Chapter 2


Needless to say, I was completely intrigued by you. But for the time being, I had to keep you off my mind, because there was more pressing matter.

The next Sovereigns Gathering.



Marcus peers down at her, “Do you still remember my explanation, princess?”

“I do,” she said softly. “But I would love to hear you explains it all again.”

“So be it, then.”



The vampires are divided into four Clans, and each clan was led by their own Royal Family with Royal Guards to guards them. After the Royal Family come the Aristocrats, the Bourgeoisies, and the last are the Commoners. However, the Commoners can works their way up by becoming the Clan’s Guards, which will earn them the same rank as the Bourgeoisies, or become the Royal Guards and earn the same rank with the Aristocrats. The Bourgeoisies can also try and become the Royal Guards to earn a higher rank.

The four Clans, represented by four gems, are led by a Monarch, our King. He’s helped by the Council, a ring of eight chosen Royal Family members, two from each Clan. The King and the Council’s members are guarded by the Fraternity Guards, an elite squad of Guards made of chosen vampires from all four Clans.

Now let’s get to know each Clan.

The first Clan, represented by Ruby, has the oldest Royal Family. And having tasted power for the longest, they're no longer interested on being the King – or as they called it, the puppet. But still, they're very formidable, especially because they know how to control everything from behind the curtain. The name of the Ruby Clan’s Crown Prince is Maximillian. Known to us as Max.

The second oldest Royal Family belongs to Clan represented by Sapphire. They have the largest Royal Family, granting them the power that none other Clan has. And that's why the King title is currently held by a member of their Royal Family. The name of the Sapphire Clan's Crown Prince is Marcus. Yes, it’s me, though the guys normally called me Mark.

The Clan represented by Topaz has the third oldest Royal Family. Although their number is about the same with the Ruby Clan’s Royal Family, they lack one thing that the Ruby Clan had: patience. The Topaz Clan was more hot-headed, and their physically strong build support them. They also have extremely good intuitions, but their temperament still often worked to their disadvantage. Mikael is the name of the Topaz Clan's Crown Prince. But normally, he goes by the name Mike – or Mikey, depending on our mood.

The last Clan, represented by Amethyst, has the youngest Royal Family with the smallest number. Don’t ever underestimate them or their lanky build, though. For they have extremely good brain and memories, and they know just how to work their way up. The Amethyst Clan is really one to look out for, and Matthias is the name of their Crown Prince. To us, though, he will always be our little Matt.

However, you have to note that these four Clans are in constant dispute with each other. This all ended a few centuries ago, when the first Monarch, Ahn Chilhyeon, took his place. Ever since then, we had managed to stop fighting each other and kept the peace. But the war never completely disappeared, no. What used to be a battle of swords – or whatever weapons you choose to use – is now a battle of wits and strategies. Each Clan wants to be the Monarch, to rein the whole vampire world.

And their way of achieving it is by electing their own Crown Prince, our current King’s next successor. They brought us together at one of the Sovereigns Gathering about seven decades ago, hoping that we will sized each other up and even maybe, got into a fight and killed each other – which will be completely forgivable since we were still young and thus lacking any kind of self-control, completely driven by bloodlust.

I was more than pleased to say that we disappointed them. We were instantly drawn to each other, and so our bond was formed.

Now, as you heard before, Alvin did call us Crown Princes. But he also said that we were banished. It was true. The King banished us and exiled us from the Vampire world with the Council’s unanimous supports.

We were a threat.

Not only because we grew to be as close as brothers and half of the vampire world adored us, but because they also knew, that if one of us ever get hold of the reign, we will changed their old way and created a new regime.

On top of everything, we did plan a rebellion.

It started out as a joke, really. Mikey joked that the current regime is getting old and they’re too blinded by their power.

Then Max laughed and said that those oldies should just step down and let us, the youngsters, took their place.

Matt agreed. He said the four of us could create a new regime. I shall be the King and Max will be my Right Hand, my shadow. Matt will be my Counselor, and Mikey shall lead our Fraternity Guards.

And when I gave my approval, the joke turned into a real plan.

But somebody heard the joke, and he spread the words that we're going to try and take the reign. The situation was unsettling, the Clan members and the whole vampire world are divided into two: those who supported us, and those who sided with the Council and the King.

So the Council decided that it's time they get rid of us.

On that Sovereign Gathering, five decades ago, they announced that we are criminals and traitor, because we were planning to usurp them. However, if we were to make amends by killing our comrades, we will be spared.

And the end, we did kill. We killed every Fraternity Guards in the room and we managed to wound the Council’s members and the King. Then we fled.

They declared us wanted criminals ever since.

They thought this is the perfect chance, because it would wear us down and sooner or later, we will turn against each other and at the end, one of us will come back. And they can have their Crown Prince back.

But they only made us worse.

When we were the Crown Princes, we were under their surveillance. Now? We're free. We're volatile, and we hold deep grudges against their regime. We are loose and uncontrolled variable.

We've been laying low for the last four decades, but we decided it's time to make the move. The Council forgot that we weren't completely alienated from our own Clan, and they forgot that those who stand by us at that time are now part of the important figures of the four Clans.

Our friends tipped us, saying that at the upcoming Sovereigns Meeting, the King and the Council will discuss the possibility of appointing the new Crown Princes.

The candidates are: Xia of Ruby, Nathaniel of Sapphire, Thomas of Topaz, and Louis of Amethyst.

Those four are our brothers whom very dear to us. And we were more than mad when we heard it, because Tommy and Louis are both only fifty something, not yet an adult in the vampire world. And although Nathan is my older brother while Xia is Max’s older brother, those two has always been the obedient ones.

It’s easy to see that the Councils purposely picked the Crown Princes’ candidates with one thing in mind: to mold the Crown Princes into their puppet.

So we decided that time is up. We will make our move on the next Sovereigns Gathering.

The plan was to kidnap those four – which will be easy, believe me. They have always adored us, and even now they still talk highly of us. We won't need a lot of coaxing to take them with us.

Then we will strike at the Sovereign Gathering. The whole Royal Families and their Guards will be there that day, yet about half of the attendees are – or were – on our side. Our appearance will be more than enough to make them our men, especially if we have hostages.

It will be easy, swift, and clean.

But still, we need to ensure that everything is perfect. One tiny mistake and we could lose not only our lives, but also those who are dear to us.

That is until Vincent showed up that night.

He's one of my trusted friends in the Sapphire Clan, and I know he would never betray me. Why? Simple, he was in love with me. And now, from what I picked up, he seems to be in love with our very own Nathaniel. Not that I mind, Vincent is way better than that creepy old Jerome, who had his eyes on Nathan ever since he’s just a teenager. And that, ladies and gentleman, is a sure guarantee that Vincent will keep his mouth shut and do all he can to stop the appointing.

"There's a huge trouble," Vincent rushed. "Topaz’s Head Guard disappeared last week, alongside his corps."

“Yeah, we know. We get rid of them," Max smugly said, while Mikey simply played with his new pendant, the Head Guard’s symbol. I gave it to him after we’re all back at our place, and he made it his charm ever since, swear that he would take revenge on the Council for letting Leo died in Alvin’s hand.

"I know, I suspected as much. But that's not the real problem!" Vincent snapped.

"Then what is?" Matt asks. He's never one for pleasantries, you see.

"You guys did managed to wipe your traces clean, and they have no idea about your involvement with their death."

Vincent chewed his lips. "However, they found traces of the Azazel there."



A/N: Ahn Chilhyun is portrayed by Kangta, and it's his real name.

Vincent is portrayed by Super Junior's Sungmin, Xia is DBSK/JYJ's Junsu, Nathaniel is Super Junior's Ryeowook, Thomas is SHINee's Taemin, and Louis is CN Blue's Minhyuk

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Authornim,,, please continue this story. This is one of the best fantasy story line i've ever read. Please,,,,,where are you authornim? Please comeback;(;(;(
Chapter 5: Long time no see this story again. Miss this story so much hahahahaha
gyeohyeon #3
Chapter 5: omg i just found this fic ;; update it asap please!!!
Chapter 5: please update author nim >_< really love the story!!
CassiELFAKTF1315 #5
Chapter 4: I'm so excited for this story! I love love love KyuLine! Update soon :)