OO1. { c h a n c e }

The Black Pearl


one ; chance




It would be a lie if anyone said that Captian Kim Jongin, more commonly known as Kai, was kind. Well, perhaps if giving you the option whether to be fed to the sharks or beheadded then and there was kind, then Kai was.

No, Kai was heartless. A monster. A demon of the sea. At one point it was a rumor that he was the son of Poseidon or some other water god; it seemed all of his raids went perfectly, and he never fell victim to bad luck. And for such a monster as he, surely there was something more to him, otherwise karma was truely false. Even his crewmembers never met fate ill of plague or sickness.

In this particular moment, Kai was pointing his sword at a thief, a smirk on his full lips. He pressed the sharp tip to the man's throat, blood blooming from the sword's gleaming steel tip. "So," he said. "Choose your fate, thief. The sharks or the sword?" The dirty man's eyes widened in fear as he faced the sea's most feared captain. Kai pressed the sword's tip harder. "I said, sharks or the sword?" His dark eyes flashed dangerously, the adam's apple on the man's throat bobbing.

The other crew members cackled, watching the frightened victim as he squirmed under the hand of his death. They knew their captain was getting impatient, that within a minute or so, he would end up headless.

Sehun, the captain's best friend, carefully moved to Kai, one hand lightly touching his waist. "Jongin," he whispered, lips brushing against Kai's dark skin. "Just behead him already. He won't make his choice." He smirked. Despite Sehun's rather innocent appearance, he was more cruel than Kai, often helping him come up with torture for those who had angered him. The man that was about to be sentenced to death had just endured a week of torture, planned out by Sehun himself.

Kai nodded in agreement. "You're right." A few seconds later, the thief's head was rolling on the ship's deck with an awful thudding sound.

The crew all laughed, a couple of them taking the body and throwing it into the sea, a few others coming to quickly wash the blood from the deck, knowing how Kai liked to keep his ship spotless.

Sehun gave Kai a dark smile as the two headed into Kai's lodging. "Good job," said Sehun as Kai shut the door behind him.

"Shouldn't I be telling you that?" Kai asked, a grin playing on his lips as Sehun wrapped his arms around Kai's neck. So maybe the two were a bit more than best friends. The captain's arms went around Sehun's waist. "I was going to let him choose. Silly me." Kai smirked, placing a kiss to the corner of Sehun's jaw.

Sehun chuckled, his neck automatically stretching to one side. "But you did the job, Jonginnie," he hummed. "You're the most feared pirate captain of all the ships in the seven seas." He giggled softly as Kai's lips moved to his jaw before their lips pressed together. "Jongin," Sehun protested after a few minutes of kissing, Kai's tongue trying to invade his mouth. "Not now."

Kai made a noise of annoyance. He pecked Sehun's lips again, nearly growling when he spoke. "Why not now?"

Sehun hummed. "I know how you are after you kill someone," he said. "Besides, there's something more important I have to tell you."

"And what would that be?" Kai's eyes flashed in intrigue.

"I heard someone's planning a raid on us," he said, looking around Kai's quarters. Kai tilted his head. "Who?" Sehun chuckled low. "I think you know exactly who it is, Jongin."

"The White Lie," said Kai, a smirk settling on his lips once more. "They've finally gotten the courage to make the first move since our raid on their ship last year then, huh?"

"It would appear so," said Sehun as he sat at Kai's desk, crossing his legs. He winked at Kai and looked at the map. "We're here," he said, putting a mini black ship on the map. "And according to what I heard from that thief..." Sehun moved his finger along the blue area of the sea. "The White Lie should be...here." He put a mini white ship on the map, looking up at Kai. "I give it a week, before they reach us."

Kai nodded, moving behind Sehun and letting his arms drape around his shoulders as he leaned over him, looking at the map. "My Sehunnie's so smart," he said with a smirk, kissing Sehun's ear. "Any other news for me?"

Sehun giggled softly when Kai kissed his ticklish spot. "Two of the crewmembers were fooling around below deck last night." Kai raised an eyebrow. "Fooling around like we fool around?" Sehun nodded and Kai hummed. "Who?"

Sehun smiled widely. "Baekhyun hyung and Chanyeol hyung," he answered.

"I already knew about them," said Kai with a roll of his eyes. "They made it obvious." Sehun nodded in agreement, standing from Kai's desk. "So? Are you going to punish them?"

"Nah." Kai shook his head with a shrug. "I'm rather fond of those two."

Sehun raised a brow. "Is the feared captian Kim Jongin getting soft for his crewmates?"

"For his crewmates, no. For his brothers, yes." Kai grinned crookedly, kissing Sehun's cheek. "Go back out. Someone needs to make sure they're doing their work properly, and I have to plan our defensive attack on The White Lie."

Sehun nodded and walked out, Kai slapping his as he passed. Sehun yelped and shot Kai a look before going out, yelling at everyone to man their stations.

Kai sat down at his desk with a sigh, staring at the map. He smirked. *Wu YiFan, you may look scary, but I'm the better captian. As if your little ship could even think of competeing with mine.*



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Chapter 1: so interesting..
0mahsa0 #2
Chapter 1: I really want to know what's going to happen when they meet Luhan.
Can't wait for the next chapter
Chapter 1: can't wait for more
emmakris28 #4
ohhhh~~ i want this~ <3