Be Mine

Break up or Make up?

The phone was ringing for a while till some one finally picked up it. "Yeobosaeyo?" a voice said as his messy hair was covering parts of his face. "Kim YuKwon are you still in bed!?" another voice said, a sigh escaped out of U-kwon's lips. "Yes hyung sorry I will get up now." he said sitting up on the bed. "U-Kwon what's wrong? Your never the type of person to be this late you are always early what happened?" the voice said again in a worried tone. "It's nothing I will be out in a minute." he said and hang up the phone. U-Kwon got off of his bed and head for the bathroom doing his daily routine. The TV was left on and he heard a new song play on the music break. Peaking his head out he saw a rookie group's MV playing. "Must of released their new song." he said and went back into the bathroom as Nu'est's Yeobosaeyo was playing in the background.

At 9:20 U-Kwon finally made it out of the dorm and went to the dance studio to see everyone sitting down but one person. He has a cap on wearing a tank top and baggy pants while dancing to the blazing music that is blasting through the walls. U-Kwon stood there since he is wearing the same thing as the male dancing. He let out a sigh and opened the door and sat next to the closest person who happened to be P.O who is wearing his glasses. "Oh hyung when did you get here?" he asked and looked at U-Kwon. "Just now." he responded while P.O nodded and faced towards the front only to see the male dancer infront of the two looking down at U-Kwon. "You're late U-Kwon." he said while U-Kwon gave the male a glare. "Go away Minhyuk." he said coldly and speaking informal to the male. Minhyuk or as he is called B-Bomb clentched his fist at the younger who spoke informal to him and walked off.

After the dance practice the only thing heard is heavy breathing. The rest of the members left to either go to the bathroom, get a drink or just each other. "Keep practicing." he said and straightened himself. U-Kwon glanced at the male and bumped his shoulder on purpose to the radio. Clenching his jaw B-Bomb snapped "Kim Yukwon!" U-Kwon froze in his spot and turned around and face the older male. "Why do you always make us wait? Do you not care what happens to Block B anymore!?" B-Bomb shouted which made U-Kwon tense. "Why don't you just leave Block B U-Kwon if you don't care about it anymore." he said and stormed away from the dance studio.

Tears threaten to fall from U-Kwon's eyes as B-Bomb's words hit U-Kwon hard. The reason why he is like this was because of B-Bomb. He saw something that he wished he didn't see. He saw B-Bomb kissing Jaehyo right in front of him. U-Kwon has been dancing non-stop having random song's play on shuffle and repeat. It's already 10 pm and U-Kwon only has time to stop to either catch his breath or get a drink of water. He eats snack bars every now and then to keep himself full. Drenched in sweat U-Kwon has windows slightly open and the music half way down since he doesn't want to wake up the neighborhood. He has been hearing Infinite's Be Mine play and starts dancing to it feeling the beat till he feels that he is about to give out.

Back in the dorm the rest of Block B it is already late and Zico started to do a head count to see if everyone is in the dorm and present. "Jaehyo, B-Bomb, Taeil... Where's U-Kwon?" Zico asked as he looked at everyone in the dorm. "I thought he was with B-Bomb." or "He could be in his room" Zico sighed and went to their room and only see B-Bomb in the room. "Did you want something Zico?" he asked as B-Bomb to his side. "No I just thought U-Kwon is here.. Have you seen him?" he asked "No I thought he was already here when I left." he said and faced Zico. "He isn't picking up his phone either." Zico sighed and walked out. B-Bomb looked at the door then thought about what he said to U-Kwon. "He couldn't.. No U-Kwon." He muttered and quickly got out of bed and threw on his hoodie and ran out the door saying he will be back.

U-Kwon panted hard and is covered in sweat from head to toe. His vision getting blury and leaned against the wall for support. "I over did it." he thought to himself till he heard the door slam open. Tired to even look up U-Kwon fell foreward waiting for the impact of the hard wooden floor but only to land into some one's arms. "I'm sorry U-Kwon... I'm really sorry don't leave Block B I don't know what I would do with out you." B-Bomb said. U-kwon wanted to push away but his body wouldn't let him. "I know you saw about me and Jaehyo but it isn't true Jaehyo was he one who kissed me you saw it at the wrong time. He confessed that he liked me but I told him I liked some one else.. I like you Kim Yukwon and no one else." he confessed as Be Mine started to play again. "Just like this some that Infinite sunbaes say Be Mine so would you be mine Kim Yukwon?" B-Bomb asked and looked at his tired dance partner. U-Kwon having tears in his eyes only to be wiped away by B-Bomb. "Of course I am sorry I judged you hyung of course I would be yours." he said. B-Bomb smiled and leaned down and capture the younger's lips. "I love you U-Kwon."


Sorry it took long ;; I wasn't sorta myself lately I hope this makes up for it. Happy Valentines day ;u; and I hope you guys had a great day cause mine ;; Valentines Day isn't really my favorite day.

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