Follow me.

round, round.
He bared himself.

Wiped clean the smeared make-up, stripped away the clothes he so loved. Fought the instantaneous urge to cover the insecurities he had about his body.

He bared himself to prove a point to the man he longed for. To prove that he was willing to lose everything to gain Seunghyun. Because in the middle of the night when he allowed fear to hover around him, Ji admitted to himself that he was empty. Hollow.

It was as he stood, critizing the reflection in the full length mirror in the middle of his room, that Seunghyun walked in. The dark eyes mapping each mark for future reference.

Jiyong shivered under the gentle gaze, bombarded with overwhelming nervousness.

"I... I just... You..."

Seunghyun could not help but chuckle at the blushing man. Walking the short distance, he entwined their fingers with a reassuring smile.

"Just follow my lead."

And everything fell into place.

Ji's arms wound around the taller's neck. Seunghyun brushed the softest of kisses along his dongsaeng's cheekbones. Both whistling air between their teeth as lips met.

One tasted of shadow drenched midnights, the other of wistful dreams. Each being intoxicated by the lazy glide of hands searching for hidden land mines.

A/N: This is for saranghaemallow. A super sweet follower that always leaves me lovely comments. She requested this piece to be based on 'Follow Me' from BIGBANG's first japanese album. I listened to it for the first time while writing this.
Just a little babble I wrote on break at work while I was still sick. I am concurrently working on all of the other requests. They should be posted in the next couple of days.

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lorolemman #1
Chapter 4: Ah! I love your writing style!
Chapter 4: Such a perfect little snippet ^_^ so beautiful. <3
yourlotustattoo #3
Chapter 4: The last paragraph has rendered me speechless for a while there. <3 Thank you for writing it this way, it gave a whole new perspective to the song. I actually loved this because it leaves more to the imagination of the reader, and I felt like there are still secrets between them that are yet to be told. Again, thank you :) please get well soon.
Maylovesreading #4
Chapter 4: In less than 100 words, your ability, to paint a complete, emotionally-charged picture of one minute in GTOP's relationship, is generous ^^ I wish to write as well as you do.
anechanlovesGTOP #5
Chapter 4: ahhh! the ashamed of jiyong is so sweet! *O*
Maylovesreading #6
Chapter 2: Wonderful writing from a wonderful author ^^ I want to request a fluffy oneshot with Song Joong Ki and Song Ji Hyo (Song Song couple from early Running Man). The song I'm really liking is Crash by B.A.P. thank you for your consideration
Chapter 3: This was so beautiful. Short but so sweet and everything I love. I like the ending too~ leaves it open for the freedom of imagination.

Also; yay the promise of new updates for whispers :'D
Chapter 3: OH WOW omg i love how it's not like one of those cliched stories??? it's something fresh and there's no way this disappointed me... though i have to admit you're a little bit evil for leaving it hanging there hahahaha
anechanlovesGTOP #9
Chapter 3: sooo cute!!! *^^^^* the destination is always unpredictable.... love it! :D
i'm trying so hard to think of a story because i recently found your writing and i love it sfm assdghhgahywiwuw okay so i think i would love a story on them bumping into each other on a train? :D :D