I saw an angel...

You're Beautiful

Well, this just …

I just got fired from my very nice, very successful, very-well paid job because of some reason I don’t even know… hell, I’m not even sure if my now ex-boss does. He’s just been firing people these days, but of all of them, why did it have to be me today? I work hard and put a lot of effort in this job… well, guess I have to look for another job…

I walked to my car and got in. I tried turning on the engine, but it didn’t start. Huh… I tried again, but it didn’t start. What the hell? Why won’t my car start? I tried once again, but it failed… Great, this is just great. I got fired and now my car wouldn’t start.

I sighted and took out my phone to call a tow truck or something. No battery. WHAT THE ?! Everything was fine this morning! I just wanted to scream… the stress was getting to me… , go away tears! I sat there, thinking of what to do, I needed to relax, and then I remembered…

“Should i?” I asked myself.

I opened the glove compartment and took out my ONLY -let me clear it out- joint. Yeah, I very rarely do this now. I used to do it all the time before entering this company, though at the beginning when it was very stressful I’d light up one of these. Later I didn’t really need them, so I stopped, but I did always save this last one. After this, I’m not really sure what I’ll do. It’s not like I need it… I lit it up and started ‘clearing my head’… I was getting high, but I didn’t care… Now I seem to know what to do, after this I’ll go take the subway home, charge my phone, and so on and so on…

I saw the time on my wristwatch. 1:30?! , I think I fell asleep… oh well, time to get out of here. I tried turning on my car but then I remembered it didn’t start.  … I got out of my car and walked to the subway station.

I walked along with the crowds and crowds of people to get in. some were coming out, but mostly were going in, as I did. Man, it’s very crowded at this time around. Now I remembered why I should have come earlier…

So… crowded… ugh… Ah! Someone touched my ! Who was it? Hmm… no one looks suspicious, perhaps it was an accident… or I’m still high…

I sighted. Why did life suddenly turn on me? Why was I forced to come here? Why was I brought at this place on this moment?! Why was I - - wait… who is THAT?!

Exactly two people in front of me and across stood someone. I don’t know who he is, and I’ve never seen him before. But I’ve never seen such a beautiful man in my life! Yeah, I was gay… so what? But this man… this incredibly, unreal, unbelievably beautiful man… he was around my height, chocolate brown hair, light pink lips, beautiful brown eyes, and his lightly tanned skin… I bet it was really soft… I couldn’t believe such a beauty existed… I could swear he was an angel, of course, with his angelic face.

I looked closely from my spot every detail of his beautiful face, then my eyes dangerously went down. They stopped when they got to his waist. I huffed. Of course, such a beautiful thing shouldn’t be single… behind him stood a taller man, whom I didn’t pay much attention to; he had his hand around the angel’s waist. Yep, this was starting to be the tiest day ever!

I looked over at the middle height man again and my heart skipped a beat… he was smiling at me! I didn’t know what to do, so I just smiled back at him. He dropped his gaze, still smiling. It was the first time I ever saw that smile -of course, it was the first time I saw him too- and man did I love it.  Now I was sure he was an angel.

He looked back up and slightly raised an eyebrow at me. He probably could tell I was high, I’m sure he could… . I looked down and thought of what it would feel like to be in the tall man’s place. If I would ever be in a relationship, I’d be loyal, helpful, lovable, pure love; I would be romantic and always make the other one very happy and smile. I thought of something else, something like a day dream… if I could ever have a chance with this man, I would be the happiest man ever…

But no…

I came back to reality. This angel was with someone else… I couldn’t just walk over to them –mostly because it was quite crowded-. I looked back up at him again. He was pouting at me. Why was he pouting? He looked very cute though. I smiled at him… and he smiled back! As cute as he was pouting, he looked even cuter when he smiled. We kept smiling and looking at each other and, to my surprise, he blushed. He really just blushed and looked away! He’s really, really cute.

After a few seconds – seems like he was taking deep breaths or something- he looked back up at me and I smiled at him for his cuteness, showing my gums. He blushed even more but didn’t look away… he smiled too, showing a line of perfect white teeth. Oh, how I wanted to hold him, to hug him, to feel those pinkish lips, his skin that I bet was soft… but again, I came back to reality when the subway stopped. I saw the taller man say something to the brunette who looked at him and nodded. They started moving and then I realized it… he was leaving…

No! No, no, no, no, no… why was he leaving?! Why?! Why now?! ! ! I cursed in my head, but then sighted and looked down. The crowd was moving. I looked back up, and as if doing it on time or out of luck… he was passing by me.  He was looking directly at me and smiled before he got out. I smiled back… it was as if time stopped for a few seconds. Those few seconds, I wanted them to last forever, not sure if he did, but I definitely did…

He got out of the subway. I wouldn’t see him again… I didn’t know his name or anything about him… all I knew was his beautiful face and his beautiful smile, which will be in my head for the rest of the day… maybe even later, and after that… after some time it might still be there. That moment... we shared a moment and i know it will last forever in my head. But I have to stay in the real world, I have to face the truth… Even I f I think about him for the rest of my life, even if I’ve fallen for such an angelic and beautiful face with just a look, I wont cry or loose any sleep as much as I want to… but I know…

‘I will never be with you…’


So... tell me what you think :D Is it ok? Do you like it? Do you not like it? ^^

I know it's short (i saw it longer on my note book o.O ) but i think it's pretty decent... and it's my first one-shot.

By the way, i only added the "high" part, since the lyrics say "she could see from my face that i was ing/ flying high" and that's the only reason why i did it :P

So yeah, a one-shot... still, you like? Any comments? Requests? Anything you'd like to say is apreciated here ^^

Love you all <3 Thank you all for subscribbing :D

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Chapter 2: I love you!
Chapter 1: Request?.. Yes! please make a sequel!!..
Chapter 1: you have to do make a sequel from donghae's pov. hyuk and hae need to meet.
Chapter 1: This needs the sequel of him fighting to get his angel! XD
remaschan #5
Chapter 1: Poor hyukjae
i really hope he will meet his angel
Chapter 1: I need a sequel >< Let Hyuk and his angel meet again xDD
eunhaeimnida #7
Chapter 1: Sequeeeeel pleeease? aha
hima_kawaii #8
Chapter 1: it's cute.... kkkkk~ what a pity day for hyuk but then he met an angle... kkkkkk~ XXDDD
KriKri #9
Chapter 1: :o I want more! I want a right between Siwon and Eunhyuk! I. Want. A. Sequal. Although this was perfection on its own......

<------ Is conflicted
Oh god, everytime I hit refresh it gets viewed. (.___.) I hit it 3 times, MiAhnHae. ~.~ /innocentchildplayingwithdestrucktivebuttons/