Nothings gonna happen anyway

Walking alone


It was a very hot day on Jeju Island were Hyukjaes parents had decided to go on Holiday for two weeks. Naturally bringing their not very pleased son with them. It was not like he had anything against sun and beaches but he couldn't help but to think that after coming to this Island for the sixth time in his life it was rather boring and that there was nothing new to discover for him anymore. It would be nice if they did something else for a chance, something more exciting but no, his parents just had to stick to their old boring routine because they were dull like that. To make the matter worse he wasn't even allowed to bring his best friend with him like he had done before because his parents said they wanted to enjoy some 'bonding time' with their son, alone, or however they called it. To make it short it was totally, absolutely, unbelievably boring.


So, on this (like already mentioned) very hot day Hyukjaes parents had (to his utmost horror) decided to go hiking and see some of the cultural treasures of the Island. They said that this were their last few days on this here and that these should be used for something that actually had a bit of meaning behind it. It was (like already said twice) freaking hot and the 16-year old boy would be damned if he wasted his day walking around the place with some hiking boots on (in which his feet would probably be boiled in their own sweat) and look at some strange stone statues, instead of just going to the beach and enjoy the feeling of nice cooling water on his skin.


And that's exactly what he did, even though his parents objected strongly to the idea of him going to the beach on his own. He wasn't a little girl for gods sake, he was a sixteen year old, skinny but still muscular boy, who knew how to defend himself and even if he didn't knew how to take care of his well being, he was still a boy. Who, in their right mind, would try to molest a male in broad daylight on a lively beach? No one, that was who. Plus, if his parents had allowed him to take his best friend with him they wouldn't have this dilemma, so in the end it was their fault if something happened (which wouldn't, mind you).


Now his parents were probably lost god knows where on this boring island while Hyukjae was enjoying the feeling of cold water on his skin. He had searched for a rather secluded part of the beach were only a few people were swimming (which made his argument about nothing happening on a lively beach invalid but he didn't care) because he found it to loud in the livelier areas of the beach, furthermore he wanted to avoid some bold chick hitting on him while her friends were giggling in the background and any other disturbances that may occur.


After some time of being in the water the red headed male was getting tired and decided to lay down for a bit. He had borrowed two towels from the hotel his family stayed in and had brought them to the beach with him. Well he hadn't exactly asked the staff there or anything but they had enough towels anyway and it was not like he wouldn't bring them back so he guessed it was o.k..

for a fact the only other things he had brought along were his sunscreen and black swimming trunks. He didn't want to bring his wallet (in fear of it getting stolen), his sunglasses lay forgotten on the nightstand in his hotel room and his mother had confiscated his mobile phone with the words “I want to spend some time with my one and only son without him paying more attention towards some stupid electric device than me” or something like that.


Hyukjae only hoped that the sunbathing would be good for his tan and that after this holiday he wouldn't look as pale, as he did now anymore and that then he could finally find a girlfriend or maybe just a short fling anything to share his first kiss and maybe even with. He really wasn't happy with the fact that he was still totally untouched while most of his male and female friends were already having on a regular basis. It was not like there were no girls who liked him or anything but he wasn't interested in those and the ones he was interested in didn't like him in that way, it was like some kind of doom loop which he just couldn't escape. And only now it came to his mind that maybe he should have chosen the area with lots of people in favor of getting some action.


It was slowly getting late and you could only see few people on the beach, most had probably headed for dinner by now. Hyukjae was getting bored with just lying around and decided to take a walk. Since he hadn't anything of value with him he wasn't worried for his stuff and just left it were it was. He was walking along the shore the cold waves hitting his feet only to retreat and then come back again. A smile made it's way onto his face while he just enjoyed the lovely atmosphere, feeling completely at ease. Soon the only other people he could make out were a bunch of guys playing and laughing around in the water. He guessed it were probably around eight or ten persons.


The nearer he came to the group the bigger the urge became to just turn around and go back to his things and then to the hotel. But he still decided to walk on. They were so emerged in fooling around that they surely wouldn't notice him walking by and even if they did why should they even care. He reminded himself that he was not a girl and had no s and wouldn't be of any interest to them.


When he was close enough to really see their faces his uneasiness turned up a notch and he got a really queasy feeling in his stomach. He had recognized them as members of the college soccer team which was staying in the same hotel as him and his parents. He had heard the hotel staff talking about how loud and rude the men were and how the cleaning women had complained about the alcohol bottles, dirty clothes and condoms that were always littering the floor of the athletes rooms. Hyukjae found that pretty cliché and disgusting but he had always been one of the nicer and more reasonable guys often earning himself mockery from the other boys of his class.


Again the slim boy decided not to follow his instincts and keep on walking because first he couldn't really think of any reason why he should be from any interest for these college students and second he would look like a . Hyukjae just kept on walking straight, his eyes focused on what was before him, keeping them away from what was happening to his left in the water.


He had almost passed the little group when he heard someone coming towards him trough the waves at a fast pace and while he still turned to see who it was that someone grabbed his wrist in a way which Hyukjae was sure would leave bruises. And before he could comprehend what was happening he was dragged deeper into the water towards the college students by another male. The red head couldn't see the others face but he could make out his rather muscular back and arms, his tanned skin and his dark brown wet hair. The other men were screaming and laughing at them while the older dragged him nearer to them.


When Hyukjae started to come back to his senses he started to struggle and screamed at the other to let him go, he even started to scratch the hand and arm that was holding him but to no avail. They went in deeper and deeper.


They were only a few meters away from the rest of the soccer players and the water already reached Hyukjaes waist when his captor suddenly stopped, turned around and pulled him so close that their chests were touching. While Hyukjae still struggled against the iron grip the guy had now on his wrist and his waist, the brown haired dude made it so that the small crowd had a perfect view of their side profiles. And before the young boy could realize what was about to happen the hand that was on his waist before was now on his and the one that was on his wrist relocated to the back of his head. The smirking brunette in front of him didn't hesitate to crash their lips together in a very painful way while his friends still were laughing, screaming things like “Yeah Donghae! Show that what a man you are!” and applauding in the background.


Donghae or whatever his teammates called him, started to move his lips against Hyukjaes in a aggressive way while the younger tried to push him away with all his might but he didn't stand a chance against the other.


Hyukjae was panicking, he didn't know how far this man would take this, he couldn't push him away because he was just to weak and he obviously couldn't expect any help from the people around since it was only him and the soccer players and even if there were other humans, who would go against ten, young, muscular guys just to help someone they don't know? The teen was close to tears since he didn't know what to do and he had never felt so powerless in his live before.


And as if all of this wasn't bad enough it started to get even worse as his assaulter started to fumble his in a rough way and ground his hips into his lower abdomen where he could feel his slightly erected trough the thin material of the others swimming trunks.


The smaller male had his eyes screwed shut as he was slowly surrendering to the stronger man since he didn't know what else to do, maybe it would be over faster that way. Suddenly he felt something wet and hot press against his lips and he instantly knew that it was the tongue of the elder and what he was trying to do. Instantly Hyukjae pressed his lips even tighter together to prevent the muscle from entering his mouth. Still it made it's way passed his lips, inside meeting the boys clenched teeth. The teen had long forgotten all his attempts to push the brunette man away in favor of putting all his concentration in the task of not letting that tongue go past his teeth.


When he felt the muscle leaving his mouth Hyukjae felt almost relieved and hoped that maybe the man would stop for good, until he felt a sharp pain in his lower lip which made him cry out. Directly after is teeth parted for a few centimeters the slick muscle was shoved into his cavern. He could taste his own blood and the other on his own tongue as the invader over it and his teeth, leaving no spot untouched while he aggressively ravished his mouth.


A muffled moan could be heard from Donghae and the red head became awfully aware of the hardening that was still being rubbed on him and that damned hand that was now placed in between his cheeks playing with his entrance through the material of his shorts.


Just when he had the idea to bite down on the thing that had infiltrated his mouth it vanished from there and with one last to his lower lip the elder retreated fully from them with a dirty smirk on his own lips. Instantly Hyukjae tried to fill his aching lungs with much needed oxygen. His heart was pounding like crazy in his chest and his mind was a total mess of anger, fear and disgust. When his captor leaned forward again he whimpered pitifully out of fear the other could continue what he did just now but instead of going for his mouth again he could feel lips on the shell of his right ear.


“You taste good, little boy. We should have some fun together again sometime, my little .” Was whispered in a deep husky voice.


Shortly after that the grip on Hyukjaes head and loosened and as soon as he saw a chance to escape, Hyukjae pushed the brunette with all his might and ran away towards the safety of his hotel room followed by the roaring laughter and cat calls of Donghae and his friends. The things he'd left at the beach long forgotten.




The last two days of their vacation Hyukjae mostly stayed in his room, not daring to come out, to afraid to maybe meet one of the soccer players from the beach, especially Donghae.

His parents were very worried about him but he just told them that he felt sick and hid the bruises with make up, clothes or whatever he found suiting. He explained that he had fallen down and accidentally bit his own lip when he hit the floor. This was quite possible since he could be a bit clumsy from time to time. And with that his parents stopped asking questions.


He often lay awake in bed and thought about why they had done that. Why him? Would they have done that to every person that had come by? Was it a bet? A dare? Something else that he couldn't think of? He had always thought that to most soccer players homouality or just fooling around with another guy was still looked at as disgusting and abnormal, so why did it seem so natural for them? Would Donghae make his promise(?) come true and try to continue what he had started with him? He just couldn't stop thinking about it... He felt disgusted with himself for not being able to break free. He felt used, humiliated, angry and most of all he felt scared. Scared that others would do the same or that that man would really come to continue.


Hyukjae just hoped that he would never see Donghae again and that maybe one day he would forget the incident but he knew that his second wish was very unlikely to happen.

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Chapter 1: What really hit me about this story is the mention of the gut speaking loudly, and how foolishly we often ignore it. It is a matter of fact.
Donghae was a real to impose himself like this. The sadder thing is that out there people like this exist. People that think they can impose themselves on others, they can do whatever they want and get away with it.
Hopefully Hyukjae will never bump into him again, or perhaps, they will years later and Donghae might recognize what a crappy behavior he had.
ReadRealize #2
Chapter 1: Oh hae that’s mean
Chapter 1: ohh this is so interesting. Donghae has disgusting behavior and I hope he rot in hell for his action. Poor Hyukjae. I hope he will be fine.
Xjyuna #4
Chapter 1: Ok this is well written and really as usual good story but it’s not good donghae acted that way?? Almost like ar and poor hyukjae for two days he locked himself . Afraid . Confused . I don’t know why everyone wrote “ lovely “and “ love it “ !! I mean how can donghae’s act be lovely? I’m not accusing you author .. it’s just the comments that irrtates me saying this was good . Your story is good but not donghae’s actions !
Chapter 1: oh, god now i want to smack donghae's head sooo bad, poor my baby hyuk (●´з`)♡ i really hope there will be a closure for both of them, pleaseeeee???
Chapter 1: Sequeeeeel pleeeeaseeeee!!!!
FWSJ15 #7
Chapter 1: Just found this story and I love it... please make at least an epilogue or a sequel would be even better please...^^
Chapter 1: Read this again...sequel maybe? Hihi
Mystic_Di #9
Chapter 1: Poor Hyuk. He'll never forget that :( But I like the plot and hope that you'll make a sequel :) Thanks for sharing ^_^