Turn Me Up!




미희 (Mihui) is the anonymous host of Korea's favorite radio show, 'Turn Me Up!'  No one knows her real identity, which allows her to say anything and everything she wants on the radio. Only a few lucky people have seen her face, but everyone knows her voice. What happens when she competes with a battling station, and has to host a love advice show? And who will be her next guest star?




Hey! It's the author! 

Just thanking you for checking out my new story, 'Turn Me Up!'

Be sure to subscribe and comment, you know, if you want to.  . w . 

UH... Oh! And check out my other stuff!~


xox, Choppy



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Chapter 1: Teeheehee she's so bitter~ I wanna know why she's sooo angry ; -; wonder what Mr. Aron will say when he hears about this >.<;