'Til My Last Breath

A/N: character death.. I know.. please don't kill me.. I was practically crying my eyes out while writing this..

A/N PART 2: 6,678 words (according to MS Word)



"No! Please! Let me go! I have to see him!" 17-year old Hyukjae pleaded as he was harshly grabbed on the arms by some big guys dressed in black suits with expressionless faces. The young blonde looked at them terrified but still tried his best to let go of their strong grip. The dirt from the dark playground is now covering his shoes from stomping too much, the cold wind embracing his petite figure making shivers crawl on his skin but none of them cared. As far as he knows he was able to sneak out just fine. How did they find out?

"No! I beg you! Please!!" He shouted with tears now streaming down his face. He looked over his shoulder and saw his trusted butler, Leeteuk, looking sideways, not even daring to look at him with guilt and pity drawn all over his face.

"Teukie hyung! Help me!" His young master yelled with pleading voice and the butler closed his eyes, stopping that urge to rip those guards away from him and ran away with the blonde. It hurts him to see the one he considered as his son with those years of taking care of him being treated like this, without freedom, but he can't do anything about it. He's just his personal butler and all of these are orders from Hyukjae's parents. If he'll defy them, they'll just kick him out from his job, taking him away from Hyukjae.

Hyukjae twisted his arms and hands and winced when he felt like his skin was being ripped because of the harsh grip and he knows that his bones might break if he won't stop resisting but he doesn't care. He had to run away. He had to see him. Be with him. They love each other. They don't care on what other people might say about them. Why should they? When all they ever wanted was to be with each other?

Tears now violently flowing on his pale cheeks, they stopped when two very familiar figures went out of the black car and stood in front of him. He can just see their silhouettes since his vision was blurred by tears. But he didn't expect what happened next. He suddenly felt his cheek stung. He touched it and realized he was hit by that very familiar figure, his father. His father whom he admires so much because of his greatness and strong will in life yet is very gentle when it comes to his family. The very same man who he thought would love him for who he is and will not lay a hand on him, not in this way.

"Appa..." He mumbled in disbelief as he touched his now aching cheek with his hand. The guards already let go of him but he didn't run away this time. He was still in shock with what's happening to have his feet move.

"I'm very disappointed with you." The tall man said with cold, hard voice and for a minute Hyukjae felt scared. He only hears his father this way whenever he's arguing about business. He never thought he'll hear him speak this way because of him. The young lad stay rooted on the ground, looking at his father with widened eyes. He darted his gaze towards his mother who's wearing dark glasses despite the early time of the day making him unable to see what's dancing on his mother's eyes but he knows she's looking at him. Is there pity? Love? Or disgust like what he's seeing in his father's eyes?

His father turned around and headed to his car but stopped. "Take him back and lock him inside his room. Leeteuk, keep an eye on him." With these orders, the previous men grabbed him again but this time, Hyukjae didn't move and just let them do what they have to do as he stared at the now moving car of his parents with lifeless eyes. Leeteuk sighed as he followed the guards to the other car and entered the passenger seat, cursing inside his mind for being powerless during times like this.




Donghae curled his body on the cold floor of their mansion as he held his stomach because of the punch they just blew on him. The 17-year old brunette looked at his father's bodyguards with pure hatred and disgust in his eyes. He looked at the time, 4:45 am. He needed to go away. His love is waiting for him by the playground. He can't be weak now. He's already late and he could only hope that the blonde was not caught sneaking out.

"You can't get out now Young Master." One of the big guys said as he helped him stand up. Donghae just swatted his hand away and grabbed his bag. He made his way to the door limping with his hand still clutching his stomach. He panted as he grabbed the doorknob. His whole body is aching but he had to leave. He slowly opened the door but was stopped by a hand. He turned around to glare at the owner who just looked at him with a blank expression.

"We don't want to hurt you sir so please, just cooperate." Donghae grunted as he swung his bag hitting his father's bodyguard in the face and punched him on the stomach. He doesn't need this crap. What or who he needs is currently waiting for his arrival at their meeting place.

"Stop mending in my own business and let me go." He growled at the men surrounding him. They're not hired by his father if they're not skilled enough but he's not afraid. He's Lee Donghae, the only son of the scariest businessman in Korea.

"We can't Young Master. It was boss' order to keep you from going out." Donghae's patience finally snapped as he started throwing punches at them to which his father's hired men returned immediately. He kept on fighting but soon began panting heavily since he's outnumbered and his body had received several punches and kicks already.

"Stop!" They all turned their heads toward the owner of the voice and saw Hankyung staring coldly at them. With a last glance, Donghae fainted while hearing Hankyung calling out his name.

He slowly opened his eyes and groaned with pain when he tried moving his body. He looked around and sighed when he realized he's in his own room. He effortly turned to his side and looked at his clock. 10:00. Darn. He sighed as he lay down again, not minding the pain as his mind drifted to his love.

"He got caught. If that's what you're thinking." He closed his eyes with those words, not minding the person who entered since he knows very well who it was. He heard the chair made screeching sounds as it was dragged towards his bed and his visitor sat down properly on it.

"Hyung." Hankyung sighed lowly as he stared at his young master. He's Donghae's personal butler, like Leeteuk to Hyukjae. Although he considers Donghae as his own brother, he was stricter than Leeteuk since he's very aware of the brunette's family background. Like what was stated before, Donghae's family, particularly his father, is the scariest person one could encounter in the business world. He's a straightforward type of person, very intelligent and strategic that no one messes with him. These characteristics were actually inherited by Donghae and can already be seen in him despite the young age.

"Leeteuk-ssi actually contacted me telling that they caught Hyukjae at the playground and his father ordered them to lock him in his room." Hankyung explained as he slouched on his chair. He's feeling stressed with all these happenings and seeing his dongsaeng this broken is not helping him at all. But, he needs to be strong. He's the only one Donghae can lean on for strength and support.

"We failed. I don't know how we can try this again." Donghae said breaking the silence inside the room with a broken voice. The Chinese man looked at him with pity. One thing he learned in life: You can't always get what you wanted even though you're willing to do anything for it, even giving up everything you have.

"But, hyung?"


"He's not hurt right?" Donghae asked in a whisper with his voice full of worry and concern. He held his breath as he waited for his butler to answer and finally smiled a bit when he saw him shook his head.

"At least I won't be worried on that part."

"Don't worry, I'm sure Leeteuk-ssi is taking care of him." Hankyung answered assuring Donghae about Hyukjae's condition inside their own mansion.

Donghae looked tiredly at the ceiling and started reminiscing their times together. He and Hyukjae actually met at their school for the elites and immediately became friends because of their same interests. They stick together and would do everything as a pair. As they grow, both of them realized that their affection towards each other was more than friendship and thankfully, their feelings were returned when they confessed. They spent more time together not as best friends but as a couple and the two couldn't get any happier. This relationship was supposed to be a secret with only their personal butlers knowing it until that very one fateful day.


Donghae and Hyukjae were happily strolling inside the mall with their hands slightly brushing with each other. They can't hold hands even if they wanted to, afraid that their secret would be revealed in the open. Soon they went inside a jewelry store and looked for couple rings, telling the storekeeper that they're buying it for Donghae and his special someone. After looking through a variety of designs, they finally decided on a pair and paid for it.

After they went out of the store, they subtly wore each on their ring finger and smiled contentedly. They spent the rest of the day just walking around the mall, happiness bursting in them with just being together.

Donghae went home with a smile on his face as he was playing with the ring in his finger. Hankyung saw it and smiled as well but remembering Donghae's dad's order, he frowned and that was not left unnoticed by the young boy.

"Master wants you to his office now." The butler said and the other just frowned at him.

"I don't know either what it's all about but," He sent a worried glance at his dongsaeng and sighed. "His mood is not good so you better not do anything stupid there." The Chinese man advised him as he led him to the head of the family's office, worry and fear slowly eating the two of them.

A small brown envelope was thrown at the table in front of him by his father with his brows creased in an intimidating way. He glared at his son who was still trying to stay calm but inside, he's shivering in fear. How couldn't he? No one wants to get on his dad's bad side, even him. Because according to Mr. Lee, a sinner still needs to be punished, even if he's his only son.


"Take a look on those if you wanted to know." He was answered with disgust clearly heard in his father's voice. With shaking hands, he picked the envelope and gasped when he saw what's inside. There were pictures of him and Hyukjae as a couple and these were clearly taken behind their backs.

"B-But h-how.."

"I never knew you will turn out this way Donghae." His father said like he's filthy and doesn't want anything to do with him. Donghae being surprised was an understatement. He never thought his father would give a damn on what he's been doing or on what he became since all he did was work and more work. He never paid any attention on him especially when his mother passed away. His cold father just turned colder that he always chose to stay outside with Hyukjae than to be inside his house where all he could feel are coldness and loneliness.

"So you do care for me all this time. I'm quite surprised Mr. Lee." He said in a mocking tone and just received a glare from his father to which he gladly replied also with a glare.

"I want you to end everything with that Lee Hyukjae." Donghae's jaw went rigid with that order. How dare he? How can he demand something like that when he felt like his father doesn't want to do anything with him anymore?

"Why should I?" He asked with his chin held high as if he's challenging him. Hankyung who's watching everything groaned at the stupidity his master is showing. He's only making things worse than it already was but he can't say anything right now.

"Because I said so and you know very well what may happen if you'll defy me." That was all what his father said then finally he dismissed him. He angrily stomped out of the office and went his way towards his room and threw his body in his bed. He let out a frustrated growl as he buried his face on his pillow. Everything's messed up now. What to do?

Millions of not-so-good-things are running inside his mind when he heard his door opened then closed. He felt his bed shifted slightly indicating that someone sat there. He didn't look who it was when he felt that person gently his hair making him calm.

"Hankyung hyung."

"I told you not to do anything stupid. I should have known. You're always doing the opposite of what people are telling you to do." The older said and Donghae surely noticed disappointment in him. He rolled to his back and stared blankly at the ceiling, tracing its patterns with his eyes.

"I don't care. Our relationship was ed up and stupid in the first place anyway so, what's the difference? At least now he knows that not everyone is afraid of him." He said in a challenging tone with his fist gripping his bed sheets tightly. Hankyung didn't say anything knowing that he's somewhat right. Yeah Donghae showed him that he's not afraid but, can he make it on his own?

"So, what's your plan now?" He asked and his master just looked at him, stressed.

"I don't know honestly but," He paused as he raised his hand and stared at his ring lovingly. "As long as I'm with Hyukkie, I can handle everything."


He sighed as he rolled to his side and took the glass of water on his bedside table but paused when he saw his ring. He stared at it intently and a tear unconsciously rolled down his face. What did he do wrong in his past life to deserve this? He never wanted money or this high status. All he needs is someone who'll love him wholeheartedly and now that he found him, why are the people around them that determined to separate them?

The glass fell on the floor, shattering into pieces. He buried his face on his pillow, ignoring the protests his body is giving him because of pain, and cried really hard.

Hyukjae. Lee Hyukjae. His heart kept on screaming that name, his body desperate to feel him in his arms, telling him that everything will be fine. He's tough. Damn he's not Lee Donghae for nothing. With this type of family, he grew to be brave and heartless, just like his father had unconsciously taught him to be. He can face any type of problem with a calm composure, with his moves sure and accurate. But, ever since his Hyukjae appeared in his life, everything changed. His lifeless world was painted with happy and bright colors. His usual blank face was replaced with smiles that reach his ears. He now has a reason to live, a reason to take care of his body and be always well and alive. Hyukjae made him a better man, a man he never thought he would be.

A man's greatest strength is also his greatest weakness. Now Donghae clearly knows what this means. He's at his strongest when he's with Hyukjae but, he knows he's also his weakness. Without him, he can still act strong and tough but deep inside, he's broken, like a child without his mother by his side. Like a man lost in the middle of a very unfamiliar place. Like a glass that's very vulnerable and might break with just a light touch.

"Why? Why?!" He screamed with sorrow through his pillow and Hankyung just let him be. It's better for him to let it out like this, he thought. His mind suddenly went to Hyukjae, the gentler between the two. He knows the kid. He'd met him several times and he can clearly see why Donghae loves him. They're very different from each other and opposites indeed attract. Now he's currently praying for the other to accept this in a not so hard way unlike his master and to keep calm thinking on other ways for them to meet and be together.

The dimpled guy unlocked the door and was welcomed with darkness and slightly shivered at the ambience of the room. Sorrow. That's the first word that came to his mind. It's like even the whole room is weeping with its owner. He blinked several times adjusting his eyes to the darkness even though it's still morning, thanks to the thick curtains that are all draped down, preventing the sunlight to come in and lighten up the room. He looked around searching for the young man and finally sighed when he saw him on the floor beside his bed, hugging himself tight with his head buried between his knees. He noticed that he's wearing his headphones blasting with loud music, his only barrier against the harsh reality he is currently in. With this sight, Leeteuk swore he wanted to start crying. His usually happy and bubbly son was nowhere to be found. All he can see is a lifeless human being. A young man who had seemed to already lost his will to live and will just accept anything that may happen to him without any objection. He slowly walked and crouched in front of him.

"Hyuk." He softly whispered as he touched his blond hair gently. Hyukjae slowly raised his head up and stared right through him with dead eyes. The blonde didn't say anything but stretched his arms as if he's reaching out to Leeteuk. The latter's heart shattered into pieces at the scene and immediately went closer and wrapped his arms around him. It feels like he's comforting a small innocent child who's really terrified of the outside world. Nobody said a word but he knew better. After a while the older one felt his shirt getting wet. He looked down and saw Hyukjae sobbing quietly in his arms. He slowly placed his right hand on the boy's back and tried to soothe him.

"I miss him hyung. I really do."

"I know."

"Any news from Hankyung hyung?" The young master asked still with his face buried in Leeteuk's chest.

"Donghae's finally awake. His body received some beatings but he's fine. He's a strong kid. Those are nothing for him and Hankyung-ssi's there to look over him." He replied with assurance as he looked away from his master. Yes all of those are true but, he didn't mention the part where Hankyung said that Donghae looks like he's losing hope already. He can't say that. Not when Hyukjae's in a state like this. When all he's holding on to is their love for each other and the will to be together again.



"Why must it be us?" Hyukjae asked in a muffled voice and Leeteuk's breath hitched at the question. How the hell can he answer that? The blonde slowly put down his headphones and stared at his butler. He's not expecting him to answer it anyways since he knows no one has the answer for that. He's thinking that maybe he's just not that lucky enough. Since when did these things started actually? He snuggled at his hyung's warm body as he wrapped his arms on his waist and rested his head on his chest. He closed his eyes as his mind went back to that eventful day that changed everything.


Hyukjae happily skipped his way to their house as he sway his bag with every step. These past few days, you can clearly see how happy he was because of his strong relationship with Donghae. What made him even happier is the white band on his finger, their couple ring. He stopped on his tracks as he raised his hand in the air and squinted his eyes because of sunlight as he admire the ring. They just got them that day at the mall during their date. Couple ring was actually his idea. He have always wanted to have one and Donghae, being the kind boyfriend that he is, agreed and asked him to go to the mall with him to buy them a pair. He entered their house, went straight to the kitchen and was greeted by his mother wearing an apron with newly baked cookies in hand.

"Umma! I'm home!" He beamed with a smile which was gladly returned by her. She noticed the sudden glow on him and noticed the ring in his finger. That explains it. She smiled warmly at him as she motioned the new item he got.

"I see our Hyukkie is in love already. When can I meet my future daughter-in-law?" She asked and her son just laughed nervously at her. As mentioned before, no one knew their relationship except their butlers. But, what's more is that they don't even know their son's true preference. It's not that he's ashamed of it. No. If he could just shout it out to the world how much he loves Donghae then he will do so. He's just afraid. Afraid that his parents won't accept him, Donghae, and their relationship. He doesn't care on what others would say but, he cares on what his parents would think of him.

"In time Umma, you'll meet... her." He said awkwardly and thankfully, his mother just thought that's he's just shy on talking about his relationship so she let him be. He politely excused himself and ran his way to his room nervously. He went inside and saw Leeteuk fixing his closet. He panted as he leaned on his door trying to catch his breath from running and from panic. His butler saw how pale the young lad was so he looked at him questioningly.

"Umma saw this," He lifted his hand where the ring was placed. "And she suddenly asked me when she can meet her future daughter-in-law."

Leeteuk looked closely at the ring and smiled. So his Hyukjae finally got the present he have always wanted. But then, a frown replaced it when he realized the situation a while ago.


"I said she'll meet erm, her, in time." The blonde answered and the older raised his brows.

"Is that all you'll say to your parents when they'll ask you about your lover?" He asked in a soft tone and just saw the blonde nodded. He looked at him with worried eyes and the older knew immediately. He finally said nothing and just walked towards him and hugged his son gently.

"Don't worry, everything will be okay." He soothed him and the younger just nodded as he snuggled at his butler's chest for that scent that he's used to since he's a kid.

Leeteuk excused himself to let Hyukjae change into his comfortable clothes. His phone suddenly vibrated and he grabbed it from his table and smiled when he saw a text from Donghae.

"Baby are you busy?"

Hyukjae smiled at the endearment although he's a bit bewildered with the question. He doesn't know why but something's going on. He can't put a finger in it but he knows that its not good. He hurriedly replied and waited for the brunette's response and, instead of a text, he received a call.


"Ne Hae?"

"My father found out everything." Donghae didn't beat around the bushes and just decided to tell him straight. He paused for a while as he processed everything in his mind. From his love's tone of voice, he knows that the other was also worried as hell despite its calmness. It made Hyukjae even more worried. He knows what Donghae's father could do based on the brunette's stories about him and, having him worried is not good. Between the two of them, he actually is the strong one, the pillar while Hyukjae is the light. If his pillar is worried, he's afraid that he might just fall down or collapse without his strong support.

"What should we do then?" He whispered but was sure that Donghae heard him well. And that's when their plan of eloping was made. Both of them honestly know that they're not sure if they will succeed with their plan but for them, it's better to try than to do nothing. They're grown ups now. They know what to believe is right and what they really want in life, and that is to be in each other's arms. 


"What are you thinking?" Leeteuk asked him as he carried him and tucked him to his bed. The older slid down the covers and lied beside him. This actually is the only thing he can do for Hyukjae, to be there for him. The latter didn't say anything but just hid himself under his blanket. Leeteuk sighed and just turned to his side to hug the figure covered with thin cloth. Hyukjae just stayed still and let the older hug him. It feels good but it will be better if he's Donghae.


Tears started forming on his eyes at the name and before he knew it, he's already sobbing quietly. Is the heavens that against with their relationship that they really have to suffer like this? If they just kept their feelings deep in their heart and just became satisfied with them as friends, will this happen? Or are they still together like the old times? But if they ignored everything, will they experience that overwhelming feeling of loving someone and being loved in return? He guess not. He never regretted everything that happened though. No. From their stupid confessions for each other, their hang-outs that were really secret dates, to their misunderstandings as a couple and how they will try to settle everything before the day will end. He doesn't regret every single one of them.

Hyukjae didn't answer but based from his sobs, Leeteuk already knew. He knew how Hyukjae wanted to be with Donghae right now and vice versa. If he can only do something. He sighed and tightened his hug. A small tear fell from his eye and immediately wiped it away.

"Sleep. Everything's gonna be fine." Leeteuk's words somehow comforted Hyukjae who snuggled closer to the elder and let sleep take over him.

Days passed with the blonde still locked up inside his room, not talking to anyone except his butler. All he did was sulk in a corner, listening to his and Donghae's favorite songs as he reminisce their good times together. He can't help but think if those moments will happen again considering their current situation. And that very day was not an exception.

It was still early, very early to have any normal human being to be awake. But Hyukjae just buried himself under his blankets, earphones glued to his ears and was silently crying. He rarely sleeps and that resulted to dark circles under his eyes. His cheeks became thinner making his cheek bones even more prominent than before. His eyes lifeless and if you'll take a look at them, you'll shiver at the coldness you'll feel. He jumped slightly when he felt a hand on his shoulder. He gasped quietly and covered his mouth with his hand, afraid that they might catch him not sleeping.

"Hyuk, it's me." He heard the soft voice and slowly reveal himself. He looked up and saw Leeteuk staring down on him. He looked at his eyes and saw panic, relief, fear, and even a hint of happiness all rolled into one. He rubbed his eyes and slowly sat up, his body now getting weaker. Leeteuk helped him and took the blanket off his body and immediately wrapped his body with his coat.

"Wha-" He was about to question the older when he eyed a bag beside his bed. What is that?

"Donghae's outside. He's waiting for you." The butler said and the blonde being surprised is an understatement. Donghae?! How can he be there? And without his parents' guards catching him? He gaped there until Leeteuk shook him out of his thoughts.

"Hurry! You two have to get away while you can!" He was yanked off the bed and hurriedly put his shoes on. With Leeteuk holding his bag on one hand and his small hand on the other, they tiptoed their way to the back door of the mansion. They reached a secret ladder by the tall concrete wall that was covered with veins. He just stared at it with awe. Who knew there was such a thing here?!

"Hyuk! Hurry!" His butler hissed at him and he automatically scurried to climb on the said ladder with the other soon following behind him. They reached the other side and jumped on their feet.

Still with his eyes on his feet, he saw a very familiar pair of shoes and instantly looked up and smiled, a genuine smile after a long time.

"Hae!" Hyukjae cried as he threw his arms around the brunette and cried. The other hugged him back and kissed his cheek. Donghae threw Leeteuk a grateful look and the other just smiled and nodded at him. He gave the bag to Donghae and approached Hyukjae.

"Take care of yourself okay? Promise to always contact me." Leeteuk said with his eyes being clouded with tears. He wiped them and faced Donghae. "Look after my baby. Love him and don't hurt him." He said with a stern look. The young brunette nodded at him. "I will Teuk hyung." Donghae answered and held Hyukjae's hand. "Let's go Hyuk."

Hyukjae nodded but pulled his hand away and ran to Leeteuk and hugged him tight. "Thanks for everything Teukkie hyung. I'll miss you. I love you hyung." He whispered as he sobbed and tiptoed to kiss his hyung on the cheek. Leeteuk began crying uncontrollably as he nodded and urged the two of them to hurry. The couple ran away as the butler just stared at their retreating backs, having no idea that it will be the last time he will see them.

Leeteuk returned to the mansion with his shoulders dropped and eyes puffy and red. He kept his stare to the ground but then, his head shot when he saw a very familiar pair of shoes.


"I knew it. Search outside the mansion! That kids' not that far yet!" Hyukjae's father roared to his men and Leeteuk widened his eyes. No! No! They must not find them. He slowly reached for his phone when he felt a cold stare towards him. "Stop whatever you're going to do. You're just a mere butler Leeteuk, not a part of the family. Stop mending in our business." His boss spat and he felt the words shoot straight to his heart. He clenched his fists tight. Yes, he's just a butler but he's the only one their son considered as his family. His parents' may be kind or whatnot but they rarely give their son time and so the young man always find affection on Leeteuk. The head of the family turned his back on him and stopped. "Pack your bags. You are no longer needed here." He said and walked away leaving a silently crying Leeteuk.

"Hyukjae..." He murmurmed as tears continued to flow down his cheeks.

The young blonde panted as he struggled to keep with with his love's pace. Compared to him, he's the weaker one physically since Donghae's body was well-trained for combats. "Hae, h-how long are w-we supposed to r-run?" He asked still panting. Donghae turned his head a bit towards him and smiled apologetically. He knows how Hyukjae's body lacks exercise but they need to waste no time. "Just a little bit more. I have to park my car a bit away from your place."

"Young Master!"

Both of them gasped when they heard those voices behind them. Hyukjae's heartbeat fastened even more because of panic and tried his best to run faster. Both of them sighed a little when they spotted Donghae's car a few meters away from them.

They reached the said vehicle and immediately slipped inside. Donghae threw Hyukjae's bag at the back seat and started the engine. The blonde slipped down on his seat from exhaustion and relief. But that relief was short-lived. Donghae sped up when he noticed familiar cars following them. He silently cursed and looked at the nervous Hyukjae beside him. He reached for his hand and gave it a reassuring squeeze.

"Don't worry. I'm here." These words calmed Hyukjae down and squeezed the brunette's hand back. Donghae gave him a small smile and turned his eyes back on the road, seriousness written all over his face. Thank the heavens for blessing him with great driving skills, their car was a bit far already from the others. 

Donghae continued driving and was surprised when he saw a new set of cars following them. His father's men. "Hae.."

"I know." He sighed. "Just when we lost your parents' a while ago. My dad's really a pain in the ." He shook his head and stepped on the accelerator breaking the speed limit.

"H-Hae slow d-down." Hyukjae's trembled voice reached as he held tightly on his seat with his scared eyes looking straight down the road.

"Sorry Hyuk. My family's cruel more than you could think. They can kill us without second thoughts." Donghae murmured seriously and continued driving fast. Hyukjae gulped. He knows how Donghae's family can be but not this cruel. How can he kill let them kill his own son?!

"Baby, just remember that I will always love you." Donghae continued and Hyukjae felt his heart swell from his words. He doesn't know why but he found those words uncomfortable. Like something's bound to happen and they can't do anything about it. It automatically broke his heart.

"... I love you too." He said in a soft voice and felt tears ran down his cheeks. 

All of a sudden, Hyukjae felt Donghae's grip tightened and a flash of light appeared before his eyes. 

Leeteuk sighed as he sat in front of them and set the flowers beside him. He closed his eyes and silently prayed. A tear ran down his face and hastily wiped it away. After a few minutes, he opened his eyes when he felt a presence beside him. He looked up and saw Hankyung smiling sadly at him. He smiled back and scooted a little to his side and let the Chinese man sit beside him.

Silence enveloped them right after, both immersed with their own thoughts until the older decided to speak.

"You always keep this clean huh?" He asked with amusement as he played with the small grasses around them. Hankyung nodded and let his eyes rest in front of them. "Donghae always tell me Hyukjae likes to keep things clean. I'm sure he'll scold me if I'll let weeds grow around them." He laughed a little but Leeteuk caught the sadness on his voice.

"It seems like it was just yesterday. I woke him up and helped him across the wall only to get him to Donghae." 

"Yeah. I don't know if I should actually blame myself for letting him go that day." Hankyung murmurmed as he lifted his hands only to trace the name embedded on one of the gray stones in front of them.

Lee Donghae
(September 15, 1995 - December 18, 2012)

Leeteuk stared at the younger and darted his gaze towards the other name.

Lee Hyukjae
(September 15, 1995 - December 18, 2012)

"I just noticed that they have the same birthdate." The dimpled guy commented and it made Hankyung smile a little remembering some happenings from the past.

"So you didn't wonder why Hyukjae never celebrated his birthday at home?" Donghae's butler asked and Leeteuk shook his head. "No. He always tell me that he celebrated it with Donghae. But I never knew that it was also Donghae's special day. Besides, he never celebrated his birthday at home. Well he does but only in his room with the two of us and a strawberry cake."

Hankyung smiled remembering how happy Donghae was after spending his birthday with Hyukjae. A blinding smile was plastered on his face and the other can't help but tease his young master. He was only replied with a childish grin and it was enough for Hankyung to see how genuinely happy he is.

The Chinese guy sighed and looked up in the sky, squinting his eyes a bit because of the brightness of the day, opposite to what the duo's feeling at the moment while Leeteuk stayed silent, staring into nothing in particular, same thoughts swirling inside their minds.

December 18, 2012, Tuesday at around 4:30 in the morning, an automobile accident happened at a long deserted road going to Seoul. The said car was hit by a ten-wheeler truck carrying big logs. As the truck driver had stated, the car accidentally went to the opposite lane as it avoided a fast car that seemed to be going after them. The victims' car went straight to the cliff where a few big rocks are located. Even though it didn't explode, the impact was so bad that when the rescuers reached it after a few minutes, thanks to some people present at the area, the passenger and the driver are already dead.

The victims are reported to be two male teenagers. The parents of the said teenagers refused to announce their true identities to the public. There were only the two of them with two bags filled with their clothes inside the car. They were last seen with the driver's body crushed by the steering wheel while the passenger's upper body was stuck at the front part of the car. Their hands were intertwined the rescuers found it hard to separate them and noticed the same rings on their fingers.

Remembering everything made the two butlers tear. Their worlds crushed when they heard that devastating news. They even remembered the painful and regretful faces of the parents when they came to retrieve their sons' bodies. At the end, they decided to do their wakes together and even buried their bodies side by side.

Hyukjae's parents offered Leeteuk his work back but he declined. Both him and Hankyung resigned from their work as they find it hard not to weep since the house they used to live at are filled with Donghae and Hyukjae's memories respectively. They have different jobs now but never failed to contact each other to visit their young masters' graves.

Leeteuk softly smiled. In the end, true love prevailed. Their love won, he thought.

They miss them. Everyday of their lives they never dare forget about the two lovers. But at the same time, they're happy for them. Because finally, they're in a place where they can be together, where no one and nothing can separate them and they know that somewhere up there, Donghae and Eunhyuk are both watching over them, with smiles on their faces and love in their pure hearts. 

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Chapter 1: Touching and I can't even control my tears..... This is so sad but I'm glad that they being able to be each other side in the end....
Chapter 1: sad..but at least they're together..
NaNaJewel #3
Chapter 1: T_T OMG That Was Sad But At least they were together in the end
NeMonkey #4
Chapter 1: Just read this at midnight and I'm crying
Really really crying ㅠㅠㅠㅠㅠㅠㅠ
The epilog is totally make me crying so hard
esmeberta #5
Chapter 1: Oh My God that was so sad...I loved it...U did a grat job author-nim
Chapter 1: sad but i really loved it good job
Chapter 1: Reading this again and crying OMFG ;~~~~~~;
Chapter 1: Reading this again and crying OMFG ;~~~~~~;
Chapter 1: god, im a huge fan of angst eventhough i know i'll be crying at da end of da day, but still, it was beautiful <3