Fresh Meat

Yesung-Centric Drabbles

“What do you think the big announcement will be?” Kyuhyun jabbed Yesung with his elbow.
“Watch it with that thing, you could puncture me.” Yesung shoved Kyuhyun.
“Says the guy with the baby hands.” Kyuhyun pushed Yesung back.
“I do not have baby hands!”
“Creepy baby hands!”
Yesung reached over and put his finger on Kyuhyun’s philtrum.
“That’s it!”

“Hyung, they’re at it again.” Sungmin said from beside Leeteuk.

Leeteuk glanced backwards from his seat in the van, “Yesung-ah, Kyu-ah! Stop that!”
He reached over and swatted the two as they ignored him and continued their slappy-hand fight.
“Yesung-ah, you’re older! Act your age!”
“He started it!”
“I don’t care who started it, I will ground you both!!”

When Leeteuk turned away, Kyuhyun and Yesung glared at each other and mouthed vague threats.

Leeteuk swung around once more to see the two acting very casual.
“They were still arguing.” Donghae spoke up from beside Yesung, “Totally.”
“Omo, shut up!” Kyuhyun barked.
“Seriously!” Yesung joined the maknae.

“Good boy, Hae-ah. Yesung, you and Donghae switch seats. You two better calm down, today we’re going to hear important news!”

When Leeteuk turned away again, Kyuhyun and Yesung leaned forward and caught each other’s eye. They both nodded. Donghae felt justifiably nervous.
“Didn’t you hear Teukie-hyung?”
They both grinned darkly at Donghae whose anxiety switched quickly to fear.



Several minutes later and two brutal pinches from Sungmin later and the boys were trooping out of the van. Yesung and Kyuhyun both rubbed their arms at identical areas.

“Ah, I’m really too excited.” Ryeowook cheered, “I hope they tell us quickly, I can’t stand the suspense.”

The group filed into the SM Entertainment building, following Leeteuk and Heechul to a meeting room.

There were some finger foods and bottles of water situated around the room and they began munching and chatting as they waited for the news.

After about 15 minutes four men walked into the room.

“Alright boys settle down, settle down.”

One was a more recognizable face.
“Isn’t that the kid who played the violin in our Don’t Don video?” Eunhyuk softly asked Sungmin.
“Ah… yeah, what was his name? Uh… Harold? No…”
“Henry.” Han Geng spoke up, smiling at the young man.

Henry smiled brightly at everyone, bowing before them. Another handsome man stood beside him looking confident.

“Boys.” Their manager spoke up, “You already know Henry Lau. This is Zhou Mi. We’ve decided that in the best interest of Super Junior and our growing fan base in China-“
Yesung zoned out.
He stared at the brightly smiling boy. He stared at those adorable chubby cheeks.
Waaaay cuter than Kyuhyun.

As their manager finished explaining the intent to form a new subgroup that reached out to their Mandarin-speaking fanbase, Yesung continued to stare.

Henry felt his cheerful smile fade a bit.
The guys didn’t seem terribly happy at the idea of two new members.
One of the hyungs of the group seemed to be trying to bore holes through Henry’s face with his eyes alone.

“Is this a good idea?” Heechul spoke up, “You know how fans can be. They might get angry about adding more members to the group. Didn’t a few say some things even after Kyuhyun was added?”
A few of the others spoke up as well.
They were already the largest group in Korea, wouldn’t 15 be pushing it?

Yesung stood suddenly.

Everyone turned to stare at him as he made his way around the meeting table to Henry’s side.

“Uhm, h-hi.” Henry said in English, his practiced Korean slipping away from him in his nervous state.
I- I mean-

Yesung reached out, his face an emotionless mask, with one hand and touched Henry’s philtrum.
The poor boy jumped back, startled.

“So cute!” Yesung smiled slowly. He reached out again, both hands and pinched Henry’s cheeks, “Look how cute he is!”

Everyone in the room stared as Henry tried to push Yesung’s hands away, “H-hyung!?”

Siwon turned to their manager, “I love it. I hope he never leaves.”
He glanced at the others, “Guys, if Henry stays, Yesung-hyung may never touch us again! He’ll be too busy with the very cute Henry!”

The other’s lit up, “CAN HE MOVE IN TODAY!?”


A/N: ahaha poor Henry. I was watching SS3 in Manilla and Yesung kept messing with Henry. Really adorable.
I wish they could see each other more :3

I realize that Henry and Zhou Mi aren't a part of the main SuJu group but it wasn't announced that they would only be joining SJ-M until after certain killjoys protested the addition of new members.

15 members, I believe in that.

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392 streak #1
Chapter 1: OMG, so funny~~~ XDDD
Chapter 1: Haha its fun t0 read.i cant st0p smiling like crazy.Can i ask f0r the link of that vide0?id like to watch it.thank y0u :-)
Chapter 1: omg, this is definitely cute!! auw, yesung with his touching syndrome *giggled* poor Henry~~~
Chapter 1: Hahaha, the ending totally caught me off-guard, in a good way. =D
I don't know much about Zhoumi's and Henry's interaction with the members that are not part of Suju-M. I recently discovered that Zhoumi had shared a room with Yesung and that he knows Yesung's parents very well ! O_O
So yep, I'm pretty interested in your fanfic, and I like the way you write by the way. ^^
Chapter 1: Omigawd, I laughed lyk crazy... Poor henry.. xD
Chapter 1: That was really adorable. I couldn't stop smiling and I laughed so hard when Kyu and Yeye were fighting with each other. What children xD Henry too cute. He's one of my SJ biases! His cheeks are just like a chipmunk c:
xlns321x #7
Chapter 1: lol, that was cute ^^