WooU Season 2: Blown Away ~ Part 4

WooU Season ♥ = Dream High, Love Harder. ;D

As everyone wake up for breakfast, Jason sat with Pilsuk while eating. YunHo is still frustrated about what happen to him and BaekHee. BaekHee was so behave. Do you still think BaekHee and YunHo will be together? Lets see. :)

Georgie: So, where do you wanna go now?

Jason: OH! I have suggestion.

Georgie: What is it?

Jason: Lets go.... SKII.

YunHo: *looks down.

BaekHee: I will not go. *lies.  I.. I will do something. Mom just text me and she need my help.

YunHo: *felt bad.

Georgie: Why? C'mon,Baekhee come with us. It will be so much fun. And, I know you wanna go there.

BaekHee: *lies. Huh?! I didn't said that. 

YunHo: *looks down and curious.

Pilsuk: BaekHee unnie, Please?! Go with us.

BaekHee: Babysister, I can't. I know I love you so much but, I really can't. My mom needs my help. Sorry.

Pilsuk: *pouts.

Jason: *looks at Pilsuk. BaekHee!!

BaekHee: Biyane. I just can't. My mom really needs me. And, the fashion she's working will launch this week. And, she needs me.

Georgie: Okay. Just text us.

BaekHee: I will. I already packed. I need to go now.

Georgie: I'll drive you.

BaekHee: No, I will just take the bus. *smiles fakely.

When BaekHee left. Jason and Georgie washes the dishes. YunHo is still thinking why is BaekHee like that in their breakfast.

YunHo's POV;

Why is she like that now? I thought were already okay.. But, I kept thinking she lied to all of us. Its really weird. I just can't believe it. Ah!! What happen,happens right? So, no more. *looks to Georgie. I need to confess Georgie right away. I need to have a plan now. 

Their done washing the dishes. Now, their packing up for Skii. It will be a long ride. They left at 1pm. Again, Jason sit with Pilsuk. Pilsuk fell asleep on Jason's shoulder. Jason's awake. Thinking of what he will do to say he likes Pilsuk.

Jason's POV;

Okay... I need a plan for today. Today is a special day. Were going to skii. But, I don't know how to tell Pilsuk that I like her so much. Its my first time telling to a girl I like her. Well, I am happy I have YunHo,hyung! 

As they arrived in Skii..

Jason: *screaming YEAAAAAAAHHH! I miss this play so much. Noona, what age did I go here?

Georgie: 7.

Jason: *start counting. Its been 7years. I miss this place.

Pilsuk: Wahh! This is my first time. :))

Jason: I will tour you later.

YunHo: Ahh, its so cold!

Georgie: I know right? Hahaha! *throw a snow ball to YunHo.

YunHo: Yah!! *smiles

Georgie: *laughs

YunHo: Yah, if I get you I will totally kill you!

Georgie: Blah! Blah! Blah!

YunHo and Georgie: *Starts running!

Pilsuk: Oppa, aren't they cute?

Jason: Were cuter.

Pilsuk: Deh?!

Jason: What? Yeah, they are.

Pilsuk: *smiles

Jason: Pilsuk, open this.. *give a box

Pilsuk: Box? Is this a prank?

Jason: Nope.

Pilsuk: *opens the box and saw a J NECKLACE. Silver. Oppa. J for Jason?! 

Jason: Pilsuk, I like you.

Pilsuk: *starting tears.

Jason: *smiles and get the necklace. He puts it on Pilsuk's neck. Your beautiful in it.

Pilsuk: Oppa *smiles with tears.

Jason: I love you.

Pilsuk: Bonchongi! 

Jason: What?

Pilsuk: You... your stupid.

Jason: No, I'm Pilsuk's lover.

Pilsuk: *smiles brightly and laugh. What? Pilsuk's lover?

Jason: Yes.

Pilsuk: *laughs

Jason: Yah, are you laughing at me?

Pilsuk: No, Pilsuk's lover! *smiles

Jason: *hugs tight Pilsuk.

PIlsuk: I am the luckiest person having this time of my life.

Jason: And I am the luckiest person having you.

YunHo and Georgie saw them..

Georgie: They grew up so fast.

YunHo: Your right. *Looks down.

Georgie: Why?

YunHo: Baekhee and I... are no longer a couple.

Georgie: What?

YunHo: *looks at Georgie. I, I like you so much. I liked you since 4th Grade. 

Georgie: *kisses YunHo on cheeck. I feel the same too.

YunHo: But in 5th grade, you and Sun Guk became together. I felt bad for myself. But, I never stop liking you.

Georgie: Me too. 

YunHo: Huh?

Georgie: 3rd Grade. You tease me alot. I feel so loved at that time. I've been liking you so much. The day I will tel you that I like you, BaekHee announced that your together in Public. I felt bad too. I lied to you about an accident to my sister Julia on America. I was in our house. Feeling alone. 

YunHo: *smiles and hug Georgie


Jang ~ ♥

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Chapter 13: Taeczy Pliss :DD i love your story
Great story
shumz456 #3
Chapter 13: TEACZY PLZ
Update soon!^^
@foreverwoou, Sure. Gonna do Chapter 12.<br />
@SarangIU, Yeah. Don't worry... it will be. :>
Update Soon! :>
aww. hope that things will go smooth soon!
@neverland, its a BIG YES. :D
Nichkun? i guess ^^