Primo Uomo



He looked up and to his side and was greeted by that wonderful, wonderful grin he always craved. He dropped the book and lunged at Jiyong, wrapping him in the biggest hug he’s ever given and giggled. Choi Seunghyun giggled. His giggling subsided and he found his words again. 

“Jiyong! I did it! I made it!”


So I was browsing tumblr and came across a post reblogged from "ImagineyourOTP" and the post was this. 

"Imagine Person A gets a leading role in a school theatre production, while Person B works on tech for the show. Imagine them stealing kisses backstage and Person A accidentally getting theatre makeup all over Person B’s black clothes."

Now me, being me and having the imagination that I do, went off on a lovely daydream of sorts and I decided I had to do something with this. 

Interestingly enough i've only been reading Gtop fics for about a week now and have only been into kpop for maybe a month or so and for some reason i'm completely drawn to and in love with big bang and all the members. I developed a ridiculous attraction to everything that is G-Dragon and in doing so I was almost instantly hooked on GD and T.O.P's interactions. They practically ship themselves, let's be honest here. ;P 

Now, down to business and the part i'm sure you're all more interested in. 

Now the prompt abave does say theatre production, but because Opera is something close to me and something I have much more experience with, I wanted to base it on that instead. It's set during Jiyong and Seunghyun's senior year of college. Seunghyun is majoring in Opera and Jiyong in Costume design. Jiyong is also highly involved in the rest of the techie goodness. They're also best friends and of course totally in love. They're just too chicken to do anything about it. 

I'm not entirely sure how long this will end up being. It could be 1 or 2 chapters, maybe more. It just depends on how things go on my end. 

Now with all that being said, I shall stop talking your heads off and get back to writing! I hope you guys enjoy the story. :) It's kinda my first attempt at gtop and only second attempt at fanfiction in general so i'm hoping it turns out like i'm wanting it to. 

P.S: not sure when i'll be updating but i'll try my hardest to crank it out asap. 







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Atenais #1
Chapter 2: I used to be an opera maniac when I was young. And I still love opera!! So, I'm super happy to see a story with this theme.
I really like to see their relationship developing in a slow pace. It looks more genuine and realistic, since they were friends from beginning.
Taeyang, Seungri and Daesung shouldn't play with his feelings, they could put Seunghyun and Jiyong in an awkward situation. But I suppose men are like that.
I'm curious about this story. Thank you for sharing!
guriasob #2
*giggling* nnnnn goosebumps .... Kkkk cuteness overload *_* *needsmore* giggling
Chapter 2: New reader here!! Omo they're so cute!!! I wonder if the 3 DST (Daesung, Seungri, Taeyang) know about GD's feelings???
usoshigo #4
Chapter 2: OMG so so so cute! :3 I'm looking forward to the next chapter!
Chapter 2: Oh I am smiling like a complete loon right now heeee ^~^ I really like this! It's sweet and their friendship feels so warm and natural. I think I have to say my favourite part of this story is the dynamic Daesug, Taeyang and Seungri have with Seunghyun - they are such goofs and I love the way you write them all together! So hilarious.

Also I have to comment on what you wrote in the foreword because oh gurl, I related so much to you after reading that!!! I've only been into kpop for around six months I think and only just started getting into gtop fanfics the past month or so. But the way it happened sounds exactly the same as you. I fell in love with GD straight away (haha, who wouldn't :p) and then got into GD and TOP and omg you are so right-they totally ship themselves XD but anyways, enough rambling. Just wanted to say that I really enjoy this so far and can't wait to read more from you :D
feilau #6
they are so adorable together :). can't wait for more
Jimakesmesmile #7
FINALLY! A fluffy story from Top's POV XD
Chapter 1: Nice start.
I love it already. Can't wait for more :)