
Love Comes First

Blue: Eng

“Wait, where are they other members?” One of the male dancers ask and Taeyang cuts the music. 


They're doing other stuff so it's only me practicing with you guys now.” Taeyang explains and then, he starts the music. I didn't know what song it was so I glanced over at the stereo. There was a CD case by it so that probably says the name. While everyone  was getting into place to start the dance, I dropped my bag, hurriedly ran over to the stereo, looked at the name and awkwardly ran back with my back hunched over. So, it's the intro of Alive.


They dance the entire song and just watching them made me feel all giddy and want to dance. The moves they did really looked like Shaun's style. He taught them well. Especially Taeyang. It surprises me how smooth he can dance because usually some guys has an edge to their dance. Shaun is the only one I know who can dance smoothly, but I guess Taeyang is the second. Soon, the short intro ends and Taeyang cuts the track.


Actually, can we try 'Just a Feeling'?” He asks everyone and they nod. “I'm not in the mood to dance to BIGBANG dances.” He sticks his tongue out. Just a Feeling? That's one of my favorite dances ! Shaun and I did a couple dance for that song and it was a hit amongst the students he taught.  I watch with a huge smile on my face as Taeyang takes out another CD and put it into the stereo. The female dancers walk off to the side while the males assembled themselves around Taeyang. Shaun also joins in on the dance, but just as he reaches Taeyang, he turns around and motions me over.


Dance with us.” He says to me, but I shake my head when everyone turns to look at me. “She can dance with us, right?”


Yeah, of course.” Taeyang says while fixing his head mic. I stare at Shaun and he just continues to wave me over while I keep shaking my head. That's when he starts to walk over to me. He pulls me on my feet, tosses my bag beside the chair I was sitting in, my vest and walked me over.


I don't have the proper clothing.” I mumble as he puts me on the left of Taeyang while he stood off to the right of him.


You're fine.” Shaun shakes his head. You always wear clothes like that during practices.”


B-But I haven't been dancing lately. I'm rusty.”


Don't worry.”


With that, Taeyang does some several adjustments with the stereos. I give a wary look to Shaun and he flashes me a smile. What am I going to do? Dancing in front of all these people? Especially Taeyang ! What if he tells the other members or Jiyong or the rest of my family? I won't be able to live it down. I look at Shaun's reflection, Taeyang's reflection and all of the other dancers reflection. I take in a deep breath and don't think any further. Maybe I should relax a bit since my arrival here. I pull down the front collar of my hoodie and slightly rolled up my sleeves. I give Shaun a little smile and just like him, waited for Taeyang to start the music. Not soon after, Taeyang starts the music and starts singing.


Just like the others I danced to the correct beat and same pace as Shaun. I glanced over at the group of female dancers and they seemed a bit impressed yet envious at the same time. Could it be that I'm being treated differently than others? I'm only known as Taeyang's friend so they're probably wondering why I'm even here at the practice.  Once again, I think no further and focused on the beat. We go through the first verse and chorus with ease. Just as I was getting into the song, Shaun cuts the music.


You need to practice more, Taeyang.” Shaun stands in front of Taeyang who smiled.


Yeah, I know. It's been awhile.” He laughs, Don't worry, I'll practice lots.”


 “You better.” Shaun smiles and pats him on the shoulder before turning to me. Not too bad, Jieun. Your rhythm has improved.”


What do you mean 'improved' ? It's been the same since Day 1.. since your rammed it into my head.” I shudder at the old memory of Shaun criticizing my rhythm from the first session I had with him. He places his hand on my head and messes up my hair. I roll my eyes and fixed the mess he made with my head.


Alright, let's continue with the practice.” Shaun ques the music. The first couple songs were all Taeyangs songs which I learned most of the dance move so I stayed dancing, but soon later, a couple of BIGBANG songs came to play and I danced at the back to learn some moves. Shaun taught me some of the BIGBANG choreo during the entire session, but he would have to leave me from time to time to help Taeyang hone his skills.


After what seemed like an hour, we finally stop for break. I retreat back to where my things were and fanned myself down.  Man, I haven't felt this relax in awhile ! I'm even kind of glad coming here and kind of thankful for Taeyang taking me here. Suddenly, out of no where, something cold touches my neck. I jump at the feeling and looked at what it was. It was Shaun.




A/N: Still having trouble ! ugh.  And, haha, how's the dance chapter ? :3


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i wrote a lot, but its going to take time to transfer docs.


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I am reading again after all these years
Yoongi1230 #2
Chapter 48: Okay I'm so confused??? So are they siblings or not?? Wth
TaeSya #3
I read this story again.
taurusgirl #4
Chapter 54: I had read this amazing story and Forget to give you upvote , i'm sorry :'), bcs i'm too focus read the story
I love this story, read it many times, and i can't find something similar :)
Chapter 49: Hmmm... Sometimes I kind of wish that Jieun and Jiyoung really loved each other >//<
blues132 #7
Chapter 54: Great story! loved it! sequel?? :P
yonggukluhantaeyang #8
Chapter 54: 3rd time reading this...... Still awesome.... Sigh
TaeSya #9
My 5th time reading your fanfic. And keeping reading it. Love this fanfic very much. It different from the other fanfics. :)
Chapter 54: This is my 2nd time reading your story and i still love it! It is defiantly one of my favorites on this site.