Eyes Set

Love Comes First

Blue: Eng

“I don't think I've met you before.” The man says while walking over to me. I was hesitant to introduce myself, but I do anyway. 


Yes, my name is --”


SEUNGRI IS HERE ~!” Seungri's voice comes from the door. We all look over and there he is, walking in with his arm spread wide, but as soon as he sees that man, he drops them and bows. A few smiles came from everyone as they see the embarrassed Seungri walk over. Then comes Jiyong and Seunghyun.


Oh ! There you are.” Seunghyun calls out, but once his eyes falls on the man, he bows. Wait, don't tell me this is .. YG. I look over at Jiyong and he smiles brightly. They both walk over to us and stood in front of me. “What did you do?” Seunghyun whispers to me and I quickly shake my head.


You guys came just in time.” The man smiles and looks at me. “My name is Yang Hyunsuk, but call me YG.” He holds out his hand. I shyly take it and shake hands with him.


Let me introduce..” Jiyong steps in between YG and I. I glance over at him and he just nods his head. Don't tell me he's going to tell them I'm his sister.  I look down and rolled my eyes. Give me a break. Jiyong takes my hand, pulls me beside him and puts his arm around my shoulder. “Meet my little sister, Kwon Jieun.”


That's when gasps filled the room and many whispering. YG even looks shocked. I pushed Jiyong's arm off my shoulder and glared at him. I guess Jiyong hasn't even told his own CEO about me yet.


I thought you only had an older sister.” YG smiles and looks at me. “You two sure don't look alike.”


Jiyong laughs, “Yes, we get that a lot.”


Nice to meet you, sir.” I bow and he laughs. How awkward is it to meet the CEO while I'm all sweaty and gross.


How come you haven't told us about her?” One of the male dancers call out and YG agrees.


Long story.” Seunghyun cuts in, but one quick shove from Jiyong made him stop.


She's cute !” Another dancer calls out which made me blush madly. It's not everyday you get called cute by some random stranger. I look up at Jiyong and he seems to shoot the dancer who called out a look.


I saw you dancing earlier with Youngbae.. By any chance did you audition to be one of the dancers?” YG asks me and I quickly shake my head. I glance over at Shaun who was distracting himself since he didn't understand any of what we're talking about. If only I could be like him.


Uh..” I rub my left forearm. “ I just came back from overseas so I'm here just visiting for today.”


What, YG. Do you have any interest in Jieun to become a potential trainee?” Seungri grins and YG nods. “Ah... talent must run in the Kwon blood.” He folds his arms over his chest with a ridiculous smile.


You didn't tell me you dance..” Jiyong smiles proudly. Of course not. Why should I tell you my hobbies and businesses. I fake a smile and looked for Shaun. I wave him over and he walks over to greet YG then the rest of the members.


Ah, you guys know each other?” YG gestures to  Shaun and I.  We both nod.


Yes, we met when I was back in the states.” Shaun answers and Jiyong's eyes widen. He's probably thinking 'What a small world.' Well, actually it is kind of true.


Do you mind if you show me some dances?” YG chuckles, “I want to see more of what you got. You seem to have a bit of Jiyong's personality.”


Personality? Yeah, right. “Uh.. No thank you..” I play with the hem of my hoodie. “I don't plan on auditioning... at all.. ever.”


And with that, YG gets taken aback.. pretty much everyone else, but Shaun. Actually, thinking in another prescriptive, someone would be crazy to decline an offer to audition when a CEO of a entertainment company approaches you. So, I guess I'm crazy. As we all stand in silence, YG breaks the silence by slow clapping.


I like you.” He stops clapping. “Just like Jiyong when he first came. Straightforward and honest.” YG turns, “You can think about it, Jieun.” He waves a bit and leaves the room with Shaun following.


I scan the faces of everyone to see them in disbelief. I silently walk back to my things, grabbed them and exited the practice room. I can hear the others calling for me, but I just kept going. I didn't know where I was going, but I need some air right now. I look down both sides of the hallway to see the one on the left searing with bright light. Maybe there's a terrace over there.


Hey, where are you going?” Taeyang suddenly comes from behind. I jump at the sound of his voice. Does his footsteps even make sound? I turn around and faked a smile.


Oh, I just wanted some air.” I mumble and he smiles.


We're going home now.” He looks behind us. “They're wrapping up. We're going in five minutes.”


Really?” I look back to see the members already walking towards us. “I think we're going now.” I point. He shrugs zips up his jacket.  We don't wait for the members and made our ways out of the building. Once we got to the front of the building, there was the van again. Taeyang opens the door for me and I get in first with him behind me. I feel so much better now. The other members soon get in and we start going back to the dorm.




A/N:  Okay, from now on I'll be updating every thursday ! (to be organized.. HAAHA) SO if i forget to update, please tell me or I'll be posting further deets.


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i wrote a lot, but its going to take time to transfer docs.


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15 streak #1
I am reading again after all these years
Yoongi1230 #2
Chapter 48: Okay I'm so confused??? So are they siblings or not?? Wth
TaeSya #3
I read this story again.
taurusgirl #4
Chapter 54: I had read this amazing story and Forget to give you upvote , i'm sorry :'), bcs i'm too focus read the story
15 streak #5
I love this story, read it many times, and i can't find something similar :)
Chapter 49: Hmmm... Sometimes I kind of wish that Jieun and Jiyoung really loved each other >//<
blues132 #7
Chapter 54: Great story! loved it! sequel?? :P
yonggukluhantaeyang #8
Chapter 54: 3rd time reading this...... Still awesome.... Sigh
TaeSya #9
My 5th time reading your fanfic. And keeping reading it. Love this fanfic very much. It different from the other fanfics. :)
Chapter 54: This is my 2nd time reading your story and i still love it! It is defiantly one of my favorites on this site.