hard time saying his words back, so he softly ran his hands on his back, tightening their hug before he said.

“I’ll wait”

Kyuhyun smiled, relieved and thankful that Siwon understood him. After all, his best friend always knew him by heart.

“Still want me to be your fake boyfriend?” Siwon couldn’t help but . His feelings are still confounded from happiness to uncertainty to seeking assurance.

Kyuhyun pulled away, looked into Siwon’s eyes and muttered  “Let me do this right”

Siwon narrowed his eyes wondering what Kyuhyun was talking about. He felt the younger's fists that were gripping on his shirt from the back clenching and when he fell silent for a couple of minutes, it made Siwon really insecure for a moment. However, his fears had all disappeared when Kyuhyun took a deep breath and asked.

“Would you be my boyfriend, Wonnie? Real boyfriend?”

Siwon’s face broke into a wide grin and he frantically nodded his head. He didn’t miss on the way Kyuhyun’s face turned crimson red, or the way his eyes glistened with something unusual. Siwon knew his friend by heart but never once did he have hope in Kyuhyun returning his feelings like that day. Nothing would stop him from being happy from then on.

He pulled Kyuhyun back into his embrace, pressing a few kisses on his face in the process The younger snuggled his face closer and pressed a kiss on his neck as Siwon, dismally, started moving them out of the airport, without pulling away though. Now that Kyuhyun knew how Siwon felt about him, the latter wasn’t going to waste a single second in making him fall for him as much as he was deeply, madly in love with him.

And even though they still have a lot of hardships to overcome such as Kyuhyun’s father for a start, Siwon was ready to do whatever it took to make Kyuhyun completely his. Because long story short… he fell in love with his best friend.


“He loves you, you know”

Mr.Choi exclaimed, causing Kyuhyun, who was ready to step out of the apartment, to freeze in his place. He tried to process the words in his head but strangely his heart was doing weird flips, stopping him from thinking clearly.

“I can tell you also love him”

When hearing those words coming from someone else, it made Kyuhyun realize something…

That whenever he was sad and would run to his best friend to comfort him… it meant something.

That whenever he got upset with Siwon for ignoring him and not calling him even for one day… it meant something.

That whenever something good happened in his life and Siwon would be the first he wanted to tell… it meant something.

That when he thought Siwon was leaving him and feeling the ache in his heart upon learning about it... it meant something.

That right now, when Mr.Choi told him Siwon actually loved him and the way it left his heart fluttering… it meant something.

One thing he knew for sure, Siwon cannot get on that plane.

“That’s why he won’t leave” He muttered loud enough for Mr.Choi to hear him before twisting the doorknob and leaving the place.



8770 word... What's wrong with me? -_-
Anyway, I really hope you liked it 
And of course as you know me, always happy endings for my dear wonkyu no matter what's going on around lately :D


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Angela17 #1
Chapter 1: Sweet Kyu.. Like this story...
sjmunchkin #2
Chapter 1: Hohohoho, mr.choi sure is my favorite character in this's great that kyuhyun went to see siwon, and i'm off to read the sequal!!!! See you there author-nim....
Chapter 1: this is so nice. i really love happy endings
Mydeluluworld #4
Chapter 1: I like it so much.. I feel the sadness and happiness together. It's breaking my heart when siwon will leave kyu
Chapter 2: I'm such a er for wonkyu happy endings....kkkkkkk
It was heartbreaking when siwon heard kyuhyun's answer the first time....
stargyu #6
Chapter 2: Asdfghjkl why am i so laatteeee huhu i love this story xD srsly its hard sometimes to differ your feelings if its already comfortable with someone keke happy that no one interupted or yeah minho when they had a passionate kiss in the airport keke love this!
Chapter 2: i reaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaalllllllllllllllllyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyy love it author nim ^^
i nearly flip my table when siwon tell kyunnie he's going to leave and all..
but glad this is turn out better *fiuh
Chapter 2: I love it wonkyu author dear and love to read so much wonkyu love story by you ;)
hit0rigurashi #9
Chapter 2: Why am i slow? I just saw this one. I love it! :-)))
freakadellic #10
Chapter 1: Cute... Then sad... Then sweet... Then back to cute. What a mixed feeling. Long story short, I love this one!