My Baby Woohyun


No one knows who Woohyun really is, even his Infinite members. They only know Woohyun as a bright happy boy who loves to do his aegyo and a noona killer. They also know that Woohyun often lies, he likes to do it in order to see the smiles from everyone who he saw. His family, members, Inspirits, maybe every person who he met at the street. He loves it when he sees someone smiles. He will do anything to make it happen, even it must hurt himself or maybe kill himself.
Truthfully, Woohyun likes to eat. He saves his snacks in his closet and eats silently at midnight. He likes to cook, even Sungyeol or Myungsoo and sometimes Sungjong asks him to make some food for them. He often spends his time to try new recipes that he got from Boohyun. But, the members don't realize that when they eat together, he never eats a lot. Just a little rice and side dishes. After that he jumps around to burn the calories from the food, and it makes Sunggyu annoyed.

"Why do you do that? The others are still eating!!"

Woohyun stopped and turned to the leader. "If I didn't do that, I'll be like you hyung. I don't want to be an obese hamster or maybe in my case an obese bunny. And also my girls will leave me if I'm fat". He continued to jump around and went out.

"Where do you want to go?” This time Sungyeol asked him with food in his mouth. Woohyun smiled at him softly, "Practice". The rest of them just continued to eat. They didn't realize that Woohyun just ate half from his 'meal'.
Woohyun often hurts himself at the gym. He likes it when Inspirit praise him about his body, and it makes him to do a lot of exercise and sometimes he spends his time at the gym, usually when he doesn't have mood to cook. He often forced himself to work out even when he knows that he is tired from the practice and some interviews.

"Hyung, I'm tired. Can we go home?” Asked the tired Myungsoo when he and Woohyun went to the gym for some exercise before 'The Chaser' comeback. They have been there since morning and it was 9 PM and Woohyun didn't stop. Myungsoo stared at him, amazed and worried. The older just chuckled and walked to his bag.

"No, I don't want to disappoint our fans. And I've gained some fats from the concerts. Yah! You still have some at your tummy". He yelled at the younger and back to his activity. The visual just pout and joined him back.
"Is it your concept for the next comeback? I don't want to say, but you look like a skinny bunny that hadn't eaten for weeks". His best friend, Key just looked at him, shocked. He never sees his friend like that. Dongwoon and Mir joined him to stare at the Infinite's aegyo king and nodded slightly. "What? Skinny? Yah! It's good, you know? My fans like that". And the three of them just rolled their eyes.
Did I mention when he heard someone badmouthed him? Okay, it hurts my heart but I must say it, and it relates to his lying behavior...

A lot of people who know him have already know that he'll ignore all the mocks, insults, and a lot of bad words about him. But, it's just his tricks. He never wants to disappoint and make people worry. He's a thinker, and thinks everything about him. From Sunggyu's yell, Myungsoo's nag, Sungjong's whine, even his antifans that often say that He is fake and do it for money, like a mercenary or maybe a . Maybe he looks like never give a damn for those words but he doesn't. He likes to go to some place that no one knows him and cries loudly. Or maybe he takes a long bath just to cry and thinking about it. And he doesn't have enough time to sleep just because of it. He usually sleeps for 1 or 2 hours and lies to s that he sleeps well.
He doesn't want to show his fragile self and smiles everytime. But he can't keep it when Infinite wins at the music program. He wants to hide his tears but he can't. The members also cry in happiness. Sometimes, Sunggyu pats his back and soothes him. Hoya hugs him and Dongwoo rubs his back to make himself calm before calming the maknae line, especially Sungyeol and Sungjong. A lot of fan record this precious moment, and crying with them. When they have an encore stage, Woohyun usually stands at the edge of the stage and convince the fans that he's okay and doesn't forget to thank them. But no one knows that he is still crying silently and smiling when he does that.

And it also happened in their concert. When they were talking, he often held his tears even inspirits know that he was crying and said 'don't cry' to him. And he said that he wanted to protect them forever and trying to convince them that he's fine. But, who knows that inside of his heart he was crying hard? Thanking everything because he did it so well but he didn't want to show it in order to not make his fans feeling sad.

Next, when his musical was held in Japan last month. He was there, alone, without the members who always support him. Although that he did it well and a lot of sunbaes and his friends praised him, he still feel lonely and he tried to cover it with some fanservices and aegyo. But, the look in his eyes can't say the truth. Same like the look from Melon Music Awards when he was a MC there. Even Sungyeol saw it and asked him if he was okay or not. Woohyun just nodded and smiled slightly. "I'm okay" he mouthed to Sungyeol.
When we talk about Nam Woohyun, of course we'll never forget about his aegyo and being greasy and his other fanservices with inspirit. And everyone knows that he did it when cameras around and he never did it when he were with s. But, as usual we take this as his trademark and don't know anything behind those fanservices.

At that time, Woohyun was alone in the dorm. All of the members were on their schedules. Maybe we can guess what he will do when he stays in the dorm, alone. Maybe he will sleep like Sunggyu or watching like Sungyeol or reading manga like Myungsoo or playing with Sungjong's bear with Dongwoo's animal plushies. But, in reality he borrows some DVD drama and watches it. He even forget to eat or maybe to take a shower. Or maybe he buys some mushy-teenager novel and read it before sleep. And then he must wearing glasses because of his 'habit'. And it makes Sunggyu or Sungyeol wants to kick him on the face because Woohyun is so into his new habit and never cares himself.

"Yah! Do you know the word 'sleep'? Until when will you watch this? Tomorrow we'll have tons of interviews and photoshoots and I don't want to get scold by manager hyungs because of you and your hobby!" said Sunggyu from their room. Woohyun just smiled at him and ignored his questions.

"I didn't watch this episode in TV, so I must watch it now or I will not able to watch episode 12 tomorrow" he smiled at Sunggyu and it made Sunggyu successfully threw a pillow at him and then he continued to sleep. Woohyun smiled softly at the sleeping leader and continued to watch again.

'I watch it because I want to be more romantic and gentle for the fans. So I'm studying it from those romantic dramas and mushy novels and then they'll happy when they see me doing aegyo or greasy stuff that actually I hate it' he thought it while drinking his milk. After half an hour, he fell asleep on the sofa. With 'How to Give a Fanservice' book besides him.
Yes, that's Nam Woohyun. The one who always smiles and shines brighter than a sun. The one who has a deep smooth voice who can melt every inspirit. The one who always cares s first and not himself. The one who has y abs and pointed nose. The one who always cares his skin a lot. The one who had cute chubby cheeks, but now it's not too chubby and inspirits still like it. The one who was afraid with cameras, but now loves it. The one who can't dance at first, and dances well now. The one who has bunny aegyo and earned punches from Hoya. The one who cooks a lot. The one who wants to be MC. The one who throws hearts everytime. And there are lots of things about him that makes him special.
Hiiiiii >.<
firstly, I want to say happy birthday to my baby Nam Woohyun. I love you so much my boy <3
And this is my present for Woohyun's 23rd Birthday in Korea (22nd in his real age)
And if you find some similarities with other fanfics, I guarantee that it's just a coincidence and don't plagiarize it because I made it based on my own opinion and my true heart for him :D
And because I love him so much :p
Okay, such a greasy~
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yulianichang #1
Chapter 1: An amazing stories, love u nam woo hyun!
Chapter 1: up until i read this, i've never realize that woohyun also a human that will ne hurt and tired and sick and all.
i've always see him doing aegyo or being greasy, even me myself found it cheesy sometimes.
thankyou namgrease for always smiling for inspirit! but you can cry, scream, being mad and show all of your emotion bcs i believe your (real) fans will always accept your real self
Chapter 1: So sweet ^^
I like it, well no the part that Woohyun cries :( but the story is good ^^
sammieyong #4
Chapter 1: that's a sweet one :)