Chapter Sixteen

Born to Love Only You (semi-hiatus)

GD walked in to see Top playing Black Ops online, “Hey dude.”

“What’s up,” Top called over his shoulder as he went back to playing.

GD grabbed a cold drink out of the fridge and then plopped next Top on the couch, “So how are things?”

“What are you talking about,” Top asked as he continued to play.

“You know, between you and your dad,” GD clarified what he was trying to say.

Top shrugged his shoulders as he starred at the screen, “What’s there to say?”

“Well this is the longest time you’ve ever gone without your mom calling and begging for you to come home.”

“Home? This is my home,” Top reminded him.

GD nodded, “I know I know. But it’s been a month man.”


“You’re eating me out of a home.”

“What, I can’t help it if I’m hungry,” Top said as he patted his stomach.

“Well I was thinkin man…”

“What were you thinkin?”

GD cleared his throat, “Well…since this is going to be your home for good. Well…”

“Just say it already man.”

“I’m gonna need you to start paying rent,” GD blurted out.

“But you know I used the last of the cash I had on my date out with CL weeks ago.”

“I know.”

“So…then what are you saying?”

GD sighed, “I’m sayin you need to get a job man.”

“A job?!”

“Yeah, so we’ll be able to afford your eating habits and so you won’t have to keep borrowing money to go out with CL.”

Top nodded his head in agreement knowing that he had been living off of GD for quite a while, “Alright, you’re right man. I’ll start looking for a job tomorrow.”

GD patted Top on the back, “Alright cool.”


Just like Taeyang promised he began to keep an eye on Seungri. Taeyang remembered how surprised he was seeing where Seungri lived. How could he stay mad at him when he finally saw and understood the circumstances he was in?

As he got ready for school that day he heard a knock at the door, “Come in.”

As he did last minute checks in the mirror Minzy walked in.“Hey,” she smiled.

“What’s up?”

Minzy shrugged her shoulders as she plopped onto the bed, “Nothing.”

“Nothing? That doesn’t look like nothing.”

“I’m just wondering,” Minzy started.

“And what are you wondering about?”

“I don’t know. When are you going to start talking to Seungri again?

”Taeyang grinned as he sat next to her, “I knew it wasn’t nothing.”

She pushed on his shoulder, “Taeyang! It’s been a month and you still haven’t talked to him! What kind of best friend are you?”

Taeyang sighed as he got up, “Minzy you don’t understand.”

“I don’t understand? Well then enlighten me.”

“It’s complicated.”

“Try me.”

Taeyang rolled his eyes knowing how persistent Minzy could be, “Fine fine…well I don’t know what to say.”

“You don’t know what to say? How about sorry for starters?”

“Hey he’s the one that should apologize,” Taeyang warned her.

“Why should he apologize? It was for his mom! And besides, it shouldn’t matter who’s right or wrong just talk to him!”

“Damn you sound like you’re my mom or something!”

Minzy stood and placed her hands on either sides of her hips, “If I was your mom I would’ve made you two apologize to each other a month ago!” She paused and spoke softly, “Taeyang he’s going through a lot as you know. I can only be your proxy for so long. What will happen when I leave? Come on Taeyang remember that promise you made with his mom.”

“Alright, alright I will,” Taeyang waved his hands in the air in defeat.

Minzy smiled as she patted Taeyang on the arm, “Good! I know you two have a lot to say to each other.”


Dara had learned through various people about Taeyang’s whereabouts. She didn’t know what overcame her to have such feelings for him. How could she like someone that would never look at her? Better yet, who was he looking at? “Hold the elevator please,” Dara shouted as she ran for it. Right when the doors were about to close an arm stuck out to stop it. Dara sighed with relief, “Thank you.”

She looked to see it was Seungri grinning at her, “You’re welcome.”

As the elevator doors closed Dara just had to ask.“Is Taeyang dating someone?”

Seungri looked at Dara a little puzzled by her sudden question, “Umm…”

Seeing the hesitation in his eyes Dara added, “Well I’ve just heard some rumors about him and I just wanted it clarify it with you since you are his closest friend.”

Seungri nodded his head in understanding, “No he’s not dating anyone. What rumors did you hear?”

Dara grinned hearing that Taeyang was single, “Oh nothing really, just that he was secretly dating someone in the school.” Seungri looked Dara up and down wondering who was giving her this information.“Oh don’t worry I’m not the gossip type. It was more like I overheard some people saying stuff,” Dara lied.

When the elevator came to a stop Seungri turned to Dara before walking out, “Well don’t believe everything you hear.”

“Oh I don’t,” Dara smiled as they walked their separate ways. Dara kept the smile on her face feeling so happy to hear that Taeyang was single. He’s going to be mine in no time, Dara told herself before walking into class.


As Taeyang drove to school he thought out different ways of how to approach Seungri. But each thought came to a dead end. As he walked into the school he avoided the elevator and took the stairs never wanting to look at it. When he reached the door to his classroom he peeked in to see Seungri sitting in his usual spot. Taeyang backed away from the door and didn’t know if he could do this.Apologize? How can I apologize, Taeyang asked himself.

“Taeyang are you coming in,” the teacher asked before entering the classroom.

“Uh…yes sir,” Taeyang took one last deep breath before entering. He took his usual seat by Seungri and leaned over towards him, “Hey let’s talk after.”

Seungri looked surprised at Taeyang and nodded before the teacher began his lecture. The whole time, during lecture, both of them were thinking of things to say to each other. They became used to Minzy being the main communicator between them that speaking to each other just felt awkward.

Before they knew it class was over and they both noticed that they didn’t have any notes. As they walked out of the classroom they both stood face to face with each other.

“So…what’s up,” Seungri asked.

“Umm...” Taeyang began tongue tied and didn’t know what to say.


“Uuhh…”Dang where’s Minzy when you need her, Taeyang thought.

Seungri sighed seeing that things weren’t getting anywhere, “Taeyang I wanna apologize for what I did to you and…”

Taeyang cut in before he could speak her name, “No I wanna apologize. I haven’t been there for you as a best friend should be.”

“But I…”

Taeyang shook his head, “I understand that it was all for unselfish reasons. It was just hard because…because it was easier just to put the blame on you for how things turned out between me and…”

Seungri saw the hurt in Taeyang’s eyes and put a firm hand onto his shoulder, “It’s okay man. Just promise me that we’ll stay brothers forever.”

Taeyang held in his tears and nodded his head, “For sure man, for sure.”


Bom never felt so free in her life like she did now. Without realizing it she had become a well known and respected chef... in the Choi mansion. Mr. and Mrs. Choi would both praise her for such delicious looking and tasting food she had prepared. When Bom wasn't in the kitchen cooking she was out with Mrs. Choi shopping or visiting the spas. She felt as though at times they were her real parents and began to respect them as such.

"Mrs. Choi," Bom called as she entered the kitchen.

Mrs. Choi chuckled hearing Bom's sweet voice, "Dear how many times do I have to tell you? We're family now, you can call me mom and if it makes you feel better you can keep calling my husband Mr. Choi."

Bom smiled as she nodded, "Okay."

"What is it that you need honey?"

Bom shrugged her shoulders as she helped Mrs. Choi prepare lunch, "I was thinking..."

"And what were you thinking?"

"'s just a thought, " Bom started to defend herself.

"And what might that thought be," Mrs. Choi asked as she cocked an eyebrow up.

"Well...could I...could I...," Bom didn't know whether or not if she should ask what she had been thinking about these past weeks.

"Just spit it out already," Mrs. Choi teased seeing Bom stuttering.

"Could I move back to the hotel out in Oceanside," Bom blurted out in one breath. Mrs. Choi paused and had a blank look on her face. Not getting a reaction Bom quickly added, "But if not that's okay I can..."

Mrs. Choi frowned as she cut Bom off, "Am I not fun or cool enough to be with?"

"No no no, I love you just like a mom it's's just that I want to learn to be independent," Bom tried to convince Mrs. Choi.

But she didn't seem to believe her, "Really?"

Bom nodded as she came around to her and gave her a side huge, "I am forever grateful and blessed to have you. That's how I've always lived my life blessed with people that take care of me. But a thought came to me, what would happen to me if all of my wealth and the people who take of me were to disappear? How will I be able to fend for myself? It's not that I don't like living here with you, but that I would like to learn how to take care of myself."

Mrs. Choi sighed as she saw the pleading eyes of Bom, "Alright, I'll talk it over with Mr. Choi."

Bom squealed as she planted a big kiss onto her check and gave her a big huge, "Thank you! Thank you so much!"


Author's Notes:

Happy Valentine's Day to everyone. This is my gift to you all, hope you liked it. Thanks for reading and commenting! <3

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Chapter 25: Update Update please :)
ohayou87 #2
Chapter 25: Give me the drama and Bombae
Chapter 25: About time! I need the drama!

And I KNEW it! Minzy and TOP are siblings which would make Taeyang their cousin which makes the Bom situation all the more complicated. Can'f wait for Taeyang to get to Cali.
Chapter 24: I'm excited for Minzy to go back home so we can see what happens there.

But I miss my BomBae interactions!!!! :(
ohayou87 #5
Chapter 23: Hoepfully we will see some bombae soon! I like that your taking you time seems more real. I'm sorry but Dara needs to stop inviting herself to things and she barely knos bae so she shouldn't get ahead of herself
Chapter 23: Is this even a BomBae story anymore? Lol
Chapter 21: I have to say that Dara is annyonging me in the story...LOL..sorry Dara..i love you and all but i guess i don't like the fact that she just "invites" herself to their gatherings...LOL..I do want bom and taeyang to get back together so top and cl can be together since it seems like cl really does love him...i also want to know more about GD....i want to know about his past too...
Chapter 20: i really bom to end up with taeyang.. I'm rooting for bombae!! taeyang, please search for bom. and dara.. haish.. I'm praying that taeyang wont fall for her..i lore darayang but this time, I want to see taeyang end up together with bom. they deserve to be together..bombae fighting!!
ohayou87 #9
Chapter 20: I thought this story was gone! Im glad I found it again. Hopefully everything works out considering the fact they both have someone. I hope bom and Top talk it out and he will find it she loves Taeyang and happilu ever after. I also don't trust Dara.