Ice Cream Summer


It's summer, and the thing to do is roadtrip across America. 


Part one

Part two

Part three


I wrote this last May as a birthday gift for phigwhig (who coincidentally also lent me the plot bunny for it). It's completed fully, so expect the next two chapters up as soon as I edit them :3 also, this was written in a weird mashup of present and past tense. I'm editing it all into past tense because it's a longer fic, but I expect I missed some things somewhere. Just a forewarning. Don't be shocked if it looks funny in some places.


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daybydayshinee15 #1
Chapter 3: Isnt this too short?? :(( huhuhu i want more 2min roadtrips. Hahaha but really this is such a great read. The feeling where you kinda want to get lost in another country... Inspiring to go to a guilt free adventure! Thank you so much for a great read! Hope you continue on writing! You got talent for this:)))
wow--i just--wow. i love this so much. this is perfect ;~; <3
Chapter 3: My favorite of yours, so far. =)
Chapter 3: Re-reading, and I still think this fic is perfect (^_^)
buffaroll #5
Chapter 3: This is shoo cute :) why don't you write minx minho next? Just a suggestion though. Keep up your godly writing!
Chapter 3: Naww this is so sweet <3
Maybe they should've gone to Japan.. they have crazy ice cream flavors there, I'm sure they also have garlic flavor XD
Dramadynasty #7
Chapter 3: It's totally and utterly the perfect 2min story, really!

Chapter 3: Aww, such a sweet ending author-nim :D I loved how Tae and Minho got together <333... and that kiss in the hotel room was smokin' hot *fans self*, I thought you were going to give us a little though :'( Adorable fic, I loved every minute of it... Thanks for writing this XD
Taemin is such a beast xD i love it :3 it's a pity that it's compleate now >< i'd love to read more of it *_*